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Everything posted by MrRant

  1. MrRant

    Pictures I Like

    Flair judging by the knee pads.
  2. MrRant


    Are there places to fish in Kansas?
  3. MrRant


    Maybe she just wanted to say fuck you.
  4. MrRant

    a stranger request that i suppose goes here

    I agree. I'm giving you the possibilities. Especially if there is sensitive data at risk, such as credit card numbers etc. Again, unfortunately we would have to break down each individual drug, it's side effect, and the risks one would take to obtain it if not having cash for example. It would be an endless circle as there are some "eh" and some "holy shit, you're fired" drugs. I've never been drug tested except when hired 5 years ago either, but when someone hurts themselves at work they have to submit to a drug test if they report it. It was that way before and that way after we went self insured as there is an effect on the companies insurance rates.
  5. MrRant

    a stranger request that i suppose goes here

    Most companies drug test immediately after an accident due to OSHA/state laws. Even if you aren't high at the time, but have traces, it could deny you any claims or if you were to hurt someone else (say you accidentally knocked down a ladder) and the company was aware that you smoked and you tested positive, there could be a lawsuit after all, who is to say when someone is no longer being affected? The other thing a company would worry about is even if the person only used drugs on their off time (let's say it's Meth as that is the glam one now), what is to stop someone from selling company data/ripping off the company. Again, we are supposing that the management knows of said drug use and allows it to continue without some form of discipline, hence the trip down to HR. I personally don't care what people do on their off time. I have no problem with people smoking pot (except pot heads), but they shouldn't advertise it and a manager should discourage it. Plus MIB, I'm sure that if your work found out you were shooting heroin up on the weekends, they would terminate you. The beauty of a at will employment.
  6. MrRant

    a stranger request that i suppose goes here

    He never walked up to the guy and said that (like smokers even say things like "dude, I had this great dime bag last night" in the first place), it's more of a "if you're doing your job well we don't care" statement on the part of the manager. Unless you work for a company that does weekly drug tests or something like that, it's probably the unspoken policy everywhere. And also, would you be more accepting of an alcoholic simply because it's legal? I'll reiterate. In most major companies if your manager were to find out you are doing drugs, you will probably get tested no matter how good your work is. Why? Liability.
  7. MrRant

    Number 23

    http://www.fearnet.com/video.aspx?movieid=...amp;ref=comcast Curious how he pulls it off.
  8. MrRant

    a stranger request that i suppose goes here

    Obviously Vitamin X has never worked for a real company before as if I went up to my director and just started telling her about the great dime bag I had last night, I don't think she'd be to thrilled. As a matter of fact I think I'd be heading at least down to HR for a form to have my urine sample taken for free.
  9. MrRant

    Football Overtime

    You can keep the NFL's version of OT. Just remove FG's from OT. That would make for some exciting times to choose to throw or punt when you are on the opponents 30.
  10. Like you didn't take everyone's breath away at the cotillion later. When we were younger I'd understand the constant need to feel superior. Now it's bordering unhealthy fixation. That just makes me realize how long we have been posting here if you are referring to our "younger" days.
  11. MrRant

    Pictures I Like

    With the decreasing American-Canadian exchange rate, I have to increase production of anti-Curry posts Have you ever even seen Canadian money or much less visited Canada?
  12. Dude. We get that you want to nail Leena. Calm down.
  13. MrRant

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    Gears has good replay if you enjoy co-op from what I understand. I haven't picked it up yet.
  14. MrRant

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    Gears has good replay if you enjoy co-op from what I understand. I haven't picked it up yet.
  15. MrRant

    New Year's Resolutions?

    You're that desperate to fuck someone aren't you?
  16. MrRant

    Pictures I Like

  17. MrRant

    Pictures I Like

    Take the initiative.
  18. MrRant

    Pictures I Like

    Then move there.
  19. MrRant

    Happy New Year, Chococlate Socket.

    I watched Denis Leary's Locked And Loaded and No Cure For Cancer. On to some Richard Pryor.
  20. MrRant

    Pictures I Like

  21. MrRant

    NFL Week 17

    So I was kinda hoping the Giants would be the 1st round game as I'm a tad bit more comfortable with the Seahawks beating them then Dallas. Oh, well, I'll enjoy the tickets I got and go.
  22. MrRant

    For Smues

    http://content.amplovesyou.net/?vid=102906_05 Enjoy bitches.
  23. MrRant

    MikeSC's Website?

    Does Mike run this?
  24. MrRant

    NFL Week 17

    Titans? WTF.