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Everything posted by MrRant

  1. MrRant

    Pictures I Like

  2. MrRant

    The McKenzie Group.

    Not flip out for being call ALena.
  3. MrRant

    The McKenzie Group.

    Don't you tell us what our cache is like motherfucker.
  4. MrRant

    The McKenzie Group.

    Stop making it so easy then.
  5. MrRant

    *** TSM Forum Rules Updated ***

    6 months may be a bit too long. Give them a month and then the big boot.
  6. MrRant

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    I defended Chris Chandler the same way when people were blaming him for the team losing when he was being perfectly efficient. If a white poster with a fucking falcons flag flying along with a Hawks flag in their sig and being from atlanta had defended vick the same way, would you have asked. Seroiusly? Just wanted to make sure you were just being a fan boy of the team and not a color. You just aren't very open minded to the criticsm of Vick. And it's hard to tell if you though it was just use "honkeys not liking that darkie playing a white position".
  7. MrRant

    The McKenzie Group.

    What is with all the wrestling message board drama?
  8. MrRant

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    Ripper, if Vick were white would you defend him so vehemetly? Seriously.
  9. MrRant

    A Dipset X-Mas

    Wait? That's rap?
  10. MrRant

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    I don't think anyone said he is. However, from the games I've watched he doesn't check all his options all the time before taking off.
  11. MrRant

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    It works providing you can pass first and then run. You would be much better of with a "mobile" QB that can scrable for 5 yards if needed as the last option, not the 2nd.
  12. MrRant

    The McKenzie Group.

    Man in Blak sold out?
  13. MrRant

    A Dipset X-Mas

    EHME and Ripper be beefin' yo.
  14. MrRant


    I have Cablevision and I don't have to pay extra for HD. I only have to pay the $5.00 extra for the box. I have FSNNY and MSG in HD and I barely see anything in HD. Only about 1/3 of the Knick games are in HD and a 1/3 of the Ranger games are in HD. It's bullshit. And MyNetwork is in HD and the only shows they have in HD are the stupid soap operas they have on everynight. And INHD/INHD2 both blow with nothing ever good on them. Atleast HDNet has good movies. They should use some of that bandwith for ESPN2HD. I'd LOVE to have DiscoveryHD and NFL Network HD, but we don't even have NFL Network so I doubt we'll get it in HD anytime soon. Whatever, since it is free, beggers can't be choosers. Directv is at least nice enough to have all of those..sort of. NFL Network is only in HD when theres actually something in HD on. Discovery HD is like watching Discovery Channel reruns from the past 3 or 4 years, and yet still..NO FUCKING MYTHBUSTERS IN HD! Bunch of Retards. ESPN2 is nice in HD..youd be surprised to know that they have DRAG RACING IN HD of all things. I'm glad you are happy with HD Lite. That argument over to AVS is annoying. HD Lite looks miles better than directvs SD programming (which is horrid). And it will get better starting next year when they can add new sats and swtich to MPEG4 completely. Problem is, my HD Tivo will be useless...wah! Im glad there are at least a few people who dont understand the need to have a HD TV hooked up to non-hd programming AND stretching it to fill the screen. You can almost immediately tell if its stretched or HD because everything looks bloated if its stretched. I cant stand that, and Id rather lose 1/5 (approx) of the screen to black bars than to have to deal with that bloating effect. Depends on your TV and the size. Westinghouse for example has a very good fill mode. Not zoom, but fill that doesn't result in everyone looking like a watermelon.
  15. MrRant

    PlayStation 3

    $650!!?! OMG!! That's like...a cheap PC. Or half the price of one of those pieces of crap iMacs Apple makes. People spend a hell of a lot of money on pricier PCs to game on, not counting upgrades. And the price has been beaten to death. Why are we still talking about it? And if you paid for a high-end HD TV...you know, the only type of TV that Blu-Ray movies are going to look any different than DVDs on...then the price is hardly that ridiculous. I "somewhat" agree with the PC thing but very few go out and just buy a PC specifically for gaming. Most PC gamers upgrade components one or two at a time for even the most hardware intensive games so that PC that you've had for 7-8 years is still more cost effective over time.
  16. MrRant

    The McKenzie Group.

    Is there really a point to branding your ONE site? No one is going to see this logo anywhere but here. Well, I don't see it since I AdBlock everything on this site.
  17. MrRant

    Xbox 360

    College Hockey isn't popular enough maybe? Besides the midwest/eastcoast that get snow.
  18. MrRant


    I have Cablevision and I don't have to pay extra for HD. I only have to pay the $5.00 extra for the box. I have FSNNY and MSG in HD and I barely see anything in HD. Only about 1/3 of the Knick games are in HD and a 1/3 of the Ranger games are in HD. It's bullshit. And MyNetwork is in HD and the only shows they have in HD are the stupid soap operas they have on everynight. And INHD/INHD2 both blow with nothing ever good on them. Atleast HDNet has good movies. They should use some of that bandwith for ESPN2HD. I'd LOVE to have DiscoveryHD and NFL Network HD, but we don't even have NFL Network so I doubt we'll get it in HD anytime soon. Whatever, since it is free, beggers can't be choosers. Directv is at least nice enough to have all of those..sort of. NFL Network is only in HD when theres actually something in HD on. Discovery HD is like watching Discovery Channel reruns from the past 3 or 4 years, and yet still..NO FUCKING MYTHBUSTERS IN HD! Bunch of Retards. ESPN2 is nice in HD..youd be surprised to know that they have DRAG RACING IN HD of all things. I'm glad you are happy with HD Lite.
  19. MrRant


    Hence why I said "most of their stuff".
  20. MrRant


    TNT's HD is just a poorly done upconvert on most of their stuff besides the NBA.
  21. MrRant


    What's worse than Marvin really trying, is that he doesn't understand as much as he thinks he does.
  22. MrRant

    You're all nasty bastards.

    Shut up nigga.
  23. MrRant

    Christmas Music

    Burl Ives bitches.
  24. MrRant

    A Dipset X-Mas

    What the fuck is this BALLIN' movement? Are they rebelling against David Stern's movement to make the NBA more marketable to white people? God bless that Jew btw.