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Posts posted by MrRant

  1. Well I'm screwed. I ran that AVG virus thing and after only 1 gig of my computer being scanned I already have 200+ files infected with Win32/Parite.


    EDIT: Make that 300+ and a lot of them are serious files like System32.exe.


    EDIT AGAIN: My God!! My computer will be wiped out if I clean up all this! It was working just fine with the virus there until AVG started going crazy over all the viruses.

    Well it should be able to clean the files without deleting it. You may need to go and actually buy Norton. You can go to Symantec's website and purchase Norton AntiVirus and download it directly.

  2. Someone watches the Screensavers and/or visits the Tech TV website. I do believe this is Patrick Nortons list of stuff from the other night.


    I use Google ToolBar with the pop-up blocker and I don't know why anyone would need/want to use anything else for pop-up blocking.


    I also have Ad-Aware, and I'd say that works fairly well.

    Eh.. don't watch Tech TV very much. The Broadband Reports Security forum is a good place for info.

  3. Wheres the included firewall in XP?

    1.Click Start->Control Panel

    2.Open up the Network Connections Icon

    3.Right-Click On LAN or Highspeed Internet Icon (or the Dial-up Connection if you are using Dial Up)

    4.Click Properties

    5.Click on the Advanced Tab

    6.Check the box for the Internet Connection Firewall

    7.Click Ok.

  4. All programs below are FREE so there is really no excuse not to have some of them.




    AVG Free Edition - Very good program for free. Not as good as Norton or Kaspersky but you should run SOMETHING.


    Avast! - Same as above.


    Panda's 38-in-1 Virus Removal Tool - This gets rid of quite a few of the more common viruses but only those 38. This is something good to run if you can't get online and is small enough to fit on a floppy.


    Trend Micro PC-Cillian Online House Call - Online Virus Scan.


    Panda Platinum 7 Anti-virus - Another good anti virus program that has 1 year of free updates.


    eTrust EZ Armor Security Suite - Includes the eTrust AV program and eTrust Firewall (rebranded ZoneAlarm) which is one that a lot of corporations use and you get 1 year of free updates to the AV and the firewall. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED SOLUTION.


    Trojan Removal


    PC Flank Trojan Scan - Online scan of your system to see if you may have a Trojan.


    TrojanScan.com - Online scan to see if you may be infected with a Trojan.


    Trojan Hunter - Very good program with a 30-day free trial which is just fine if you think you have been infected with one.


    TDS-3 - Same as above. 30-day free trial with some missing features.


    Emisoft On Demand Trojan Scanner Another free on demand Trojan Scanner.





    Zone Alarm - Very good firewall that is easy to use and will keep most stuff from getting in or getting out.


    Sygate Personal Firewall Free - Good free and easy firewall like ZoneAlarm.


    eTrust EZ Armor Security Suite - Includes the eTrust AV program and eTrust Firewall (rebranded ZoneAlarm) which is one that a lot of corporations use and you get 1 year of free updates to the AV and the firewall. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED SOLUTION if you don't already have a firewall and antivirus you are currently using.


    Kerio Personal Firewall - Rules based firewall like Zone Alarm. More powerful as far as rule sets but not for the beginner.


    Note: XP users please for the love of God at least turn on the included firewall. Please? It's better than nothing.


    System Scans - See what is open on your computer and where you may be open to attack.


    BroadbandReports Port Scan - See what ports are open on your computer.


    PC Flank Stealth Test - Make sure your computer is unseen to the outside world.


    PC Flank Browser Test - See if your browser reveals any of your personal information.


    PC Flank Exploits Test - This test will detect how vulnerable your computer is to exploits attacks.


    PC Flank Advanced Port Scanner - This test will scan your system for open ports that can be used in attacks on your computer.


    GRC LeakTest Program - Good test to make sure your firewall is behaving as it should.


    GRC ShieldsUP! - Another firewall scan to see what ports are opened or not.




    Spyware/Adware Removing Tools


    Spybot S&D - One of the most up-to-date removal tools you can get. You'll find a lot of crap on your computer


    Ad-Aware - Good program. Not as good as Spybot but will pick up some stuff Spybot might miss. Same with Spybot picking up stuff Ad-Aware misses.


    Spyware Blaster Another spyware removal tool. Free but I haven't tried it yet.


    HijackTHIS - Removes browser hijacking (redirecting to other sites like Casino site when you are trying to go to Google.com etc).




    Mozilla 1.4 - Includes pop-up blocking in the browser itself.


    Mozilla Firebird - Really cool. Has pop-up blocking AND tabbed browsing. Tabbed browsing owns.


    Avant Browser - Addon to Internet Explorer and adds pop-up blocking and you can have multiple browser windows. Updated constantly.


    Opera - Good browser and very fast. There is a free version with a ad banner so if it doesn't bother you then its a good choice as well.


    E-mail Clients


    Incredimail - Has cool features like backgrounds, handwritten sigs, etc.


    Eudora - Alternate to Outlook and Outlook Express which most viruses are targeted at. Free version has small 3/4" add in the lower right but not really noticable. Paid version also includes SPAM filter.


    Mozilla 1.4 - Includes pop-up blocking in the browser itself plus includes Communicator E-mail client that is very good.




    SPAM Blockers


    Mailwasher - Good program. I use this at home. You run it before you check e-mail with your e-mail client and it will automatically tag e-mail as SPAM (you can also add stuff to blacklist) and can bounce the e-mail back and also delete it before it hits your Inbox. The bouncing is good because it gives the appearance that your e-mail addy doesn't exist. Free version only checks one account. Note: This is for POP3 e-mail (ie. Hotmail, Yahoo mail is not available but the Paid version can check Hotmail.)


    Shoot The Messenger - A small (only 22Kb, takes five seconds to download on a slow connection) and simple to use program that will stop Windows Messenger Service spam (gray boxes that appear in the middle of the screen.)



    Pop Up Blocking


    Google Toolbar - Add-on for Internet Explorer. Google Labs has some cool shit and the newest thing included in their Toolbar is pop up add blocking. Easy to use and install/uninstall.


    Pop-Up Stopper Free Edition - I've heard this works fairly well but I have never used it personally.




    You should at least get one of the virus scanners and one of the firewalls I posted. You will do yourself a favor by being somewhat protected from viruses and worms like MSBlast and SoBig. I am amazed at how many people foolishly run their computers with no protection whatsoever and end up fucking over everyone else in the process.

  5. SYDNEY (Reuters) - Former U.N. chief weapons inspector Hans Blix now believes Iraq (news - web sites) destroyed its weapons of mass destruction 10 years ago and that intelligence agencies were wrong in their weapons assessment that led to war.


    In an interview with Australian radio from Sweden, Blix said the search for evidence of biological, chemical or nuclear weapons would probably only uncover documents at best.


    "The more time that has passed, the more I think it's unlikely that anything will be found," Blix said in the interview, which was broadcast on Wednesday.


    "I'm certainly more and more to the conclusion that Iraq has, as they maintained, destroyed almost all of what they had in the summer of 1991," Blix said.


    In 1991, the United Nations (news - web sites)' International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) found what it called a secret nuclear weapons program in Iraq. It spent the next seven years dismantling Baghdad's nuclear capability, until its inspectors were thrown out of Iraq.


    Before ordering the invasion that toppled President Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), President Bush (news - web sites) referred to an imminent threat posed by Iraqi weapons of mass destruction as a prime justification for war.


    "In the beginning they talked about weapons concretely, and later on they talked about weapons programs...maybe they'll find some documents of interest," Blix said.


    Blix spent three years searching for Iraqi chemical, biological and ballistic missiles as head of the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission.


    U.N. inspectors left Iraq in March this year as American and British forces prepared to invade. Calls for their reinstatement have been denied, with the U.S. occupation authorities preferring instead to set up their own body, the Iraq Survey Group.


    After more than five months of searching, no weapons of mass destruction have been found by the Iraq Survey Group, which consists of about 1,500 experts.


    U.S. officials said in July that the search had uncovered documents pointing to a program to develop such weapons.


    But the U.S. media network ABC News reported on Monday that a draft report by the Iraq Survey Group provides no solid evidence that Iraq had such arms when the United States invaded.


    The U.S. government has consistently said the search for weapons of mass destruction will take time and that it is confident evidence will eventually be uncovered.

  6. PARIS - Lots of things have been done in the name of world peace. Here's one that hasn't been tried in nearly 40 years.


    Yoko Ono (news) will invite an audience today in Paris to cut off her clothing with scissors in the name of world peace. The "Cut Piece" performance repeats a legendary show she did in 1964, well before she met and married late Beatles' star John Lennon (news).


    The 70-year-old Ono will stand on stage alone and ask each member of the audience to silently cut a piece of her clothing and "send it to the one you love."


    Ono says the events since Nine-Eleven have made her feel "terribly vulnerable." She says the performance is her hope for world peace.

  7. Brothers,


    I thank you for worshipping the day that the Great Reverend was birthed. May the good Lord Bundy give thou many serving wenches in the afterlife.


    As I looked upon my day of birth whilst drinking the Golden Nectar of hops, barely and yeast I thanked the Shoe One for having my day fall upon FOOTBALL~! Sunday.


    There were weenie tots a plenty and I had beer brought to me on command from my woman as I scratched and belched my way through a extra-large 3x cheese and 2x pepperoni pizza dripping with so much grease you had to take asprin before eating to make sure your blood was thin enough for you not to have a heart attack.


    I hope all my other Brothers had a great Bundy Sunday Football Day as well.


    Go Seahawks.
