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Posts posted by MrRant

  1. I'm currently in my first dynasty at 8-0 and #12 in the country as Penn State. I've already beaten 3 Top 25 teams and my next game is against #1 Ohio State.


    My LOLB as 22~! sacks so far. My WR has over 1500yds receiving with 17 TDs and my QB is at 2300 yds passing. Too bad my QB is a senior and will leave next season.


    My D is BADASS. Average yards against me for the season is like 150. This is on All Pro. My DT/DE's are just monsters and get such a good push that my LBs just have clear paths to the QB or HB.


    That an no one trys to pass on my very often since my secondary just shuts everyone down.


    I'm not sure if I can beat Ohio State though since my last game was against Iowa and it went into 4 OT and like Ohio State they outrank me in the catergories ( A to my B+ etc.).


    Should be a fun game that will determine if I can get a good bowl game.

  2. Ahh... yes.... Morons who just freaking can't be bothered to UPDATE THEIR GODDAMN COMPUTER AND FUCK OVER MY LIFE AND MAKE ME WORK.

    It's not so much that, as we get new virus definitions hourly, based on the Army's contract with Symantec, and we have the latest SAV and a firewall in place. Exchange does a poor job of filtering infected emails, even in conjunction with SAV, and when people see an email titled "Your account" from "[email protected]," they open it. For some reason, not everyone had the virus definitions that would have stopped that in its tracks. We also have several users connecting remotely who don't get the network updates, and a lot of them got hit. And since they have to call in and do their updating over 56k, the whole thing was quite a bitch.

    Oh... we had the new updates. Of course our remote users didn't. Got to the point I just mailed some out a CDR with the patch and FixBlast on them.

  3. I work for the government. Enough said.


    Though I will say, now that the script kiddies and virus writers have decided to take a break, I've been able to return to the glorious feeling of doing next to nothing all day.

    Ahh... yes.... Morons who just freaking can't be bothered to UPDATE THEIR GODDAMN COMPUTER AND FUCK OVER MY LIFE AND MAKE ME WORK.

  4. Basically, the better half said that if I didn't bring home the Two Towers DVD via a "midnight madness" sale at the local video store tonight that one of us was going to get a beating, and it wasn't going to be her.


    Did anyone else go buy Frodo and friends at the stroke of midnight, or am I the only loser?...

    You are more pussy whipped than I thought. Tell her you'll give her the sequel to your right fist if she doesn't shut the hell up. Unless you are the bitch?
