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Posts posted by MrRant

  1. This is like the 8th or 9th time.  You think by now he would learn.

    I wasnt speeding though. I passed by numberous poilce officers that didnt care. He just had a thing with me because he had pulled me over before. Going 73 in a 65 zone is NOT speeding. So you cant use the "slow the fuck down dumbass" shit in this situation because that wasnt speeding.

    Hold on... did the sign say "65 but if you want... go faster"? Or did it say:




  2. norway, clearly.


    rant, could you post a link to a thread you feel you made a worthwhile contributiuon to? i don't visit here that often but in the times i do, i've never seen you post anything of worth, just ignorant comments. i'm fully prepared to stand corrected, i instinctively feel you should have something to say.

    You missed the Elect Jimmy Dean campaign didn't you?

  3. fuck you chavez, there's more to the norwegian music scene than humming in a barrel. royksopp? lene marlin? bjorn berge? sort your ignorance out, you fuck faced loser. ever heard of the oslo spektrum? no? well, the oslo spektrum is one of norway's largest live-music venues. just behind oslo city shopping center, it attracts big names, such as alanis morissette and rod stewart. you think legends like that hum in a barrel you flange?

    Alanis Morissette is a legend? Where?

  4. Errr that's probably because Blake isn't really a scrambling quarterback....I mean not every black qb is a scrambler.  :D Warren Moon wasn't.

    And for that, he's one of the all-time greats.


    But interestingly enough, most scrambling QBs are black from Cunningham to Vick...

    There is a funny... yet kindof racist joke in there somewhere..... but with how many oversensitive teenagers this board has........

  5. Excuse me while I laugh all the way to the bank.


    You guys really need to understand what you are talking about. Cable will own DBS for awhile.


    Such ignorance. MTV X wasn't changed by Comcast... try the people who, you know... OWN the channel (MTV).


    And by some of these "stories" that I am seeing are outright exaggerated from you guys. Any place will give you credit for downtime its usually a federal and state law.


    Next time... please know what you are talking about.


    Thank you.

  6. So Pixar leaving means Disney will do a bunch of shitty Direct To Video Toy Story sequels.


    Perhaps even a cell animated Toy Story 3 released in theaters as an lame attempt to revive their animation.

    Lame? Emperor's New Groove was not lame. That last move Lilo and Stich wasn't that bad.


    Disney will never die and the people who think it will are obviously not well informed of the business side of Disney.

  7. By MIKE SCHNEIDER, Associated Press Writer


    ORLANDO, Fla. - Investigators are examining whether a note stating baseball slugger Ted Williams wanted to be frozen after his death was forged, and if so, whether a crime was committed, a prosecutor said Wednesday.


    The inquiry is the result of a criminal complaint made last year by the husband of Williams' eldest daughter and renewed after Sports Illustrated reported new details on the state of Williams' body.


    The grease-stained note is signed by Williams, his son, John Henry Williams, and his daughter, Claudia Williams. Its origin is being examined by the State Attorney's Office that covers Citrus County, where Williams lived, said Ric Ridgway, chief assistant state attorney in Ocala.


    His office will decide whether to do nothing or pursue a full criminal investigation.


    "I'm trying to clarify what the allegation was, if the note was signed the way the note was presented it was signed, and how the note was used," Ridgway said.


    Bobby-Jo Williams Ferrell challenged the decision to send her father's body to an Arizona cryonics company where it was frozen after his July 5, 2002 death, claiming the slugger's 1996 will made clear he wanted to be cremated and his ashes scattered off the Florida coast.


    After running out of money to pay her legal bills, she dropped the challenge in December and reached a settlement with her siblings.


    Her husband, Mark Ferrell, said Wednesday that affidavits have been presented to investigators from two of Ted Williams' caretakers who claim Claudia Williams wasn't at the hospital on Nov. 2, 2000, the day the note is dated, and that she didn't know her father was hospitalized until a couple of days later.


    "I think the witnesses we have and the documentation we have can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt ... that the note is a complete fraud," Ferrell said.


    Ridgway said even if it's determined the note was forged, it doesn't necessarily mean a crime was committed since the law is very specific about what documents must be forged for the act to be criminal.


    John Henry Williams' attorney has said his client left the note for an extended period of time in some files in his car trunk, where it was stained by oil or grease. Neither he nor his attorney, Eric Abel, returned phone messages Wednesday.


    Claudia Williams has an unlisted number and could not be reached for comment.


    Sports Illustrated reported this week that Ted Williams was decapitated by surgeons at the cryonics company where his body is suspended in liquid nitrogen, and several samples of his DNA are missing.


    The magazine's report, appearing in the issue that hit newsstands Wednesday, is based on internal documents, e-mails, photographs and tape recordings supplied by a former employee of Alcor Life Extension Foundation.


    Science fiction writer Charles Platt, a consultant to Alcor Life Extension Foundation, disputed the magazine's report. He said the DNA samples can't be missing because, "I can say with total certainty that Alcor has never taken a DNA sample of anyone."


    The article also says Williams' head was shaved, drilled with holes and accidentally cracked 10 times. Carlos Mondragon, a director at Alcor, said microscopic cracking is part of the freezing process.


    Mondragon described one of the magazine's main sources, former chief operating officer Larry Johnson, as a disgruntled employee.


    Paula Lemler, the wife of Alcor President Jerry Lemler, said her husband is undergoing chemotherapy treatment and could not comment.



    They have a fucking SCIENCE FICTION writer as a CONSULTANT? WTF?
