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Everything posted by Crowe

  1. Crowe

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    In your oh so humble opinion that holds the weight of a feather, of course.
  2. Crowe

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

  3. Crowe

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Region 4, mate. All Angel and Buffy DVDs were selling for $35 at Kmart, including S7 of Buffy. Quite an excellent deal. Here's a better one for all you Aussies though... http://dvdcrave.com/products/info.jsp?pid=35 Click the link, you'll see what I mean.
  4. Crowe

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I've had my two Season 4 box sets for two weeks now... and I got them at $35 AUS a piece.
  5. Crowe

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

  6. Crowe

    Leon Sharpe to run for President in 2008

    You have my vote.
  7. Crowe

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Birthday wishes, Zed.
  8. Crowe

    How long can IL stay sober?

    Sometimes when I can't be bothered going on a rant or explaining the diff, I just say I'm simply "trading one vice for the other".
  9. Crowe

    How long can IL stay sober?

    And what Kibagami wrote is some great advice.
  10. Crowe

    How long can IL stay sober?

    Mainly, it's the anger I've developed over the fact that since I'm a smoker, I get alienated in society. And I get hassled over "harming" others. And I get hassled to quit 'cause it's bad for you! Yet, the people tell me this drink heavily and binge on the weekend. It's the double standard. Even though alcohol is horrible for your body, destroys families, kills, causes fatal accidents, impairs judgement and let's not forget, causes cancer, there are still no proper warnings present on bottles and cartons and there are no restrictions on advertising at all. This disgusts me. Why does the tobacco industry get clamped down while the alcohol industry gets away scott-free? It's the double standard. This is basically the reason for my hatred of alcohol, and the fact that it turns gentlemen into jackasses and ladies into whores. I tell IL to lay off the alcohol because becoming an addicted smoker is no way near as bad as becoming an alcoholic. My. Two. Cents.
  11. Crowe

    How long can IL stay sober?

    "Phft. I give you 'til right... about... now... light up, bitch~!" What? You think I would encourage you to stay sober? Ahahahahahahah! Though, get off the alcohol.
  12. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    You're talking currently. Sucky sucker.
  13. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    That's because you suck, Austin.
  14. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    I'm alone with a Victorian... and he's not greek or asian. Damn, what are the chances of that?
  15. Crowe

    Hey Tom Flesher!

    I wish I had his chin. That chin pulls the women.
  16. Crowe

    Max King

    ... Ok.
  17. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    Spike sucks. Chat rocks.
  18. Crowe

    The Finisher Thread

    *no sells Toxxic in general*
  19. Crowe

    The Finisher Thread

    It was a fair trade since I made you tap out to my sharpshooter two times in as many matches.
  20. Crowe

    The Finisher Thread

    I had two finishers you could kick out of/avoid. The Bret Hart Level Of Death Sharpshooter and the Evenflow Moonsault (which was later moved to signature moves due to lack of use). So shut your pie hole.
  21. Crowe

    The SWF 'Half Year' Thread

    I enjoyed writing the few promos and matches I posted on my return (where I was going to feud with IL), I particularly liked my "She" promo. Other than that... a highlight.... ... Quitting.
  22. Crowe

    The Finisher Thread

    Well, I took his title in the same match, so I think it's a fair trade. And then I kicked out of his finisher in the next match.
  23. Crowe

    The Finisher Thread

    The Antichrist Superstar, Crow's Finisher Natural Born Chaos (Jumping Brainbuster Suplex) The attacker applies a front face lock on the victim and throws the victim's near arm across their shoulders. The attacker grabs the victim's tights and lifts them straight up in the air so they are upside down. The attacker then jumps in the air, kicks his legs out and falls onto his back, causing the victim to fall straight down on their head at a neck-breaking angle. I wish for this to be added. To this day, only one wrestler (Sean Atlas) has ever kicked out of it. I spent my entire career building it up as an "instant-death" finisher and would love for it to be immortalised and not stolen. Thank ye.
  24. Crowe

    Thoth's Audio SHow Predictions record

    Andrea, your signature is a plague on mankind.
  25. Crowe

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    It's only fun if I'm in the room. And... possibly Strangler. Heh, happy birthday, dear.