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Everything posted by BifEverchad

  1. BifEverchad

    A Small History of My Declined Interest

    John Cena is the Jonas Brothers of wrestling. I hate him. I don't give a shit about how much merchandise he sells, I never bought any of it.
  2. BifEverchad

    Guitar Hero World Tour

    I got my first taste of DLC as I received a Points card for Christmas.. Nirvana pack (You Know You're Right, Negative Creep and Silver) Blind Melon - "No Rain" Pretty awesome!
  3. BifEverchad

    Attitude Era Timeline in your opinion?

    Oh, and Goldust debuted at In Your House 4 in Winnipeg (Oct 95) a month before that. and he had black ears.
  4. BifEverchad

    NHL - January 2009

    Luongo will come back, prove that he is not only the MVP of Vancouver, but eventually go on to win the Hart Trophy... all the while, setting up a VAN-MON Stanley Cup Final! I'm not drunk either.
  5. BifEverchad

    Rock Band!

    Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups is my new favorite song to play.
  6. BifEverchad

    Attitude Era Timeline in your opinion?

    In my humble opinion, the Attitude Era started in February of 1997 with Bret shoving Vince, and saying "This is BULLSHIT!" on RAW....to around the union of HHH and Stephanie's marriage which of course started the next "Era", being the McMahon/Helmsley Era.
  7. BifEverchad

    NHL - January 2009

    That was sad.. Poor Vancouver.
  8. BifEverchad

    NHL - January 2009

    Devils-Canucks game: http://atdhe.net/live-tv-2.php?i=640
  9. BifEverchad

    NHL - January 2009

    Ah, I just starting watching a stream rather than keeping an eye on CBS Sports.. AWESOME! are we allowed to talk about/share those or is that frowned upon?
  10. BifEverchad

    NHL - January 2009

    3 goals on 12 shots.. Wouldn't really surprise me if he's not back out for the 2nd.
  11. BifEverchad

    NHL - January 2009

    Those pesky Devils are all up in Labarbera's grill. PARISE, ROLSTON, ZAJAC! They have 8 shots between 'em in like 10 minutes..
  12. BifEverchad

    NHL - January 2009

    I just seen on the NHL Network that the All-Star Breakaway Challenge participants were announced: - Alexander Ovechkin (WSH) - Sidney Crosby (PIT) - Patrick Kane (CHI) - Alexei Kovalev (MON) - Ryan Getzlaf (ANA) and yeah, the Habs were man-handled again tonight by those fucking Bruins. It's a tough battle, but I regretfully cheered 2 Bruins tonight for fantasy purposes... Damn me.
  13. BifEverchad

    2009 Hall of Fame

    Yes, as 98% of the audience ponders.."Why is FAAROOQ up there?"
  14. BifEverchad

    NHL - January 2009

    I could careless.. Fuck building for "the future"... THE FUTURE IS NOW!
  15. BifEverchad

    NHL - January 2009

    This Lacavalier deal has made me giddy since I heard it Monday evening. I'm not jumping the gun, but it's been a fantasy acquisition of mine since Gainey/Carbo came on board. Last year there was some talk, but no actions. Over the summer - Lacavalier signed, TB drafted Stamkos (who has been as impressive as a wet fart), Melrose tanked and the team looks worse and worse on a nightly basis. So it would be understandable if Vinnie finally comes to his sense and says, "Yes, I want a trade". If it happens, I won't plan the parade but I'll sure as hell get me a brand new Habs jersey.....but if he goes to Montreal, what number would he wear? A Deal I could Deal with: To TAMPA BAY Christopher Higgins (C,LW) Tomas Plekanec (C.) P.K Subban (D) and two draft picks (1st and 3rd round) To MONTREAL Vincent Lacavalier (C.) Steve Eminger (D)
  16. BifEverchad

    Oscar Nominations Thread

    The Dark Knight will be nominated for Best Picture. Yeah....
  17. BifEverchad

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    Yeah, 15 minutes. Crap.. Later!
  18. BifEverchad

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    I have to admit, I don't usually watch RAW very much at all anymore. But usually around this time they do start to pick it up, and I do like some of what I have seen the past couple of weeks. God damn it, I'm watching in Canada...there's a delay?
  19. BifEverchad

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    The Starrcade DVD looks pretty cool...
  20. BifEverchad

    2009 Hall of Fame

    I'm sorry but Paul Boesch will not be inducted into the HOF.
  21. BifEverchad

    Batista out of Wrestlemania

    Zuh....what's with all this Austin talk? and vs. Cena no less?
  22. BifEverchad

    Michael Jackson Near Death?

  23. BifEverchad

    NHL Thread - December

    They still have Steve Mason!
  24. BifEverchad

    Celebrities I Fuckin' Hate!

    I just find he's a fucking idiot.
  25. BifEverchad

    Celebrities I Fuckin' Hate!

    I'll only name a few, since it is the Christmas season. But for now, I truly hate thee.. and for my fellow Canadians out there: