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Giuseppe Zangara

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Everything posted by Giuseppe Zangara

  1. Giuseppe Zangara

    What do YOU think?

    The station's resident metalhead is away for the winter break. Sorry. EDIT: And I swear to christ, I am not mentioning this board on the air.
  2. Giuseppe Zangara

    What do YOU think?

    Right this very second. You have a wonderful singing voice. I'm also a helluva songwriter who fucked Janis Joplin.
  3. Giuseppe Zangara

    What do YOU think?

    Right this very second.
  4. Giuseppe Zangara

    What do YOU think?

    So you people better fucking listen. Plus, it's my birthday tomorrow. Give me this gift.
  5. Giuseppe Zangara

    The Darkness

    My beef with The Darkness is not that it's hair metal, rather, that it's been embraced by legions of people who'd rather not admit that Poison had some good songs. Hair metal is not "cool" by indie standards, but too many friggin' indie kids think this band is, somehow, okay. I wouldn't mind if, ya know, the Darkness didn't suck.
  6. Giuseppe Zangara

    What do YOU think?

    Hey, go to this place: http://stream.unf.edu:8080/ramgen/wosp/wosp.smil I'll be on shortly.
  7. Giuseppe Zangara

    What do YOU think?

    For years and years, if I ever thought I was gonna be in a band, that band would be named Spork. I assure you it would've been better than Bjork, too.
  8. Giuseppe Zangara

    Marijuana Lounge

    I think I cannot get high off of a joint anymore; bongs/pipes still seem to work. I rarely smoke--I think I'd only need one hand to count the number of times I got high within the last year--so I'm at a loss as to why I need something stronger just to feel a buzz.
  9. Giuseppe Zangara

    Marijuana Lounge

    I failed to mention that every other time I've been high, my friends and I discuss the serialized Fitzgerald in latest issue of Collier's.
  10. Giuseppe Zangara

    Where Is Mario?

    May he never come back.
  11. Giuseppe Zangara

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    Dames deserves countless awards for shutting down that goddamn "Person Above You" thread.
  12. Giuseppe Zangara

    Marijuana Lounge

    Saw Fantasia 2000 at IMAX a few years back, after smoking out in a poorly lit section of the parking lot. My only clear memories of the night are 1) making fun--quite loudly--of the may-or-may-not-have-been retarded child who was sitting in the row in front of us; and 2) being shocked by the surround-sound type system they had in the auditorium. In one scene, Mickey was somewhere off-screen, talking to the on-screen Steve Martin. With the Mouse's voice coming very clearly from the right side of the theatre, I quickly turned my head to check what was going on. Upon realizing my folly, I laughed and laughed and laughed, to the point tears were coming out of my eyes. It helped that, at the time, it was the first time I smoked pot in like five years.
  13. Giuseppe Zangara

    TSM Christmas Party

    I would've just masturbated.
  14. Giuseppe Zangara

    Polite Request to the Recappers/Mods...

    It's okay to yell "scrubbers" at schoolgirls, right?
  15. Giuseppe Zangara

    Polite Request to the Recappers/Mods...

    I've seen Withnail & I several times. I think I'd get by alright in England.
  16. Giuseppe Zangara

    TSM Christmas Party

    I'll be 25 in four days. And this must be one hell of a story, Piss. You've been viewing this thread for a long ass time.
  17. Giuseppe Zangara

    TSM Christmas Party

    I'm currently screwing an 18-year-old. That she's tall makes me feel like less of a dirty old man.
  18. Giuseppe Zangara

    What was your best gift?

  19. Giuseppe Zangara

    so..um... Merry Christmas

    Just listen to The Flowers of Romance. Always puts me in bright spirits.
  20. Giuseppe Zangara

    so..um... Merry Christmas

    I'm about to go to a club and get trashed. While thinking of Jesus.
  21. Giuseppe Zangara

    How was your year?

    Had sex a number of times. Got drunk a lot. Went to NYC for the CMJ Music Festival. No complaints here, man.
  22. Giuseppe Zangara

    The Royal Blue

    Hey, I never read the "*Real* TSM" thread after the first couple of pages, so I'll assume the fifteen that followed were really awesome. Or really stupid. It's probably the latter.
  23. Giuseppe Zangara

    100 Most Important People in Popular Music

    Wrong. After the success of Nirvana, it became, for better or worse (usually the latter), okay for mainstream music to have sad/angry/depressing lyrics. Without Nirvana's ascent into popularity--and Cobain's ensuing icon status--the airwaves wouldn't be glutted with all this nĂ¼ metal bullshit. All that crap you hear on FM rock radio is thanks to Nirvana.
  24. Giuseppe Zangara

    Explain THIS TO ME

    And that's the only line I found remotely amusing in what I recall of that thread.