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Giuseppe Zangara

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Everything posted by Giuseppe Zangara

  1. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I'm certain you know I don't follow football.
  2. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Yeah, I just saw it.
  3. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Only if you can find the original picture. I lost it a long time ago.
  4. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Words are meaningless; intent is not.
  5. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

  6. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I'm not familiar with that spelling of it, but... Learn more about it here.
  7. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Incandenza >Kotzenjunge >Kingpk >Your Olympic Hero >Bruiser Chong >bps "The Truth" 21 >ian. >Sakura >BorneAgain >Nevermortal >Flyboy >The Mighty Damaramu >Astro101 >Random Hero >Zeduck >JMA >Nightscrawler >the 1inch punch >The Superstar >Zero_Cool >MideonMark >Kibagami >Ravenbomb >IMarkForD'Lo >JN News >bravesfan >Swift Terror >frozenblockofpissreborn >The Dames >dpac >Super Leather >HellSpawn >ArkhamGlobe >justsoyouknow >B. Dids >RVDMARK4:20 >CanadianChris >Chuck Woolery >KanadianKrusty >ravman77 >Powerplay >caboose >Downhome >bort >LME >Mr. Adam >cmclennan >G_Money >Bricks >Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye >LaParkaMarka >kelloggs >R2DFooster McSockman >AM The Kid >stardust >cartman >Lonewolf218 >Kid Kablam >Will Scarlet >Reverb >DEAN RASMUSSEN >HungryJack >Trevor567 >tpww7 >ShooterJay >cue_meanie Any four of the above.
  8. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    1. I stopped posting for awhile for two reasons: a) my two favorite people here--Kinetic and LooseCannon--stopped/eased up their posting; b) regardless, I was finding this board pretty fucking dull. Their absence didn't help. As for the radio program, I don't know why you're getting an error. Speaking of which, http://www.ospreyradio.tk. I'll be on this Sunday at 7pm EST! 2. I would've done this thread prior to my hiatus, but never did, for whatever reason. When I decided to just stop coming here, I started the Incandenza's Shit List thread in NHB, which managed to cheese a few people off, much to my delight. For a couple of hours, anyway. When I checked up on the thread the next day, it had turned into a bunch of nerds girly slapping each other. Still, I wanted to do more with the thread--I could've kept it fresh for a couple of days, at least--but I wound up getting distracted by my personal life. That, and my increasing dissatisfaction with the board.
  9. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Didn't you already ask this?
  10. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I just realized I skipped some questions, sorry. Anyway, to answer this one, Choken One, hands down. Thank god. Does that mean I'm cool or hip or whatever jove saying you youngsters use nowadays? Back when you posted all the fucking time, you never said anything that made me want to smother babies--well, you might've, but I never saw/can't recall it--so that makes you miles above most of this board's residents. uh...good. that's how I feel about you as well. I'd hug you, but lumberjacks smell.
  11. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

  12. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Never been. I'm often told I'm missing out on a good time, but I can't be bothered to care.
  13. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Oh man. I don't want to agonize over this one, so I'll just say "Psycho Killer," by the Talking Heads.
  14. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Hanging. Seems a lot more romantic than shooting yourself (and less messy; though I may no longer care about this world, I'd hate for my loved ones to clean up after me), and a lot more effective than O.D.ing.
  15. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    With great pleasure.
  16. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I like you a lot more when I don't think about you. Why don't you want to think about me? I'm playful, witty, intelligent and an all round good guy. Quit seeking my approval.
  17. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Relieved Randall.
  18. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    First question: A refelection of what they see in magazines, on televesion, and even in toy stores. I mean, have you seen this? These are dolls, for kids. Second question: Eh, I don't care enough about this one.
  19. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Hmm. Are those terms interchangable? The only way I'm familiar with the term "bootlegger" is not the way you seem to be asking. And if by masher, you mean those people who take elements of a different songs and combine them into a new song, then I would say yes, there is an art to that, even if I feel the novelty of it wore off awhile ago. If I'm missing the point, please let me know.
  20. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I like you a lot more when I don't think about you.
  21. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    To smother it? No need. They're small enough that I can do it alone.
  22. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I just realized I skipped some questions, sorry. Anyway, to answer this one, Choken One, hands down. Thank god. Does that mean I'm cool or hip or whatever jove saying you youngsters use nowadays? Back when you posted all the fucking time, you never said anything that made me want to smother babies--well, you might've, but I never saw/can't recall it--so that makes you miles above most of this board's residents.
  23. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

  24. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I'm not in it for the money, man.
  25. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    You dork. Oh, am I making a mockery of Friendster? Of my 22 "friends" (you'll make it 23, Danny), I only know eight of them in real life. Another two are actually gimmicks, one of which is my own.