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Giuseppe Zangara

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Everything posted by Giuseppe Zangara

  1. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    No. No, I won't.
  2. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Andy Partridge's affected vocal tics--they would vanish on the next album. Those awful keyboards. Shoddy production. Just poor songwriting. And, a couple songs aside, I didn't like Oranges & Lemons, either.
  3. Giuseppe Zangara

    Who else is drunk?

    Did you die of alcohol poisoning?
  4. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Yellow is the color morning urine. Obivously, selling your product as a piss fruit is poor marketing.
  5. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Women should be seen and not heard. Go do the dishes or something.
  6. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I would, easily. What they said about Lincoln in Fight Club was a load.
  7. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I am unfamiliar with this show, but I'll go with 28. As for a lucky object, I have a rabbit's foot. Nothing like the classics, especially when I removed that damn rabbit's foot myself.
  8. Giuseppe Zangara

    Were you to take a drug test right now...

    After last night, I wouldn't.
  9. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Kudos to the person behind it.
  10. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    You're such a kidder. I laughed.
  11. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Though there are sections of Bitches Brew that surpass it on this front, In a Silent Way is Miles Davis' most atmospheric, dream-like album. Something about the other-worldliness of it appeals to me in a way the other albums do not (not that Davis hasn't made other great records). Those keys are like honey, man, and check out that guitar in the title track! I believe there is nary moment more heavenly in his catalog than that. Just my opinion, of course.
  12. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    a) And so did Dames, Jhawk and A---a. Ask _____ threads aren't exclusive to this board. b) I know you're just taking a piss, but this allows me to say that I seriously don't get why people say we were basically the same person. Our posting styles were different, and, as for the music thing, we actually disagreed over a lot. Plus, I believe I listened to a lot more left-field music than he does.
  13. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Korn. On the small of my back, right above my ass crack. Yeah.
  14. Giuseppe Zangara

    Were you to take a drug test right now...

    There's no age restriction on the things that would cause you to fail a drug test, dude.
  15. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    Why only those two? Neither, man.
  16. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    You make me feel like a man.
  17. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I suppose the funny answer would be ODB, but, in all seriousness, I'd choose Raekwon. His Only Built 4 Cuban Linx is the best Wu-related album out there. In fact, it's better than any Wu album, save for the first one.
  18. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I figured being clever was better than how I usually spent my time, sitting alone, in the dark, fashioning my belt into a makeshift noose, staring into the abyss.... You mean you used to be OJ Hart? Whoa, has he openly contemplated suicide, too? Man, he and I have so much in common, what with we both losing our virginity to 13-year-olds. Wait, I didn't lose my virginity that one time. Forget I said anything.
  19. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I figured being clever was better than how I usually spent my time, sitting alone, in the dark, fashioning my belt into a makeshift noose, staring into the abyss....
  20. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    From another thread: Wrestling itself. I only got into it a few years ago, and never developed enough of a passion for it to seek out puro and whatnot.
  21. Giuseppe Zangara

    Anyone else besides me...

    I'll answer this question in the thread I started, because, um, yeah.
  22. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    At this point, I'll note that someone named David has been viewing this thread for a very long time, and has yet to ask a question. Don't be shy, kid.
  23. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    The novel Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace. The central characters are Don Gately--a recovering drug addict/thug working in a halfway house--and Hal Incandenza--a pot-addicted, neurotic teenage tennis ace who attends a tennis academy in Boston. It's a hilarious, sad, mind expanding book...and it's over a thousand pages long, including nearly 100 pages of endnotes. So, yeah, light reading.
  24. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    I wasn't aware people couldn't know what Hello Kitty is. Answer.
  25. Giuseppe Zangara

    Ask Incandenza

    The bow reminds me of my childhood in Victorian England. I'd wear my frilly dressing outfit--it looked like a dress, yeah, but I assure you it was the epitome of masculinity in those times--and frolic in the countryside with my dear friend Chester. Oh, how I miss my Chester!