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Everything posted by LJSexay

  1. LJSexay

    OAO 11/19 Raw Thread

    Sounds like SSeries was a blast, so that plus what MUST HAPPEN on RAW.. I'll be watching.
  2. LJSexay


    I really struggled to let go, but I put down the wiimote enough to take out Galaxy and put back in Zack & Wiki. Almost forgot how far behind I was! Mario honestly made me forget about all the other unfinished games I have stacked here. Anyone have a similar predicament?
  3. LJSexay

    Levels you hate in game you love

    oh hell yeah, UT in the cage outdoes HHH at WM. I wanted to DIE so many times!
  4. LJSexay

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    Maybe that's what she looks like with a little too much make-up, and a few more years on her face. But yeah honestly, I can see the different-ess but cannot exactly pin-point anything.
  5. LJSexay


    Downhome, what is this awesome homing attack I seem to have missed? I have no idea and would like to see it also.. why aren't we wii friends?
  6. LJSexay


  7. LJSexay

    Smackdown Spoilers for 11/16/07

    I guess I'll be the first to say that Kennedy and Rey had some great chemistry in their match. MOTN for sure. Wish Kennedy was consistently this good! and yeah, can't wait for Hardy to win the US title. It'll be a great moment.
  8. LJSexay

    Impact spoilers for 11/15

    as stated over and over, the announcers are the worst ever. Almost made me not want to watch, just because they really ruin everything for me. I HATE the horrible job they do. That said, that poor Alexa girl got the snot beat out of her by Kong.
  9. LJSexay


    Galaxy is so immersive that it's been really hard to play anything else right now. I haven't gotten far in Zack & Wiki, haven't finished Metroid... I WANT to, but damnit, I just wanna feed hungry Lumas! and Andrew/Venk: agreed. Sorta makes you feel like nobody can ever be happy with something great. If a game doesn't try to move in a different direction it's called stagnant and played out; the second a series tries to do something new, bitches around the globe whine about how it doesn't feel the 'same' anymore. I hate people. But love Sunshine!
  10. LJSexay

    Wii Numbers

    I think I'm finally done adding .... every single person onto wii friends. Thanks to those 5/6 non-lazy guys who added back! hahaha Thoth, I wish your lie was real .
  11. LJSexay

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    Ever since episode 1, I have wanted to end Matt's existence. Thank you Nip/tuck, for keeping him around to torture me FOREVER. I hate him. Don't mind Julia and Olivia, but this Eden hotbitch.. is this the Sean-fucks-the-nanny part 2?
  12. LJSexay


    I honestly cannot get to the very end of Sweet Sweet. I officially feel awful! awful awful. And yeah, the music is just.. ahhhh
  13. LJSexay

    So I just got a Wii

    Hardware? Maybe a USB keyboard for internet and messaging . Congrats on finding a Wii one way or another, man Excite Truck is a really fun racing game, and Mario is probably the best you can get for a platformer. Other things you may want to consider.. Puzzle/Adventure: Zack & Wiki Multiplayer: Rayman Raving Rabbids (1 or 2, or both!), WarioWare, Mario & Sonic at the Olympics, Mario Strikers Charged Shooter/Adventure: Metroid Prime 3 (GET IT), Resident Evil 4 AND Umbrella Chronicles, Medal of Honor Heroes 2 Platform: Super Pario Mario (though this has quite a bit of RPG elements in it), Twilight Princess, Nights (Dec 18th!!) and who can ever forget what comes in February... Smash Brothers Brawl edit: also, take yourself to Thoth's Wii numbers thread and let's all be wii friends. Viva online!
  14. LJSexay


    guys, I can't stop playing this game with a huge grin on my fucking face. I feel the way I did when I first turned on my N64 and a 3D Mario face popped out at me. Totally awesome.
  15. LJSexay


    Mario interrupted a heavy Metroid section yesterday. I almost died.
  16. LJSexay

    Levels you hate in game you love

    uuuuggggghhhh... you jut named two of the worst levels i have ever played in. I hate those with a passion. I HATE seeing Sonic drown!
  17. LJSexay


    I wanna win the contest! I want to win the prize!! wait. I think this is neat and all, but it could be much more neat if we had more mii options and whatnot... ahem. This is pretty nifty, wish we could at LEAST have the ability to message someone for their creation, or give them props besides the 'I like it!!1omG!' edit: I think this is cool, and yeah.. it's made me crank out a few miis. I entered the contest too =X Posted up a Naruto: 1680-9217-1540 Rock Lee: 2374-4084-1636 Guy: 7045-2980-6808 Conan O'Brian: 4567-4395-6076 Steven Colbert: 3900-8147-0210 Mr. Kennedy: 0560-4346-5447 and Mario: 7577-2084-1462 I need to stop looking at everyone's miis on here, some folks are WAY too good at using the mii facial features!
  18. LJSexay


    I sure hope it's more than just dreams.
  19. LJSexay


    I would throw up with excitement. Almost did.
  20. LJSexay


    andddddd I'll be buying THAT tomorrow! I bought Zack & Wiki today, and... it is freaking great. Totally great. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes clever, well-thought out puzzles and great, interesting characters and settings.
  21. LJSexay

    Fabulous Moolah has passed away

    my respects to her. RIP.
  22. LJSexay

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    Lush.... this is the last season???????
  23. LJSexay

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    goddamnit it, first Krystal then Brooke... all the hot ones are getting booted. I blame you, Batista! But seriously... Brooke
  24. LJSexay

    Nip/Tuck Season 5

    I like the Hearts n Scalpels bullcrap, reminds me a bit of Niptuck meets Grey's. haha. Show aint even half over yet and I already like it more than last season!
  25. LJSexay

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    hm, I enjoy your positives. However, the severe blue-balling tis organization is committing with the save_us bullshit is making RAW suuuch a chore to watch. Lately part of why I enjoy ECW/SD much more (which I always do anyway) is because there, I know I won't get teased with any of this crap. Huzzah for neglected brands I say!