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Hank Kingsley

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Everything posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. Hank Kingsley

    Booking for the 2/5/ HD!

    ...but that wasn't awesome.
  2. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I don't think Lindsay's REALLY gone...is he? I mean, Eve said she was going to plot revenge.
  3. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    ...after they kiss? oh my GOD best episode of the season EASILY.
  4. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    This episode is just so amazingly awesome ALREADY. The references to past episodes are great, and Lindsay is just rocking it.
  5. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Holy jesus, the Doyle commercial
  6. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Eve mentioned "Life of the Party"...gold~
  7. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Bah, no "Previously on..." That would've been a nice touch.
  8. Hank Kingsley

    Favorite BtVS Season

    Ranking the seasons? Hmm... 5 6 3 4 2 1 I've seen enough of season 6 to be able to rank it, but not so much on season 7. S2, while the Angelus arc was great, had too many filler episodes. 3 and 4 were great, but imo they can't touch the other two. 1 is a fun season, but way behind the others.
  9. Hank Kingsley

    Hardcore Discussion Mods

    He could be the Sheriff Austin to our smartmarks.com
  10. Hank Kingsley

    Hardcore Discussion Mods

    I concur with Angle-plex. Not only can Popick be a fun-loving guy, as seen in Exhibit A: but he can be a serious, diplomatic moderator, as seen in the popular Exhibit B: Popick is also good-hearted in his flaming. When one Angle-plex and one The Superstar were making fun of the above picture, Popick was quoted as saying "We're smiling because you guys our sucking are wing-wangs." That's the quality we need moderating the Hardcore Discussion folder.
  11. Hank Kingsley

    Who travels with who?

    Share with Matheson? Ewwww.
  12. Hank Kingsley

    Favorite BtVS Season

    Season 5. I haven't seen all of season 6 or 7, but season 5 was just so PERFECT (okay, the opener wasn't, but it brought the 'primal' theme.) The theme of family was so great, and "The Gift" brought together EVERYTHING from the season, which is partly what makes it the greatest episode ever (imo, of course). Other great episodes were Fool for Love, The Body, Intervention, and I Was Made to Love You. What I've seen of season 6 brings it to second, though, of course because of Once More With Feeling, but also Bargaining, Life Serial, Tabula Rasa, Smashed, Seeing Red, and Grave.
  13. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Mole, was that the TV Guide listing thing on buffy.nu?
  14. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    THANK YOU, Jingus. I've been wondering that myself. It's not like he looks THAT intimidating, and the only things I've seen him do are brief clips of the rain of fire and blotting out the sun (from the "Previously on..." in Orpheus)
  15. Hank Kingsley

    Clusterfuck Comments

    Yeah, but I think it beats Janus' "whistling dixie" way of eliminating Thugg
  16. Hank Kingsley

    Clusterfuck Comments

    And to Thugg (and others like him), I know I wouldn't please everyone with this match, but I just tried to make the best of it. For one, I'm not a fan of having a huge amount of people in the ring at one time (hence my largest number being 7 for a VERY short time), and it's just unfortunate that some people came in when they did because I knew the core group I wanted to keep in the match. I really just wanted to make Thugg's elimination look like a fluke; I saw that Rando's character is like a glorified hippy~ and I decided to play with it (obviously nothing against Rando himself). So yeah, I just worked with what I had, and hey, I guess it turned out alright. Thanks for the feedback, though.
  17. Hank Kingsley

    Clusterfuck Comments

    Sweet sizzling Jesus on a cracker. I...can't really think of anything else to say.
  18. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    God, RRR's posts are tempting me to read the spoilers something fierce. But I WON'T, because I know everything will be THAT MUCH BETTER when I don't expect it~
  19. Hank Kingsley

    Clusterfuckers Word Count Thread!

    I actually had fun writing it. Well, most of it. Well, parts of it.
  20. Hank Kingsley

    Clusterfuckers Word Count Thread!

    You can take Dace and Aecas out and put in MOTHERFUCKING JOHN DURAN. How could you forget him?!
  21. Hank Kingsley

    Clusterfuckers Word Count Thread!

    So it looks like the 15-20 bracket was the most competitive one. Hooray.
  22. Hank Kingsley

    Clusterfuckers Word Count Thread!

    At 22,340, I'm finally done with this beast. Ugh. Now I have to proofread, which should be oh-so enjoyable.
  23. Hank Kingsley

    The Clusterfuck Gamblin' Game

    First elimination: Manson Winner: John Duran Pin scored on: Craven Final 3: Duran, Craven, Janus Final Word Count: 24,500 No-shows: 10
  24. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

  25. Hank Kingsley

    Clusterfuckers Word Count Thread!

    17k, 13 eliminations, right before Johnny's entrance. My god, I'm exhausted. I think I wrote more in one day than I ever have any other time.