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Hank Kingsley

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Everything posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. Hank Kingsley

    Booking for 1/8/04 HeldDOWN~!

    I'll be sending a certain segment in, and I'd also like to defend my title...so, any takers?
  2. Hank Kingsley

    Ratings Feed 1/1/04

    Sly, excellent, excellent job. And to whoever wrote the Underground stuff (Hoff?): great job with my character; thanks~ I give this show a vaunted 9~
  3. Hank Kingsley

    TV shows you like well enough to own on DVD

    Fuck Fox DVD. Buffy Season 6 ended in May 2002 and we're not getting it on DVD until July 2004. I don't even want to know when Season 7 comes out. Anyway... Buffy 1-5 Angel 1-2 Firefly I'm pretty content with what I have, although I'll probably end up getting The Critic when it comes out.
  4. Hank Kingsley

    Firefly on DVD

    Well, I got it today, and after just seeing Serenity, I'm hooked. Nathan Fillion is just AWESOME. I thought Carlos Jacott (the fed, he also played Ken in the Buffy ep "Anne") was a great actor and I'd like to see more of him Spoiler (Highlight to Read): even though Malcom shooting him just kicked ASS .
  5. Hank Kingsley

    Ringin' in the New Year With the SWF!

    I'm lovin it. But I still say Clark goes down with the ball to ring in the new year.
  6. Hank Kingsley

    The TSM Award SHOW: 2003

    I love Agnes. We need him back! I concur. Agnesterone helped keep this board running. No wonder TSM has been sputtering along the weaving Internet path of life.
  7. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I know! I was practically shouting "What the hell are you doing?!" at the TV.
  8. Hank Kingsley

    The TSM Award SHOW: 2003

    stubborn and pushy? What the hell? Where did *that* come from~
  9. Hank Kingsley

    Firefly on DVD

    Yeah, I think I'm stopping by Borders today to pick it up.
  10. Hank Kingsley

    What do YOU think?

    Christy Carlson Romano is the girl of my dreams.
  11. Hank Kingsley

    A Little Bit of Levity

    Go eat a bag of dicks, Zack. That picture of Popick owns this board (well, actually, it saved the board, but whatever).
  12. Hank Kingsley

    Free image hosting sites

    Well, geocities works fine as long as you don't mind typing http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/ in front of the picture URL.
  13. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    So, in today's ep Holtz jumped into the hell dimension with Connor...that's how Connor comes back about 20 years older, right? Great ep today, by the way. Wes getting slashed across the throat was a big "holy shit!" moment.
  14. Hank Kingsley

    BBB Feedback!

    DAN BLACK WAS SCREWED Calvin's match rocked planets Next time, it'd probably be better not to hold a PPV during a holiday week.
  15. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Finished watching Buffy season 5...BEST SEASON EVER! Holy shit...everything from "Fool for Love" to "Intervention" to "The Body" and finally to the best, "The Gift", was amazing. Now THAT is what good television is all about.
  16. Hank Kingsley

    Fun Feuds

    John Duran was my only real feud in the JL. I mean, we were building up to something big, so of course...I got bumped and killed it. My choice, I know. Anyway, we couldn't continue the feud in the WF because of us both being heels. Of course, there *is* fuel for a future fire with Duran "stealing" my tag title reign and being in the same stable as me which will inevitably break up, but we'll wait and see what happens~
  17. Hank Kingsley

    Livejournals are free

    yeah...I do, too
  18. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Awesome sig, Cavi. Anyway, Buffy Season 5 just completely rules everything. Spike's growing love for Buffy just makes the season so far. I just watched "Listening to Fear", so "Into the Woods" is next. I'm trying to space my watching out so I don't watch the whole thing in two days.
  19. Hank Kingsley

    The OAO Games and etc you got for Christmas

    DDR ULTRAMIX~ Which I'm awful at, but hey, I'll *eventually* get better...
  20. Hank Kingsley

    the OAO what did YOU get for xmas thread

    Let's see... *Buffy Season 5 *Pirates of the Caribbean *Bad Boys 2 *DDR Ultramix *Screenwriting for Dummies *The Mars Volta *New headphones *Random stocking stuffers Plus tons of money from relatives, meaning I'll be buying that iPod soon enough.
  21. Hank Kingsley

    The fighting game character tournament 2k4

    Iori (King of Fighters)
  22. Hank Kingsley

    The Royal Blue

    Thank god you're finally over my sister.
  23. Hank Kingsley

    Best and Worst.

    Well, Royal Rumble was just supposed to be an arcade game...it didn't promise any special features in the first place. Best: Wrestlemania 2000/No Mercy (I'm torn) Worst: Legends of Wrestling II
  24. Hank Kingsley

    The *Real* TSM
