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Hank Kingsley

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Everything posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. Hank Kingsley

    Metal 11/4 Comments

    AWESOME JOB AECAS~! Rock on, man.
  2. Hank Kingsley

    HeldDOWN~! Booking

    Aww yeah. The match is sent in. Is it too early to claim "Match of the Year"?
  3. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I just watched Hero... Now, I said I'd never cry during a TV show, but damn it, I guess this episode (and The Prom) were exceptions to that rule. Seeing Doyle die was so sad, and then replaying the commercial from the beginning just made it worse.
  4. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Well, I got the Season One boxset for my birthday, and I'm loving it so far. I just finished watching "I Will Remember You", and it's my favorite episode so far. Angel turning human is just awesome on many levels. But then again, I'm almost halfway through the season, and no real story arc besides the slow introduction of Wolfram and Hart. "Hero" is up next. Oh man.
  5. Hank Kingsley

    The inevitable "Queer Eye..." Thread

    I like the interaction between the Fab 5 and the straight guy. "Want me to tuck those pants in for you?" "...no, I think I can do that myself."
  6. Hank Kingsley

    11/1 SWF Storm HOLT Report

    This rocks so hard. Good stuff, Watercloset.
  7. Hank Kingsley

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    CHRIS SMASH! Happy Birthday Raynor~!
  8. Hank Kingsley

    The Road To Wrestlemania XX

    I don't know how I didn't see this before, but this is FANTASTIC~! Please keep it going.
  9. Hank Kingsley

    HeldDOWN~! Booking

    Well, part of the invading UGW~
  10. Hank Kingsley

    HeldDOWN~! Booking

    Hmm...Caboose vs. Superstar? I don't think that match ever happened. Damaramu: Spoiler (Highlight to Read): uhh...I don't want to kill my character dead in the water as soon as he returns. Sorry.
  11. Hank Kingsley

    HeldDOWN~! Booking

    Oooh, oooh, I want to write a match.
  12. Hank Kingsley

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    *Ahem* Happy Birthday to the one and only Tokyo X! "...you mean I actually have to write a match?!"
  13. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Oh god, this episode is so awesome. "Eve, you stay here so we can have more sex."
  14. Hank Kingsley

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Hooray for Tim! Happy Birthday!
  15. Hank Kingsley

    WWE feedback

    ... You guys are NUTS~ ...I'll review them later tonight.
  16. Hank Kingsley

    WWE feedback

    ZACK VS. CWM~ ~The opening is kind of...abrupt. But I'm guessing that's what you were going for. ~This may be just the way *I* write, but more commentary would definitely supplement your matches. Just describing psychology works better than "He nailed him!" Especially when you have a BIG paragraph, and three smaller ones after, all without commentary. It doesn't necessarily HURT it, just it could make the match better. ~All the action on the floor seems...I don't know...weird. The opening bit is good, but then when you get to stuff like suplexes on the floor, and the entire first 5-ish minutes outside, it's a stretch. ~Now, I know everyone else writes their pinfalls as ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! and that *does* get a bit monotonous, but at least it builds drama. It isn't really suspenseful if you see "Zack covers CWM..." and then see "but CWM kicks out just before three" right after it. ~I LOVE the suplex into the turnbuckle, but it probably could've used a little more description. Like, did he hit the turnbuckle and drop down on the top of his head? That's how I pictured it, I can't really see the turnbuckle stopping all his momentum so he just slides down to the mat. ~Maybe put a little more emphasis on the leg drop through the table...I mean, it's a big spot, and you just kind of casually write it. EVEN THOUGH SHOUTING IS OVERUSED A LOT. ~NO REF BUMP! NO NO NO NO NO!!! ...sorry, I just can't stand them. ~MC Well at least you're concerned with food rather than women this time around. COACH Hey man, I like my meals, and I like my candy. MC Uh, was that some type of pun? Because it didn't really work. Ahahaha...see, when you use commentary, it's great. So USE MORE! ~I really like the car window spot, it brings out CWM's character. ~Kind of a sudden finish, but it works. Overall, a REALLY solid match. You are the man, Zack.
  17. Hank Kingsley

    WWE feedback

    Well, there's an incentive.
  18. Hank Kingsley

    WWE feedback

    I would leave criticism, but whenever I do people get pissed off at me.
  19. Hank Kingsley

    10/27 SWF Smarkdown HOLT report

    Ooooh, I like it. *raises hand*
  20. Hank Kingsley

    Price is Right's Rod Roddy dies

    I heard this earlier... It's not the same hearing the other announcer say "Come on down!" RIP, Rod.
  21. Hank Kingsley

    The Buffy list

    Like I said, it depends on my mood. I really can't pick one over the other.
  22. Hank Kingsley

    The Buffy list

    top 10 buffy characters Xander Willow Spike Giles Buffy Andrew Oz Faith Joyce Angel top 5 buffy villans CALEB~! Mayor Richard Wilkens III Angelus Spike The Master top 10 buffy episodes (Note: I've only seen up through Season 4 completely, besides that I've downloaded some eps and seen clips) Restless Hush Chosen Once More, With Feeling The Wish I Only Have Eyes For You Becoming Passion The Zeppo Tabula Rasa top 5 buffy moments The end of "The Gift" "Walk Through the Fire" from the Musical The "Class Protector" speech from "The Prom" Buffy kills Angel in "Becoming" The final battle in "Chosen" top 5 holy shit! moments Caleb gets sliced in half, testicles first Xander loses his virginity to Faith Seeing how hot Vamp-Willow is Angelus killing Jenny Anya's death in "Chosen" favorite one shot character Sweet, the dancing demon! top 3 least favorite episodes Beer Bad Go Fish Dead Man's Party top 5 writers Joss Whedon Marti Noxon Jane Espenson David Fury Dave Greenwalt rank the seasons (this changes like, every day) 4 3 2 1 favorite quotes/one liners Caleb: "Are you ready to finish this...BITCH?" *Buffy swings the scythe* Caleb: "You don't have the ba-" *Buffy nails him in the testicles* Buffy: "But who does these days?" Giles: "I was once a highly respected watcher, and now I'm a wounded dwarf with the power of a doily." Willow: "Bored now." Giles' "rock revelation" in Restless.
  23. Hank Kingsley

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIRD~!!! You still own my pants.
  24. Hank Kingsley

    WWE feedback

    Okay, I don't get that. Was Crystal ever sexist during the feud? I don't really think that would make sense, seeing as she's a face, and being sexist would turn men against her. Did you mean Battle of the SexES, maybe? That would've made a LOT more sense.
  25. Hank Kingsley

    WWE feedback

    Three two one, Calvin is the bomb. And yes, I *will* continue to use that no matter how stale it gets. Speaking of stale, the Deadly Alliance is back. Yowza. Once again, TOO MUCH OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO END EVERY MATCH WITH A RUN IN SO YOUR CHARACTER CAN "SAVE FACE". IT'S AN E-FED.