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Hank Kingsley

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Everything posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. Hank Kingsley

    Recent Purchases

  2. Hank Kingsley

    Recent purchases

    Goddamn I love birthdays. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind LA Confidential (VHS) National Lampoon's Senior Trip (VHS) Angel Season 4 Arrested Development Season 1 Dawn of the Dead (1978, single disc special edition) True Romance director's cut
  3. Collateral - 9.5/10 I'm glad I was able to catch it before it left the theater. Great fucking movie.
  4. Hank Kingsley

    What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

    Aw damn, Z. Shame to see you go, etc. Of course, since a) I'm not currently active and b) I talk to you on AIM and in chat a reasonable amount, I'm not shedding any tears like I thought I'd be. And Mike as head booker? Fucking sweet.
  5. Hank Kingsley

    Recent Purchases

    Orgasmic. And $10.
  6. Hank Kingsley

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    Happy Birthday Crowe, you crazy son of a bitch!
  7. City of God Holyfuckingjesusfuck! I went into this with high expectations and they were all met, and then some. Just an incredible experience. I need to watch it again. 10/10
  8. Hank Kingsley

    Rate songs on albums.

    This thread is quality. 1986 1. Christopher Tracy's Parade - 7 2. New Position - 7 3. I Wonder U - 6 4. Under the Cherry Moon - 7 5. Girls and Boys - 9 6. Life Can Be So Nice - 6 7. Venus De Milo - 4 8. Mountains - 8 9. Do U Lie? - 5 10. Kiss - 10 11. Anotherloverholenyohead - 8 12. Sometimes it Snows in April - 9
  9. Hank Kingsley

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    John Edwards: "When John Kerry is elected President, shows like Angel will walk again!"
  10. Hank Kingsley

    New thread for posting pictures of yourself.

  11. Hank Kingsley

    TSM Emerald Nuts

    Tropism (Sunflowers' Mechanism) loves The Smart Marks.
  12. Hank Kingsley

    TSM Emerald Nuts

    Tumors, Sometimes Malignant, love The Smart Marks.
  13. Hank Kingsley


    Hey now, Stephen was great in The Usual Suspects.
  14. Hank Kingsley

    Fellowship 9/11

    Oh man, that's awesome. I want to see more of "Darth and Me".
  15. Hank Kingsley

    PROMO: "Red-Eye State of Mind"

    COME BACK MIKE! That was one damn good retirement promo. Long live American Gladiators!
  16. You can probably consider me gone until the Spring at the very least. I don't know, I'm still contemplating.
  17. Hank Kingsley

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    I think if Carradine got one, it'd be for supporting actor. Anyway, I'm waiting until my birthday at the end of the month to get this DVD, and seeing all of this praise is just making it harder to wait.
  18. Hank Kingsley


    The bumping of this thread led me to check release dates. Sadly, the DVD release has apparently been pushed back to January 18th.
  19. Hank Kingsley

    The Praise Thread

    DropToeHoldOntoChair Byron The Bulb Edwin MacPhisto
  20. Hank Kingsley

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    That was extremely underwhelming.
  21. Hank Kingsley

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 10-4-04!

    Best-written card in ages.
  22. Hank Kingsley

    List your aliases..

    The Superstar Ash Ketchum Edwin MacPhisto
  23. Hank Kingsley

    My JELLO WRESTLING party...

    I wonder what Bill Cosby would think of all of this.
  24. Hank Kingsley

    Favorite Family Guy lines

    Peter: Excuse me, is your refrigerator running? Because if it is, it probably runs like you - very homosexually. Peter: Ok, here's another riddle. A woman has two children. A homicidal murderer tells her she can only keep one. Which one does she let him kill? Brian: That's... that's not a riddle. That's ... that's just terrible. Peter: Wrong, the ugly one! Lois: Oh, look, Meg, it's your little baby booties. Oh, and your little bronze hat. And your tail. Meg: My what? Lois: Nothing.
  25. Hank Kingsley

    Favorite Family Guy lines

    "Because of an accident today at the Quahog cable company, all television transmission will be out for an undetermined amount of time. Of course, no one can see this news program, so it doesn't really matter what we say. I'm the lord Jesus Christ. I think I'll go get drunk and beat up some midgets. How about you, Diane?" "Well, Tom, I just plain don't like black people."