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Dr. Zoidberg

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Everything posted by Dr. Zoidberg

  1. Dr. Zoidberg

    YOUR Fight Team...MMA Draft!

    Who is your pick, by the way?
  2. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Superhero Draft

    I'm running out of heroes... M Just because.
  3. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Superhero Draft

    So, I realize that my team is lacking power, soooo in that case, my next pick: FUCK, he's been picked...Dammit... Rhino Why not?
  4. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Superhero Draft

    Oh that WACKY Blue Beetle!
  5. Dr. Zoidberg

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    That could just be a Cheesecake Factory trend, actually. My wife and I went there the other night, and there was this lady there with her husband (who had on one of those ridiculous bluetooth ear pieces...seriously, dude...you're in a fucking restaurant. Take that shit off) and she was yelling for her "Damn drink already!" after ordering, maybe, 30 seconds before she yelled for it. She told some random busboy who happened by her to the clean the table next to them to "Bring my drink or you'll regret it...understand?" He just kinda smiled and chuckled and walked away. Somehow, I doubt that couple fucks, and when they do, it's probably veeeeeeeery wooden. Insert, move around a bit, "I'm done, good night." Back to bluetooth things: I hate those fucking things. Especially when someone walks by you and they're talking into it, but you don't know they have one on, so you just think they're crazy. And it's become the new latté: Every business douche either has one or is getting one.
  6. Dr. Zoidberg


    ...oh shit...
  7. Dr. Zoidberg

    Who here is racist?

    ...It isn't?
  8. Dr. Zoidberg

    YOUR Fight Team...MMA Draft!

    My first pick, is none other than Quinton "Rampage" Jackson.
  9. Dr. Zoidberg

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    My next pick, and I'm surprised it's still around: Halo
  10. Dr. Zoidberg

    YOUR Fight Team...MMA Draft!

    Done and done. Changing it right now.
  11. Dr. Zoidberg

    YOUR Fight Team...MMA Draft!

    You get two picks when it gets to you.
  12. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Superhero Draft

  13. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Superhero Draft

    Damn, I completely forgot about X-Man. AND Cannonball. Thank God there's so many Guthries. We can all pick one.
  14. Dr. Zoidberg

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Fuuuuuck, I need to think about what games I actually still play.... Hitman: Blood Money The first Hitman game I played was, I think, Hitman 2. That made me hate the entire idea of the Hitman game series (mainly, cos I reallllllly sucked at it). Then I played Hitman: Blood Money at a friend's house, and I got HOOKED. I even went so far as to steal the game from him. BTW, he never noticed it was gone.
  15. Dr. Zoidberg

    YOUR Fight Team...MMA Draft!

    I like Mik's idea, but let's make it the Five main UFC weight classes, the lowest being Lightweight. Mainly because I don't think I've ever seen a Bantam or Featherweight fight. This is just easier all in all. 8 picks all together, weight class picks first, then 3 Wild cards from whatever Everyone down? It's closed to new entrants, James Thompson's Cauliflower Ear is up first
  16. Dr. Zoidberg

    YOUR Fight Team...MMA Draft!

    How on earth is choosing your favorite strong tough man who can roll around with other strong tough men considered "gay?"
  17. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Superhero Draft

    I'D go to the wedding. I too look forward to my team just going crazy. For the most part, it'll be like a kindergarten class, with Prof. X being the teacher who's in way over his head; The Joker, Typhoid Mary, Black Widow and Carnage just going apeshit and wrecking stuff while Darwin and Gambit watch and laugh, but don't really help. If any thing, they're egging the others on. I love my team. ...wow...that sounded pretty lame...
  18. Dr. Zoidberg

    YOUR Fight Team...MMA Draft!

    Yeah. I dunno. It'd make the selections seem more "legit" I guess. I dunno. I'm just throwing out ideas here. Nothing's final yet.
  19. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Superhero Draft

    I'm sorry. Bad joke. My REAL next pick: Typhoid Mary Because every team needs a psycho chick with pyrokinetic, telekinetic, and psionic hypnotic powers. Am I right? Or am I fuckin' right?
  20. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Superhero Draft

    Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit, my next pick and backup were chosen in the SAME pick? What are the fuckin odds? All right...my trump card. Dude...the dude's proper as hell.
  21. Dr. Zoidberg

    YOUR Fight Team...MMA Draft!

    Let's try and get 10 people in this, then we'll get it started. I pretty much already know the first round selections.
  22. Dr. Zoidberg

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    You son of a bitch....
  23. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Superhero Draft

    My next pick is an odd one, kinda-ish. Darwin Darwin has the ability to adapt to any situation he finds himself in. Stuck underwater? He grows gils. The lights go out? He can see in the dark. Stuck in a poisoned room? The mothafucka can breath it in. The dude would be a great addition to my team, as I'm sure he'd need to get himself and the rest of his teammates out of a pickle they more than likely caused.
  24. Dr. Zoidberg

    Carl's Jr. & Hardee's

    Ok, I've been hearing about this place for ages, but I can't find one anywhere. Where are they?
  25. Dr. Zoidberg

    TSM Superhero Draft Results

    At least they didn't relate to the trenchcoat and the relationship with tweener Storm (or for that matter, Wolverine and Kitty/Jubilee. Actually, what the fuck was going through Claremont's head with that?). But yeah, the Rogue relationship really wussified him. Agreed. The whole Rogue thing never really caught on with me.