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Everything posted by CanadianChick

  1. CanadianChick

    Ever Wonder How Scripted The Shows Are Now?

    "Reinforce who Kerwin White is-he's Chavo Guerrero" This made me laugh pretty hard.
  2. CanadianChick

    Good lifting plan?

    Well, it builds lean muscle. Don't expect to be all body builder like with just swimming. But yes, it's great cardio, and you lose so much more calories than you would running. It's easier on your knees too.
  3. CanadianChick

    Good lifting plan?

    It must be hell getting the horse in and out of the pool. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We push them in. They find their own way of getting out. Call it survival of the fittest.
  4. CanadianChick

    Good lifting plan?

    Going by the scale isn't a great indicator I found. When I was at my fittest in the last two years, I weighed the most. But that's just my body type I suppose. And if you are decent at it, swimming is a great fucking way of staying in shape. That's all I'm doing right now (well, Waterpolo included), and I'm in way better shape than I have any right to be in with the amount of effort I put in.
  5. CanadianChick

    Segments that made you go WTF??

    On the same note, Kane handcuffing RVD, threatening to burn him alive, and then not because "that's what they want". Huh, alright then. You know what? Pretty well Kane is a character that more often than not, makes me go "WTF?". Except I actually say the words, not the intials. I'm just being a lady right now.
  6. CanadianChick

    Worst excuse to get out of a job/angle?

    Maybe not a refusal to job a particular match/feud, but Triple H has been quoted to say that RVD and Booker T just don't have that factor that connects them with the crowd. Now, Booker T, I can see I suppose. But RVD? That's the best thing about him! Of all things that you could critique about Rob, you pick THAT? I love "I ain't feelin' it" though. I love it even more that Vince actually went through with not have Brock win because of that excuse though.
  7. CanadianChick

    Most idolized wrestlers

    I think Shawn Michaels is a pretty big one actually.
  8. CanadianChick

    HTQ's Survey: If You Were A Wrestler...

    Ah, lighten up a bit. Nothing wrong with a little fantasy. And what's wrong with being a wannabe wrestler?
  9. CanadianChick

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday Thread

    Ah, by number one face, I thought you meant RVD would be pushed as the number one face. My bad.
  10. CanadianChick

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday Thread

    Disagreed. Within two months, RVD will be involved with Shelton, whether it be a tag team or feud. It's called killing two birds with one stone.
  11. CanadianChick

    Christian Quits the WWE

    Actually, Storm is gone from WWE and OVW. He's opened his own school up.
  12. CanadianChick

    Christian Quits the WWE

    I don't think the no-compete clause is in effect if the contract runs out. Dudleyz didn't have it.
  13. CanadianChick

    Christian Quits the WWE

    Well, would you rather have him wallow in the indy scene? Of course it's a natural reaction to want him to go to TNA.
  14. CanadianChick

    Christian Quits the WWE

    Nah, stick him with the X guys. If I wanted to see Christian against heavyweights, I would have enjoyed most of his WWE work.
  15. CanadianChick

    Christian Quits the WWE

    I like him as a character, so I'll miss him in that regard. I actually honestly think he would be better off in TNA wrestling wise because I do know that I really enjoyed him match against Spanky on Velocity a week ago. Maybe he just works better with smaller guys.
  16. CanadianChick

    The Real Smackdown Spoilers

    Results from tonight's tapings at the San Francisco Cow Palace Dark match Scotty 2 Hotty b Ken Doane using the worm. Doane didn't do anything special, but was on the money with everything. Velocity Kid Kash b Paul London after blocking a huracanrana and using a springboard moonsault. This was the best match of the night Bobby Lashley b Jason ? after the dominator. Post-match, Big Vito & Nunzio attacked Lashley but he laid them both out as well. Nunzio did a great job of selling. Quick match Sylvan b Funaki with a face first suplex. WWE is hiring models and putting them in the stands to take photos of Sylvan. They had two women at ringside, with identical cameras, jumping up and down like they thought he was hot. Both made it on TV. After the match, both went backstage. They were the only two women in the place who gave a crap about him. Based on numerous catcalls, it is very clear a lot of people in the crowd watched TNA and slow-mo'd one of the segments. Jillian Hall b Stacy Keibler with her feet on the ropes. Hall wears a Vader mask covering her supposed mole (which would fall off her face in a match so they have to cover and pretend it's there). Very amateurish, largely because of Keibler Smackdown It opened with the Peep show, where Mysterio, Hardy, Holly and JBL all came out to campaign for votes for the Taboo Tuesday match. Hardy actually got the biggest pop of all, and it's clear they he wasn't the original plan of who they wanted in the match, but he may wind up being there. JBL had the best line, saying if Masters was any smarter, he'd be a moron. Teddy Long came out and ordered a five-way free-for-all Mysterio won the five-way pinning Christian with a huracanrana. Crowd popped for a Tower of Doom spot. JBL clotheslined Holly. Hardy gave JBL the twist of fate. Christian gave Hardy the unprettier. Mysterio then pinned Christian. When it was over, Mysterio and Hardy were in the ring together asking for votes. Backstage, Booker T & Sharmell were in Teddy Long's office. Long showed Booker the footage from his title win last week and Sharmell also interfering the previous week. Booker threw a fit at Sharmell, told her he would defend the title against Chris Benoit tonight and that Sharmell had to apologize to Benoit Roddy Piper showed up. He was confronted by Bob Orton. Piper told Bob that he wrestled his father who was a tough guy, and a smart guy. He insinuated Bob wasn't so smart. He saw Randy and started talking about reverse evolution, and that he's surprised Randy isn't walking on all fours. They did a backstage stint where the munchkins played a prank on Simon Dean Next was a very clever bit of manipulation. Palmer Canon came out. Zero reaction to him. Nobody knows he's a heel. Most people didn't even know who he was. Then they played a big Undertaker video and Taker's music. When it was over and everyone was expecting Undertaker, they turned the cameras on Canon and people booed because Undertaker wasn't there. On TV, it'll come across like Canon is this big over heel. He then put over the juniors division Short Sleeve Sampson b a blond little guy who looked like Billy Idol. Even though one guy is from New England and the other is from Seattle, they came out to Mexican music, as I guess the idea was using Mexican minis. A guy who looked like Pierrothtito was in the skit earlier in the show. The Billy Idol mini was called something Patterson, like maybe Little Patterson. If this was a joke, the p.a. was so bad that in the one arena in the country where they'd get the joke, nobody understood it. To say this died would be giving it more credit than it's due. There were screams of "This is why Smackdown sucks so bad" going on in between the lack of any crowd reaction to 40 year old comedy bits. Sampson won. Nick Patrick was given a low blow. Simon Dean came out and did some comedy fighting with both little guys. Just hideous attempts at comedy that nobody laughed at, which actually describes about 80% of the humor in WWE. Booker called out Benoit. He told Benoit that he apologized and was offering him a return match. Benoit's ribs were all wrapped up from the insane tope last week. Benoit accepted the match but didn't care if Booker or Sharmell apologized. Booker told Benoit that he figured that, but Sharmell still had to apologize. Sharmell was totally insincere and she and Booker had a big fight. She ripped on Booker and left. As Benoit was watching her leave, Booker went heel and nailed Benoit with a belt shot and he juiced and was left laying. MNM won the tag titles in a four-way over LOD, Mexicools and Regal & Birchall. Super Crazy worked most of the match and carried it. Christy Hemme is no longer with LOD, but Juventud still has to act like a valet outside the ring for the Mexicools while holding the useless belt. Heidenreich hot tagged in and you can imagine how bad that was. They set up the doomsday device, but the Tolands pulled Animal off the top and brawled with him. Inside the ring, MNM gave Heidenreich the snapshot and Mercury pinned him to win the title. They announced Lashley vs. Vito & Nunzio in a handicap match next week. Vito & Nunzio also wanted a tag title match Batista & Guerrero & Piper b Ortons & Kennedy. Guerrero is full-time face and the low rider ring entrance is back. Piper clearly was given no lead time to get in shape. Batista gave Kennedy and Randy spinebusters. Guerrero gave Kennedy a frog splash. With them laid out, Piper put Bob in the sleeper for the win. Piper was the most popular wrestler on the show. -Credit: wrestlingobserver
  17. CanadianChick

    WWE Fantasy Season Five is available

    Same here. Ah well.
  18. CanadianChick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Edge can't go 3 months without an injury of some kind. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Psst...he hasn't had an injury in a year. But that was classy of you. According to Meltzer, it doesn't look like he'll need surgery. Is him toughing it out for TT and then just having an on screen role for a month or so a good assumption?
  19. CanadianChick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    According to Meltzer, Edge has a partially torn pec (how serious is that, if anyone knows?) and Kane has a bad back injury.
  20. CanadianChick

    Mom gets 110 years for raping kids

    It's hypocritical in the way that the law says don't kill, yet the law kills. It isn't effective because places that have the death penalty do not have lower homicide rates than those who do not. I personally think that the death penality is too merciful...let them rot in jail as far as I'm concerned. Life without parole is better punishment than dying a pretty peaceful death. Fuck 'em. They don't deserve that much.
  21. CanadianChick

    Should TNA do away with Ultimate X?

    Do it WAY less often, and make it for the belt. It looks stupid having a big red X hanging from the ceiling.
  22. CanadianChick

    HTQ's Survey: If You Were A Wrestler...

    I actually would love to work heel in ROH, just so I could mock them clapping for the indy standoff thing. Has any heel done that yet? Because as a heel the crowd should, you know, not really clap for you.
  23. CanadianChick

    Mom gets 110 years for raping kids

    Exactly. Move to another country. God this is disgusting. I don't blame the kids for having no sympathy.
  24. CanadianChick

    HTQ's Survey: If You Were A Wrestler...

    Prefer to be given only finish and call everything else in the ring? Lay the entire match out beforehand? Depends on who you're working with. If your in there with someone who can go balls out and knows what they're doing, just play on instinct. If your in there with someone green/incompetant, then I think you should lay some stuff out beforehand. Not everything, but the main points and spots. Like to have your promo's scripted? Or just be given a couple of bullet points, and wing the rest? Wing it. I'm good on my feet. I don't need a script line for line. Besides, like matches, promos should depend on the reaction you're getting. Blade often? Only on occasion? Would you rather never blade at all? Only on occasion, to make it special. Espeically since I'm a female, it'd be *that* much special. What style would you like to wrestle? Why would you prefer to employ that particular style over others? Ah, I think that the best of wrestlers incorporate all types of style. It's stupid to limit yourself. But for the most part, I think I'd do the whole strong style with some funky chain wrestling moves in there. European style chain wrestling is great to watch. Refuse to take certain moves? Only take them when working with certain wrestlers? If I trust who I'm in the ring with, I'm game for just about anything. Are there any match types you'd like to wrestle in a lot? Some match types you'd rather never have to work in? I'd love to intergender matches. It's not a huge jump, since the guys that I'm fans of on the indy scene aren't huge, so it isn't completley unrealistic. I'm not talking about going toe to toe with Kane here. I couldn't really see myself doing something like an Ultimate X match where it's just spot-spot-spot with no real rhyme or reason. What style of normal match would you like to do the most? Would you prefer to sell or to dominate? Would you like to do long matches? I'm in the thinking that it depends on who I'm there with and what their style is. I think, as a heel, I'd be a better dominator (assuming I'm wrestling girls here), but no overtly so. More being a smart heel who takes advantage. That way, when face, it won't be a huge jump to go from dominator to seller. I'd love to do long matches. Not ironman matches, but a good solid 25 minute match? Fuck yeah. Would you like to have a manager or valet to work spots with or would you rather just do it all yourself? I'd never have a valet, because that would take attention away from the females in the ring. I don't think I'd do well with a manager personally. If I'm in a group though, then yeah, I wouldn't mind them to work shit out with. Are there some types of angles that you would refuse to do? Some types of angles that you'd love to do? I'd hate to do anything to requires me to do anything in my bra and panties, ha. And I'd strongly be opposed to doing something where either girl was just degraded (IE Molly being a fatass) because it just doesn't make for an interesting feud. I'd love to do the classic betrayal feud. Et tu Brutus? What promotion would you like to work for the most? What promotion would you hate to work for? Well, I'd love to work with Shimmer Wrestling about now. As of right this second, I'd hate to work in WWE and be doing shit like the Diva Fantasy battle royal Any wrestlers today that you'd like to work against? Any you would avoid working against at all costs? On the indy scene, I'd love to work with Rebecca Knox, Mickie Knuckles, Molly Holly, Lacey, Mischif...the good batch of female wrestlers. Guys wise, I'd love to do some stuff with London, Spanky, Noble, AmDrag a couple local guys here (in particular Scotty Mac and Idol)...actually, just about any good junior. My dream would be to work with, as way unrealistic it is, Chris Benoit. Man, I wish I had a set of balls sometimes....As for who I wouldn't want to work against, I think I'd say the diva search girls who haven't been trained. Other than that, it's fun to have a challenge. What wrestlers from the past would you like to work against? What wrestlers from the past would you not want to work against? Owen Hart, without a doubt. I absolutely worship his style of wrestling. As for not, uh, Sable maybe? This was pretty strange to do from a female perspecitive, I must say.
  25. CanadianChick

    Smackdown Non-Spoilers

    Velocity, for your internet viewing pleasure: Paul London vs. Kid Kash Bobby Lashey vs. Jason something Sylvan vs. Funaki Stacy Keibler vs. Jillian Hall Smackdown: 5 Way Match: Christian vs. JBL vs. Matt Hardy vs. Bob Holly vs. Rey Mysterio Midget Match: Short Sleeve Sampson vs. a blond little guy who looked like Billy Idol LOD '05 vs. Mexicools vs. MNM vs. Regal/Burchill for the Tag Titles. The Ortons and Ken Kennedy vs. Piper/Batista/Eddie