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Everything posted by CanadianChick
Now they have pure Hollywood writers though. There aren't promos anymore. There are only scripts.
I don't think there is such a thing as a ad-libbed promo these days.
Yeah, I'm not sure having Matt flustered and Edge not would be a good way to get him over.
Matt Hardy's perfect role was as Version 1. A funny heel who's a midcarder and has a bit of a cult following. Just had to throw a couple of one-liners, didn't have to do "intense" promos, and wrestled smaller guys so his bigger size style he has looked good. I don't see how he could ever have been a number 1 face, ever. Even with this angle, I still don't see it. He would have lost a part of his cult following because he "sold out". He would have had younger males cheering for Edge because he banged Lita under Matt's nose, and that's funny. His promo skills just aren't good for a serious promo, and as a face? At least as a heel, he can fall back on being pompous. Okay, I think everyone agrees he should have not shook Vince's hand. That was stupid. But I'd like to focus on the bolded part. Reference to internet smarks....why? The internet smarks KNOW the situation (well, Matt's POV, and that's all that counts). In this case, there is no reason to single them out. If he said something like his MFers supporting him on the internet, that's cool. But to be overly smarky? Sure, we'd smile because he's talking about us, but it would do nothing for the marks, and he wants them behind him. Indy promotions? A quick reference maybe, to show he wasn't going to let Edge/Lita ruin his career, but again, catering to the indy fans is not need, because they know the situation. They did say Edge, Lita and WWE screwed him. But he even screwed this up. He wanted for Edge (oh, I'm sorry, "Adam") to die in a car crash. That's just awkward., and no one is going to cheer for him with that line. Bottom line is yes, they could have made this angle better. But being overly smarky and making references to things that a percentage of people know isn't a good idea. I actually liked how they left the really internet things on just that: the internet. The Byte This crap was good, because cyber geeks such as ourselves are watching that, and we get a kick out of it. If they aired those promos on TV, the crowd wouldn't be quite responsive because of confusion, in my opinion.
You know, I never did get around to getting that Randy Wear thong. Get it? RANDY? It's another word for SEX!
Just as I was SHOCKED that Batista beat Triple H, because by golly, no one loses to Triple H three times? Yep, that sure was a shocker. Man, the writing team gave me a heart attack on that one!
You mean last week? Well, I think he was more of a faceless jobber last week rather than a face per se.
"RKO-3:16"? Oh sorry, Cena has dips on that one. "If you smell what the Legend Killer is cooking"? Nah, doesn't have a good ring to it. "You're Next" with a RKO on the back? Meh, sure.
You know what really bugged me about Raw? Cena. No, it isn't Cena himself. It's how his feuds are booked. Who have his opponents been since he won the title, one-on-one? JBL, Jericho, and Angle, right? How did they build the Cena/JBL feud? Why, John Cena faced the Basham Brothers in a handicap match! How did they build Cena/Jericho? Cena faced Jericho and Carlito in a handicap match! How do they now build Cena/Angle? Yep, you guessed it...and handicap match with Tomko thrown in there! Oh, and he won all three handicap matches too. It's just BRUTAL how similar the builds are and it made his challengers, well, Jericho and Angle anyways, like chumps when they can't beat him with another guy. And Angle will look like a chump too if he doesn't beat Cena.
But Rey just lost to Orton, right? So Orton is higher on the heel food chain than JBL now? Weird...
Wait a sec... Rey beat JBL clean?
The first half of the Rumble was awesome. I always turn it off after Jericho gets eliminated.
I actually think that Lita is done after this run with Edge. And it's not hard to find attractive women who can work. Trish is one that comes to mind. They have a couple females milling around in OVW who are attractive (Pheonix, Alexis Laree) and there are attractive indy female wrestlers. Besides, finding the attractive equivilent to the women in WWE now isn't hard. They're all plastic. Fake women are a dime a dozen now a days.
Right now, I actually don't have a problem with most of the girls except when they get in the ring. But nl5xsk1, Christy and Ashley are hardly worth $250, 000 when they are so replacable. Hell, Ashley is replacable with girls in the company! If Torrie, Stacy, Trish, or even Michelle McCool put on a plaid skirt and a half shirt, Ashley would no longer be needed and WWE saves alot of money.
I didn't mind most of it, but it seemed a bit on the...racist side. Maybe I'm just being too sensitive.
Badass? Yes. Cool? Not so much. EDIT: Mind you, this isn't in defence of Michaels. He totally reminds me of the dad trying to be cool for his teenage son. But I like him in the ring, so I can forgive his dorkiness. And his really, really awful fashion sense.
A sweaty, slobbering, drooling Kurt does not equal cool.
Oh, and since was Danny a "nice guy" before? Why would the commentators sell it like it's this huge turn when he's been a heel during his stay in WWE?
I wasn't talking about his forearms that are replacements for punches. I was talking about his flying forearm. Oh, and no one beats Matt's brother in the "weak punches" catergory...except for maybe Lita.
I thought Damaja was Doug Basham?
That's not my point. My point is that, in the context of the match, was it believable for Jericho to be beating up Cena in order for Cena to use his strength (getting the crap beaten out of him)? If yes, then why would it not be believable for Shawn to do so? Whoa, Matt Hardy's punches are weak? They usually make a solid thud I thought. Hit and miss at worse, but not weak. Anyways, yes, Shawn doesn't have great punches and overall, Jericho does work stiffer. But looking at both guy's offence (Lionsault, dropkicks, flying forearms), neither guys' signiture moves are hard hitting. How is one more believable than the other? How is a Lionsault more hard hitting than a forearm?
I meant in the credibility of beating someone like John Cena up.
But he didn't succeed, therefore it's null.
Well, didn't Jericho beat Cena up? Don't Jericho and Michaels have the same ring style?
To be fair though, Cena is like HHH: Yes, they are both pretty big guys. And yes, they are strong. But neither wrestle like they are strong or big. Triple H tries to be Flair while Cena's main thing is getting the crap beaten out of him.