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Everything posted by CanadianChick

  1. CanadianChick

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    You're just bitter because your match is last.
  2. CanadianChick

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    And the slowly but surely feedback continues... Tha Puerto Rican vs. Panther Is a Rage in the Cage different from any other cage match? And how long has PRL been using "The Champ is Here"? Isn't that a ripoff of a ripoff? AND WHY ALL THE CAPITALS? The chair fight thing is creative, but it seems to humourous for a match that is suppose to be serious. I don't like that. Comedy has its place, and it's not a cage match. Oh, and this needs a finish.
  3. CanadianChick

    Big guys.

    I think about half the guys in my class have short-man syndrome. It's pretty funny if they're in the weight room though. "Yeah man, I'm buffing up pretty good. 140 lbs now!"
  4. CanadianChick

    April, 7, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Well, maybe now people will actually know who Paul London is now... But seriously,
  5. CanadianChick

    Matches where the crowd was 50/50

    I want to say late 2003, but I can't be sure. It was a PPV match (No Mercy maybe?) between Cena and Angle. The crowd was very split.
  6. CanadianChick

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    London can kick him in the mouth pretty hard. So could Akio. And Tajiri.
  7. CanadianChick

    Add Kansas to the list of states...

    I don't know, but I think the whole statistic of about half of all marriages ending in divorce is a lot more damaging to the sanctity of marriage than two men or two women marrying each other. Maybe it's just me though.
  8. CanadianChick

    Shelton Benjamin

    I don't find if poor on the mic, but yeah, he could improve. But that's not hard to do, and if that's the only thing he has to improve on, he's good to go. I COMPLETELY disagree. That's the only reason why Benjamin *is* getting cheered. When he's in the ring, he can connect to the fans very well. Exceptionally well even. He has no personality, definite angle/gimmick (directionless IC Title reign doesn't count) or very good mic skills. If he wasn't able to connect with the fans, there would be no way he'd be getting any reaction right now, which he certainly is.
  9. CanadianChick

    When should Edge cash in his title shot?

    They're, admittingly, a bit underwelming, considering they had better matches in 2002. In that regard though, Jericho was a heel and Edge was a face back then. Perhaps the two just have better chemistry with that arrangement. That being said, the matches haven't been overwelming, but I would have thought the two could put on better matches.
  10. CanadianChick

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    Alright, here's some little-by-little feedback. Freaking awesome opening. From the pre-show match to the "video package", it was great. And who did the graphics? They're top notch. Nice way to recap the feud leading to the Drek/Hoff match. Before I give any, ya know, REAL feedback, I just want to say I love the headlock bulldog. Even if it was just one move in the match, it made me smile. Anywho, some real feedback: I like the respect thing in the beginning and Caboose explaining it, since he's been in the same position. A very cool touch which wouldn't have been the same if Cole or Coach had explained it. I would like to be a tiny bit critical after the figure four spot: It seemed that Hoff was in the move for quite some time, but right when the move was over, he feels no ill-effects from it? A bit off, but just something minor. Damn, is Drek ever heeling it up in this match. In a good way of course. What a way to start the PPV. It was a heelish win for Drek, but not cowardly enough to make him look like a cheap champion like a lot of heel champs tend to look like. Nicely done.
  11. CanadianChick

    When should Edge cash in his title shot?

    You know what Shadow, if they seriously do not want Edge near the World Title just yet but don't want the angle wasted, that's a great angle you have there. Pretty off topic, but oh well: They sorta touched on it last night, but I really like how there are various guys actually gunning for the World Title (Trips, Orton, Edge). They should do this more often, as it's more realistic and makes the champion look strong for being able to take on all comers and cool for being calm about it, which is just perfect for Batista.
  12. CanadianChick

    When should Edge cash in his title shot?

    Oh man, that got a good laugh out of me. It should be saved for Summerslam, assuming Batista holds it that long. If not, then when the next face champion gets it. The last thing I want to see is Edge vs Triple H.
  13. CanadianChick

    Trish IS the best Heel on Raw

    She's going to have to turn face soon, unless Victoria actually gets on TV anytime soon or Molly turns face. That being said, yeah, she was badass tonight. She should just attack random divas all the time, until she trys to pick on what seems to be a random diva, but is really some women wrestler from OVW. Instant feud.
  14. CanadianChick

    Two matches announced for Raw tonight

    Exactly. Trish was looked at as one of these fluffers in her first year with WWE. As was Molly -- under both Molly Holly AND Mighty Molly. It took them a while to break out of that shell, but they did it. Christy could very well do the same thing. To place her under this restriction so early in her career as a "fluffer" is beyond ridiculous. To be fair to Molly, she was a wrestling in WCW and was training there as well. But your point remains valid. I certainly didn't want to see a Christy/Trish match, and that's purely because Christy hasn't trained. If she had, it'd probably be different. Now she could very well be a Lita or even a Torrie Wilson, but hey, she could be the next Trish too. But she needs to go down to OVW for that to happen. If she doesn't, she'll just be like Stacy when she was a "wrestler" for a while.
  15. CanadianChick

    The Official Sin City Thread

    I really enjoyed it. I thought I'd be very grossed out by all the gore, because I don't normally like gore...at all. But after awhile, I got used to it and thought it was a great movie. I think it's to show that Harnet is a hitman, so right when you see him with the girl who betrayed Old Town, you know she's dead.
  16. CanadianChick

    Two matches announced for Raw tonight

    Christy should go down to OVW for awhile if she wants to improve, which seems to be the case since she felt guilty. I guess she needs to be on TV with the Playbody magazine still on stands, but once it's off stands, put her off TV. She could really improve at OVW since it seems the quality of female wrestling down there is quite a bit better than in WWE.
  17. CanadianChick

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    Fair enough. Although I haven't been here in the last week, so I was unable to give feedback this week. Hopefully I'll have enough time to feedback this week. I'll try to feedback this PPV in the next week, in stages at least since it's a bit much to do in one sitting. And it isn't a cage match
  18. CanadianChick

    So how was wrestlemania

    Hey, I can't believe I forgot that. Good call. I'm actually glad there were minimal insanely stupidly unnessesary bumps, but still very cool moves.
  19. CanadianChick

    So how was wrestlemania

    A very fun PPV. Went to a resturant with my bro and a group of his friends. I thought that Eddie/Rey was a good opener. I wasn't expecting HH '97, so I was happy with the match. With the exception of Owen/Bret, probably my favorite opener in WM history, off the top of my head. The Money in the Bank match was a great spotfest, which felt a bit too short for me. Shelton was pretty awesome during this match, and hopefully this is the beginning of good things. Then again, that was what I was hoping after the mini HHH feud. Kane and Edge took no serious bumps which is probably for the best as Kane doesn't take big bumps and Edge is a year off neck injury. Hey, has anyone told Benoit that he had a broken neck? Because with his bumps that he took, I'm not sure he knows. Benoit and Benjamin without a doubt shined during this match. Orton/Taker exceeded my expectations 100%. Orton looked damn good without winning, which I guess is best for everyone. Everyone at the resturant was marking HARD for Bob Orton's cast. Sweet RKO at the end. That would have been a fine finish, but I'm not complaining any. The women's match was...well, bad. But Trish tried really, really hard! And when Christy fucked up the second last spot (I can't for the life of me remember what it was), did anyone else notice how pissed Trish looked? Random guy comment: "I'll never look a suspenders the same way again". Angle/HBK was a pretty great match. It started out pretty slow, but it picked up. The Angle Slam into the ring post was a cringe worthy spot, in a good way. I disagree with whoever said that it took too long for HBK to tap out. Normally, I'd agree. But the crowd and anticipation made it work. Where I was at, the emotion was at an ultimate high during it, so it worked really well in that aspect. Sumo Match wins worst match of the night. Even worse than the women's match. Just a bad idea. The WWE title match was incredibly boring. It got so boring that we were discussing all the worse gimmicks/angles in wrestling history (damn, WCW had some BAD ideas). Cena winning was good though. The World Title match. I'm not sure how much I like the supposed #1 heel in the company getting such a huge entrance. I really think those type of entrances should be saved for faces, because that type of stuff is suppose to get a pop, right? I found this match pretty boring too, to be honest. But hey, because of this match, I got my dinner paid for because I bet with a guy that Batista would win. A silver lining indeed. Very entertaining Piper's Pit (I forget exactly where is was on the card). Piper was pretty fricking hilarious, especially his reaction to the "What?" chants. Very entertaining card up to and including HBK/Angle (with the exception of the women's match) and pretty boring after. But I wasn't expecting great things with the title matches, but the right people went over in my opinion, so I'm happy.
  20. CanadianChick

    Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

    Glad you enjoyed it. It was a joint effort with me and Axel, and I'm glad he finished it off very nicely.
  21. CanadianChick


    I'll never understand why Vince insists on bringing up the not-so-good stuff from OVW (Chris Masters, ect.) but doesn't bring up and utilise the good stuff (tag teams, wrestling girls, ect.). Ugh.
  22. CanadianChick

    Nicknames that never caught on

    Was that WWE? I could of swore that was WCW.
  23. CanadianChick

    Nicknames that never caught on

    He was saying that in mid-late 2003, I believe.
  24. CanadianChick

    Nicknames that never caught on

    He's pretty bad in WWE too. -Allatolah Of Rock & Rolla (both WCW and WWE) -King of the World -King of Bling Bling -Y2J (the one that really stuck, obviously) -Highlight of the Night -Sexy Beast
  25. CanadianChick

    Four years ago tonight...

    Maybe it's because of my age, but when I look back, 2001 seems alot more recent than 2000. The Alliance was just yesterday for me, but Jericho and Benoit constantly feuding for hte IC belt and E&C/Hardys/Dudleys as the tag division seems so long ago.