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Everything posted by CanadianChick

  1. CanadianChick

    How close is the WWE close to tanking?

    No, because unless I'm mistaken, they are still profitting. WCW was losing money annually. WWE is just gaining less money every year.
  2. CanadianChick

    Could Van Dam be a viable WWE main eventer?

    Because then we'd have to pin the numerous other topics that come up monthly and really, I'm not one to discriminate.
  3. CanadianChick

    Spots that should've been the finish...

    Out of curiousity Betty, why?
  4. CanadianChick

    RAW Rating

    Good, because they were advertising it to all hell. Had it not done a good rating, that would have meant bad news for WM XXI.
  5. CanadianChick

    Smackdown and Velocity non-spoiler listings

    According to some reports, that was the match of the night, so take that for what you will.
  6. CanadianChick

    Spots that should've been the finish...

    I agree with Rrrsh. It was overdone and anti-climatical.
  7. CanadianChick

    Could Van Dam be a viable WWE main eventer?

    Cena? Eddie? Jericho? I think it's safe to say that out of the unpushed midcarders, no one gets a reaction like RVD.
  8. CanadianChick

    Curiouser and curiouser...

    CWM is lying to cover his ass. Also, this a flagrant abuse of power. It looks like we've got another tekejohns on our hands. I'm sure you'll get over it.
  9. CanadianChick

    Curiouser and curiouser...

    Hey, can we not post that pic? It's a bit old.
  10. CanadianChick

    Curiouser and curiouser...

    Pale skin ain't so bad. At least there's zero chance of me getting skin cancer when I'm older.
  11. CanadianChick

    Curiouser and curiouser...

    I thought WJM was quite petite.
  12. CanadianChick

    Curiouser and curiouser...

    So you think. Betcha Failed Mascot tried to woa "her" with his charms too.
  13. CanadianChick

    RVD interview

    I may not particularly like RVD in the ring, but he's an absolute trip doing interviews. Which is why I'd love to hear him do commentary with Tazz if Heyman couldn't do it.
  14. CanadianChick

    Curiouser and curiouser...

    And some charm that was.
  15. CanadianChick

    Curiouser and curiouser...

    Is that a compliment?
  16. CanadianChick

    Blink 182 goes on "hiatus"

    Aw, I like Blink. Their new stuff is catchy as hell.
  17. CanadianChick

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers from Philly

    German suplex? Wasn't Haas using that as a finisher for awhile?
  18. CanadianChick

    Quick thought about Christian

    He was starting to when he feuded with Jericho. But lately, he's reverted back to what you said. His style works great in tag matches though.
  19. CanadianChick

    RVD interview

    Aw, that sucks that Rob can't wrestle. He should do commentary or something instead.
  20. CanadianChick

    Quick thought about Christian

    Now that's a hell of an idea. Nice idea Rudo. If Christian went for the title based on that, I could dig. I'm not sure if I'd buy him as a champion or not, but as a contender using your idea? For sure.
  21. CanadianChick

    Quick thought about Christian

    Paranoid psycho, or at Edge's position on the card?
  22. CanadianChick

    Quick thought about Christian

    Fair enough. But how could his character be upgraded and evolved without seeming like a Jericho rip-off? Because while he really does entertain me with his character and mic work, he just seems to be heel Jericho-lite to me.
  23. CanadianChick

    Chris Masters

    That sorta sounds like Victoria and Trish's aborted angle from when Victoria first came in.
  24. CanadianChick

    Quick thought about Christian

    You know what makes it strange? That he has no direction anymore. This is a question from the curious: Does anyone think that with his current gimmick/character, Christian could be a main eventer? Ignore ring work, and just base your answer on his character. I really don't believe he could without tweaking. His character is too goofy to be, IMO.
  25. CanadianChick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I do too! It's freaking catchy and the video makes me giggle.