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Everything posted by CanadianChick

  1. CanadianChick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I like Iris by Goo Goo. I rather like "Me Myself and I" by Beyonce. And "Red Blooded Woman" by Kyle.
  2. CanadianChick


    I'm a huge fan of Daivari. He's hilarious. When he was doing commentary on the mic during that one match, it totally won me over.
  3. CanadianChick

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Yeah, I think that'll happen, actually. But rest assured that if there is a clean win, it's Shawn winning. And I'm not even saying that because of anything to do with Shawn. HBK has a match at WM already, so obviously he needs to look strong while Edge will be in some throwaway match.
  4. CanadianChick

    The OAO SmackDown!'s No Way Out Thread

    Moore and London look awesome. Something different from whatever OVW muscle freak they bring in. It's Moore's idea to dress the way he does, he likes the make-up. "different" shouldn't automatically mean "tacky" It doesn't. He looked awesome. He'll get more noticed because of it, too. Yeah, from PETA wanting to know what animal Paul killed to get that jacket.
  5. CanadianChick

    The OAO SmackDown!'s No Way Out Thread

    Moore and London look awesome. Something different from whatever OVW muscle freak they bring in. It's Moore's idea to dress the way he does, he likes the make-up. That's great. Doesn't make it less tacky or ugly, but that's great. Paul London didn't look great. He looked like a mix between the Ultimate Warrior and Marty Jannetty.
  6. CanadianChick

    The OAO SmackDown!'s No Way Out Thread

    Were the RVD chants loud? I don't remember hearing them, to be honest. Cena/Angle was Cena's best match in a long while. In at least a year, I'd say. The last bit of the tag match was good. The first part, when Basham's controlled, got a big boring. I know, a Basham match boring! Who would have thunk? The cruiserweight match was fun, but really, can someone dress the cruiserweights better, or at least Shannon and Paul? What the hell was London wearing? Who let Shannon near the red eyeliner? I do like Akio's gear though. Hopefully Chavo and London have a match at WM. I thought that finish to the cage match was stupid. It seemed really comedy-ish.
  7. CanadianChick

    Feedback for the 2/17 show!

    Sorry I couldn't get this feedback in earlier...but better late than never I suppose. Nice touch with the opening and making the show seem special. Seriously, who wants to "La La" during a wrestling show? Not that many horny girls watch... What an...interesting concept for a match. I'm really liking Josie as the GM. She's such an easily conflictable character, face or heel, which is pretty important for a GM. Any character could conflict with her, easily. AHH! My mind's eyes are BURNING with the mental image of JR in a bikini! BURNING! I like how the match clearly depicts the intelligence vs. strength factor, with intelligence eventually winning. Not to say Black T lacks strength, but you get what I'm trying to say. Simple match stories like that, with HH just purely relying on strength while BT relies on skills, intelligence and teamwork to get the eventual win are great. Oh, and the ref not counting because of the illegal man in the ring is a very nice touch. Psh, I can't believe Hoff sold out! Come on now, Dr. Pepper is great, but A&W Root Beer is the only pop to sell out your soul for. Anywho, good promo. When Hoff said "backfighter", I thought it said "backyarder". Now THAT would have been uncalled for! The tag match was too short, but whatever. Hawaiian shorts and a button down white linen shirt? Zacky, get some style man! I'm not going to touch the Y Chromosome comment as it's been telegraphed already. Man, it must be such a pain to get outsmarted by a chick all the time! Good promo, because now I'm intrigued who the returning team is. I can't help but notice the lack of Crystal signs. Question: Wouldn't Hoff be hard to chant? One syllabol names are strange. The timing has to be perfect! Another question: what's a goomba? Good promo between the three, as we have tension no matter what match there is at AM 4. Good to build up prior to actually knowing what the match will be. I can't even begin to describe just how much of a mark I am for GPX. I really can't. If they were a real team, I'd be like a Jeff Hardy fangirl for them. Seriously. Are the Saints going to break up? Are GPX turning heel? Because if they did, I'd probably mark out for them even more, because that's what a good fangirl does. Another good tag match leading to the Anderson Cup finals. I loved how with all the cool moves, the tension between the Saints and the not-so-subtle heelish tactics by GPX shined through. And a nice, intense after match beatdown to boot. Isn't Axel a sweet talker? Oh, well maybe not since he has about a gazillion enemies. Well, at least he's a ladies man. That conversation between Josie and Alix made my head spin. I think everybody knows a girl similar to Alix. My friend is like that, and she provides entertainment all the time. I'm a bit surprised that Lindsay got so much offence on Tina. Fun little match. I like that the women's division is slowly getting built up. And that little sword fight thing was pretty cool. And my eyes hurt from ALL THE CAPITAL LETTERS. Marty Jannetty? What kind of strings were pulled to bring him in?!?! The ratings increased 10 fold just because of his face! Cool way to use the settings in the match. That should be a fun 6 man tag, since I'm assuming Jim will get his ass kicked. That's always fun to see. HA! "Get to the point!" Best line that a crowd member shouted out, ever. EVER. I feel sorry for Jimbo. The poor lug doesn't get any love. Brock Ausstin, heh? That'll be an interesting match to say the least. I get this perverse pleasure about people getting their asses kicked. I should really get help... Alright, now I don't feel sorry for Jimbo. Bastard! Like a scene taken out from a movie, but eyes got watery during the embrace of Axel and Crystal...okay maybe not, but good job Adam! Whoa, wait a minute! Do Tina and Candie have the same entrance music? Fun prematch banter between Candie and Cole about Ned's fashion sense. Another good women's match, and I enjoyed this one even more than Tina/Lindsay. Candie's random age comments didn't hurt either. And Blood on the Dance Floor? B-R-UTAL! Ouch! Nice finish too! I really think this match could have been the main event... ...until I read the main event. Oh dear god, I laughed hard during this. Job to God? Fucking brilliant! I can't even point out everything I loved about it. Whoever wrote it knows it's genius. Wow, this took a longtime.
  8. CanadianChick

    Eddy turning heel?

    I'd be morbidly curious to see Rey as a heel, but I really don't see it happening. I wonder how they'd effectively pull it off because after feuding with Eddie, who could he face that'd he'd get booed against? Cena? A returning RVD? The list is pretty short. Same thing with Eddie, I suppose though. I'm not quite convinced either of them would make an effective heel to be honest. They're both too popular.
  9. CanadianChick

    WWE newbits

    Wonder if we're going to be getting a Rise and Fall of WCW DVD anytime soon? Seems kind of strange they would just bring it up out of the clear blue sky and that a news site would actually report it unless it had some relevance. Oh christ, a WCW Rise and Fall? That'll be 3 hours of each guy from WCW bitching and saying how awful the place was with Bischoff trying desperately to defend it.
  10. CanadianChick

    WWE newbits

    For Batista to face? I think Jericho's faced him more than anyone in the company in the past year.
  11. CanadianChick

    WWE newbits

    Who are we kidding? Those two will feud forever and milk it.
  12. CanadianChick

    Recent Purchases

  13. CanadianChick

    Used to like them, can't stand em now

    I wouldn't say "can't stand him", but I'll nominate Hurricane. In part, it's because he's hardly on TV and when he is, it's for 5 seconds. He was good in the last part of WCW, pretty funny in the Alliance, and for a year after. Then he got boring and cliche. And now, he's a silly looking person with green hair who gets squashed by big guys. I guess it's more used to care, but not anymore.
  14. CanadianChick

    Who never met?

    Have Rey and RVD met yet? That was a spot-fest dream a while ago.
  15. CanadianChick

    Poor Trish

    Why? That'd be very random and sorta out of place. How would that work, ya think?
  16. CanadianChick

    Poor Trish

    I have a feeling Trish is going to end up being a manager soon for some random guy who can't get over. The women's division, unless they do something fast, is pretty well dead. Oh, and let's leave Jericho out of this. Trish is a goddess that deserves for her thread to stay on topic.
  17. CanadianChick

    Check out this botch video.

    The funnier ones were the backyard idiots and the promo/walking/tripping botches. The others were cringeworthy.
  18. CanadianChick

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    Got a link to the full interview?
  19. CanadianChick

    Check out this botch video.

    Is it wrong of me to have laughed at Goldberg going head first into the post like that? It was such a strange botch that it caught me off guard.
  20. CanadianChick

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    Unless he gags her when they're together, I hope not. Man, she has an ugly voice.
  21. CanadianChick

    OAO pre-No Way Out No Way Out thread

    I guess Vince doesn't realize that in this case, less is more. For the last little while, the main pretty divas have been Trish, Torrie and Stacy. Each, Stacy to a lesser extent I suppose, have contributed tons to WWE. Why? Because fans knew who they were. In Torrie's case, the really, really wanted to see her naked, so her Playboy did pretty well. In Trish's, she was the number one babyface, sold tons of merchandise, and had a big storyline romance with Jericho. Could they have done that with faceless bimbo #8? Yeah, pretty girls are great to look at, but why pay money for them if you don't care? These girls do NOTHING for Vince, with the exception of Playboy bound Christy. And even then, I really doubt that issue will sell as much as the ones in the past, because, get this, the fans really don't care for her. She's the redheaded broad who won that contest and is hyper.
  22. CanadianChick

    Strangest crowd reaction ever

    Yeah, that's so unsurprising. Wrestling fans, girls or guys, aren't the classiest. Honestly, I'm a bit suprised that Jericho gets a good pop in New York. Pretty boys tend not to, but he always has.
  23. CanadianChick

    OAO pre-No Way Out No Way Out thread

    They should just be there for photo shoots or something. Really, what do they add on TV? Nothing. They are there to look pretty and be hot. That, or they should be managers. Amy and Joy had fine roles, same as Hiroko. But what the hell does Dawn Marie do? Or that fitness girl, Michelle? Or Jackie? Or Torrie? Yeah, there are males who have no roles too and flounder, but at least they wrestle.
  24. CanadianChick

    Strangest crowd reaction ever

    Guys love a slut, but only if she's sleeping with them. Well, with Lita's reputation, her crowd reaction isn't much of a mystery then.
  25. CanadianChick

    OAO pre-No Way Out No Way Out thread

    So, every title but the two world titles?