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Everything posted by CanadianChick

  1. CanadianChick

    Pants so low people can see your underwear?

    I'm happy the real issues are being addressed here. Damn kids and their music....
  2. CanadianChick

    Most Humiliating Losses

    Hey, I remember that. What was worse though: jobbing to an elbow, or being left off the card in favour of Miller Lite girls?
  3. CanadianChick

    For all you Batista fans

    I don't really like any of them. I guess the third one is alright.
  4. CanadianChick

    Most Humiliating Losses

    Question: For it to be REALLY humiliating, shouldn't it be pretty lasting? Like, I wouldn't have remembered Benoit losing to O'Haire until I saw that post.
  5. CanadianChick

    Rob Van Dam DVD

    According to the Observer, RVD's DVD was #10 in Canada of all DVDs last week. Pretty good with the sparce advertisement.
  6. CanadianChick

    Edge and Orton In the Midcard !

    Or be like "See! I told you I could do it! In your face!" I wonder what a chilled heel Edge would be like. In between E&C era and now maybe?
  7. CanadianChick

    Moments you *did* see coming

    Alright, to counteract the unexpected moments thread, what were some moments that you saw coming a mile away, but were suppose to be a surprise? I'll say when Triple H attacked HBK to turn heel prior to their Summerslam '02 match.
  8. CanadianChick

    Edge and Orton In the Midcard !

    Uh, Edge got hit by Batista's spinebuster. I call that a overbooked finish to keep Edge strong.
  9. CanadianChick

    Most Humiliating Losses

    I honestly don't remember that at all. Did someone interfere? How about Jericho jobbing to pre-rapper Cena?
  10. CanadianChick

    Who Else Deserves A 2-Disc DVD Set?

    You know, actually they really haven't interacted too much after their feud in '02. Poor Rob still hasn't recovered. I guess Trips was really offended by that water spit mock.
  11. CanadianChick

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    I wonder what that feels like. Very uncomfortable. Too bad RVD is injured. Half Baked would be perfect!
  12. CanadianChick

    Moments you *did* see coming

    Was that suppose to be surprising?
  13. CanadianChick

    Raw SPOILERS from Japan

    Seems to me that he's slowly favouring the modified sharpshooter he does, so that's a good thing.
  14. CanadianChick

    Paul London action figure

    Actually, London's isn't very good either. He looks alot whiter and a lot older.
  15. CanadianChick

    Paul London action figure

    Who's that beside London? Kidman? Because that's awful.
  16. CanadianChick

    Moments you *did* see coming

    Ah, here's a relatively recent one that was really, really obvious: Booker T turning on RVD. I mean, in the segment before, he was pretty much telling Rob he was going to turn on him.
  17. CanadianChick

    Moments you *did* see coming

    Also, the Trish turn, but I didn't mind seeing it coming because Trish pulled it off real well.
  18. CanadianChick

    American Dad

    It was alright. I'm willing to give it a chance. The daughter is alot better than Meg, although Meg is suppose to be the straightwoman, so it's a moot point I suppose.
  19. CanadianChick

    Christy Hemme to pose for Playboy

    A Steph one would have more press, therefore funnier.
  20. CanadianChick

    Christy Hemme to pose for Playboy

    Molly. The fat ones always get jealous.
  21. CanadianChick

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    How about Jericho doing the whole "King of the World" thing with the Titanic? Although the Kane/Lita thing would be quite funny.
  22. CanadianChick

    Are you tired of evil teens baking you cookies?

    If I was this women's family, I'd be embarrassed as all hell and not show my face anywhere. What a bitch. And they sent her an apology for being nice! And what the fuck was the judge thinking?
  23. CanadianChick

    Dumb Wrestling Questions?

    You know when it's coming. And ever notice that girls don't generally wear white?
  24. CanadianChick

    Are you tired of evil teens baking you cookies?

    I'd give it to my brother to test out first. If he didn't die on the spot, I'd have one.
  25. CanadianChick

    SmackDown! Spoilers from Japan

    It was on Velocity though. I don't think it's really fair to compare the two.