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Everything posted by CanadianChick

  1. It isn't him, I assure you. But this should be funny.
  2. CanadianChick

    Excellent Randy Orton Interview

    He's probably already got it. I've actually seen that one. Well, the 1st mate does kind of look like Ashley...hmmm.
  3. CanadianChick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Steph kinda looks like my mom.
  4. CanadianChick

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    It seems the guy who got the WWE title from RVD is going to be that type of guy too.
  5. CanadianChick

    RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

    Would it be considered hypocritical for not suspending/firing them when they took Masters and Matthews off the road for drug usage? I personally don't see a problem with marijuana in itself, but smoking and driving? Not so cool.
  6. CanadianChick

    Post Mania Speculation for the Year

    WM 2000- Won (w/Christian) against Dudleyz and Hardyz in a 3 Way Ladder Match. WM 17- Won (w/Christian) against Dudleyz and Hardyz in a TLC match. WM 18- Won against Booker T. WM 21- Won Money in the Bank WM 22- Won against Mick Foley At WM 15, he made an appearance, but didn't wrestle, and he was out with the neck injury during WM 19 and 20.
  7. CanadianChick

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    They (as in WWE commentators) always make mention of RVD's flexibility. Why don't they ever use that as justification on why he doesn't tap out to submission moves, or why it's tough to get him to submit? It's a smart angle, and it justifies why he didn't necessarly need Edge to interfere to keep the title. Other than that, I'm liking the main event scene with RVD, Edge and Cena. The beginning (liked the Trish/Mickie match and liked the angle after) and the end were the highlights of the show for me.
  8. CanadianChick

    TSM: The movie

    Give me the prettiest girl you can think of. I don't care about acting ability.
  9. CanadianChick

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    http://img486.imageshack.us/img486/4890/1957du.jpg http://img486.imageshack.us/img486/5373/05...ntrance19xt.jpg You're wrong.
  10. CanadianChick

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Where have you been? Since when have females been restricted in wearing thongs? Every girl who wears a skirt in WWE always has a thong showing, and very visibly. And really, those underwear that all the girls wear...the booty ones, might as well be thongs as they ride up their asses so much. Though the male asses weren't appreciated on this front. On Raw, the only male asses I pretty well want to see are Edge's and Nitro's. Actually, none of the females wear thongs anymore. They all wear those booty shorts that would be considered granny panties on my campus. And none of the girls wear thongs? This girl and this girl would beg to differ.
  11. CanadianChick

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Where have you been? Since when have females been restricted in wearing thongs? Every girl who wears a skirt in WWE always has a thong showing, and very visibly. And really, those underwear that all the girls wear...the booty ones, might as well be thongs as they ride up their asses so much. Though the male asses weren't appreciated on this front. On Raw, the only male asses I pretty well want to see are Edge's and Nitro's.
  12. CanadianChick

    Refute this statement

    How is it goofy? Edge got the highest ratings as champion than anyone is quite some time. I believe his match against Flair has been the highest rated TV main event this year in the very least. Anywho, it's a good pairing, but I'm not saying it's a good angle until I see the blow off. If Alex Shelley and whoever will put out Nash at the end are the only two getting over with this feud while the rest of the guys who are part of the angle look like small jobbers, blah. But hey, it's entertaining right now, and I like how no one is defending Nash on the show, if that makes sense.
  13. CanadianChick

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    That's what you get for no-selling a german...
  14. CanadianChick

    Short songs

    "Saw Red" by Sublime featuring Gwen Stefani is under 2 minutes I believe, and a great song to boot.
  15. CanadianChick

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    Edge was always a better wrestler than Christian. Christian was basically Jericho-Lite as a heel. That isn't necessarly a bad thing, mind you. If you're going to copy someone, might as well be someone good. Women's wrestling can sell and not just be about T and A. It's just a matter of, as it is with the male wrestlers, having interesting characters to get behind rather than having stupid stereotypical female characters. As much as I don't enjoy her as a performer at all, Lita was a great example of this back before the whole Kane/pregnancy angle. Fans legit liked her, and it wasn't all about her looks (well, really, how could it be?). I agree with whomever said that American Dragon is the most charismatic champion in any company in a good long while. No one has better facial expressions than him, and he has a way of connecting with the crowd.
  16. CanadianChick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I think Jericho is done with wrestling right now, so I wouldn't count on seeing him at ONS.
  17. CanadianChick

    The Da Vinci Code

    Oh man, that's humour right there. I'm a Christian with not so strong faith, but the most this movie/book made me think was "Wow, that would be interesting if Jesus was married and had kids." And I don't think it's the media's obligation to make sure idiots don't change their faith (which in theory, is one of the more significant thing in one's life) because of a peice of fiction. And if I'm the Catholic Church, I'm not sure I'd even want followers who are so easily influenced from an obviously jaded (former?) Christian. It's an enjoyable book/movie, but hardly groundbreaking enough to change one's faith. I think that the 60% who let The Davinci Code change their entire belief system are just as gullible as the followers of Scientology, to be honest. Maybe I should write a book based on Peter being crucified on an upside down cross not in respect of Jesus, but to defy him, thus the whole pope lineage is flawed? Hmmm, would it sell guys? Could I convince the rest of the 40% on Christian English that the Christian religion is just a sham?
  18. CanadianChick

    OAO Raw Thread - May/29th/06.

    Crowd that bad?
  19. CanadianChick

    WON News and Notes 5/29

    Um, no she didn't. Regarding that match, Cheerleader Melissa sells in a disturbing way. Her screams sounds like she's having an orgasm. Not cool.
  20. CanadianChick


    Oh come on, that was so bad it was good. How about the Chosen One for Jeff Jarrett? Lame.
  21. CanadianChick

    OAO 5/22/06 Raw Thread in SIN CITY

    No, RVD's aim was way off. Cena shouldn't have to move his face/briefcase because RVD whiffed him.
  22. CanadianChick

    Active Roster List and Controlling Interests

    Crystal and Gunner Sharps are now active as well.
  23. CanadianChick

    Official Judgement Day Thread

    Um, why did Nitro get fired? Just because?
  24. CanadianChick

    5/18 Feedback O'Rama

    The last name might have been mentioned once or twice...I know it was mentioned in that short lived feud with Jenny Adams. I've only had the chance to read Zack's promo and Leon's segment. Zack my man, that was intense. I don't know where you're going with the character, but I like the multi layers he has. Very cool. Leon and Jade's interaction was freaking gold. The bitch comment was hilarious. More, better feedback later.