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Everything posted by Aero

  1. Aero

    The Shield

    TAVON!!!! I hope that wasn't the last we saw of Tavon, although it does seem like his story may be complete now. The last fifteen minutes were crazy, especially the car ride with Vic, Ronnie, and Julian. Ronnie's insistence on carrying out the plan reinforces the prediction of him offing Vic and/or Shane. Not to mention the threats he received from Claudette in the beginning of the episode.
  2. Aero

    Monday Night Wars

    As a mark back then, I remember cheering for Bret since he had previously been one of my favorites before the anti-USA stuff, as opposed to HBK, who I had always hated during his heel years. Plus, I was pissed that he cost Taker the title and won HIAC. Man, those were the days.
  3. Aero

    WWE Raw - October 6, 2008

    Miz & Morrison better watch out for JBL backstage.
  4. Aero

    WWE Raw - October 6, 2008

    Either Goldust or HTM will be acceptable, but please don't let Piper win.
  5. Aero

    WWE Raw - October 6, 2008

    Sucks for Cade, but I love when wrestlers bust out that barrage of chairshots.
  6. Aero

    Best pre match interviews?

    This was the first one that came to mind when I saw the thread. I always liked Bret and Mr. Perfect before their KOTR 93 match as well.
  7. Aero

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    I thought both World title matches were really good, but neither were up to MOTY candidate stuff by my standards. But then again, I'm hard pressed to think of anything that was MOTY quality so far. Maybe Taker-Edge HIAC? Edit: Actually, I liked HBK-Jericho at Unforgiven a lot.
  8. Aero

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    Well, Taker and Big Show are still available after their program, which might be over after HHH is finished with Kozlov. But yeah, the prospect of all three programs sucks.
  9. Aero

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    I really liked that tug-of-war finish. Pretty different.
  10. Aero

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    If he no sold it, he'd be standing right up. I think it's believable that he was able to roll Jeff over given Jeff's poor pin attempt.
  11. Aero

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    Well, in the case of No Mercy's theme, it'd be silly to have any other color than blue.
  12. Aero

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    After that interview, it really does seem like tonight would be a good time to have Jeff win the title.
  13. Aero

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    Here's a good stream. http://www.justin.tv/eminem155th
  14. Aero

    NFL Week 5

    My Fox has decided that the Seahawks have no chance of beating the Giants, so they've switched over to Eagles/Redskins.
  15. Aero

    The Shield

    Man, they dug up Cleavon and the girl who always flirts with Aceveda (the girl who shot through the door). I'm curious to see who else might show up for cameos. I'm really interested to see where the Dutch-teenager story goes. On one hand, it seems like he really might be a serial killer with Dutch, the profile guy, and Cleavon seeing something in him. On the other hand, I can totally see Dutch screwing up huge. The thing that leads me to believe he's probably a killer is that he hasn't finally just lashed out at Dutch yet for accusing him. He played it way too smart at the end of the episode by turning Dutch's house visit against him.
  16. Aero

    The Shield

    If I had to guess at this point who kills Vic, I'd say Ronnie since he's already said that he's not going down for him or Shane. Cassidy just seems too obvious. However, I'm going to guess that Vic LIVES but loses his badge, Shane dies, and Ronnie continues to lead the Strike Team.
  17. Aero

    NFL Week Four

    So what just happened in the last few minutes? Last I checked, 6 minutes left in the 3rd, and the Steelers only had 3.
  18. Aero

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    No, they were chanting for Kevin Thorn. Wow, that's the first time I realized that. That's awesome. And I have to say, Raw has been very enjoyable so far tonight.
  19. Aero

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    Those matches weren't announced as IC title matches though.
  20. Aero

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    But that would kinda kill the point, wouldn't it? Santino would start to get cheers if he could successfully defend his title for 60+ straight weeks. I really doubt the Honky Tonk Man defended his title every week. Hell, if they could start to harp on the fact that he's falsely adding weeks to his meter by not even defending the title, it could work to get him more heel heat. I'm not saying he should be defending against someone like Batista, but he's been champion for 6 weeks(?), and I think he might have defended it once. If he was truly going the Honky Tonk Man route, he'd be retaining by countouts and DQs every other week.
  21. Aero

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    The Honk-a-meter would be much more effective if Santino would actually defend his title each week.
  22. Aero

    WWE Raw - September 29, 2008

    As cool as it would be for Charlie Haas to get into such a big match as HHH, HBK would be an idiot to pick Charlie Haas.
  23. Aero

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    Very slow day in the WWE...
  24. Aero

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    The no slide doesn't bother me that much. It only started in MM3 anyway, but yeah, I would prefer to have it.
  25. Aero

    NFL Week Four

    Wow, Arizona is one of the most embarrassing teams I've ever seen right now.