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Everything posted by Aero

  1. Aero

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    Rather than see new matches that happen about once every five years like the Inferno match, I wish they would finally just completely revamp HIAC. It's been the same thing for, I think, the last five games. (Last year's game was the same, right? I never played it, and I don't remember hearing anything different.)
  2. Aero

    Alternate movie draft

    High Fidelity gone now... this wasn't a good round for me.
  3. Aero

    Alternate movie draft

    Yikes, burned twice in a row with Robocop and Raiders (probably my next pick). Robocop is a funny story for me. The first time I saw it was when I was about 5-6 years old, but I watched the edited version shown on TV. We actually taped it, minus commercials, and that was the version I watched a lot when I was a kid. Years later, I was exposed to the REAL version. It was pretty shocking what I had missed.
  4. Aero

    Alternate movie draft

    That would have been Zack.
  5. Aero

    News You Can (barely) Use

    I guess he's not just limited to pog-form.
  6. Aero

    Alternate movie draft

    Ghostbusters, Reitman, 1984 I was obsessed with Ghostbusters when I was a kid, even though the first movie came out three years before I was born. I had the toys, watched the cartoon, and dressed as a ghostbuster for Halloween on more than one occasion. I also watched the movie almost everyday. How could I not have this movie on my island? It was always a great movie when I was little, but it's one of those movies that gets better later on when you're older as you actually start to get all the jokes. One of my favorite jokes from the movie... Gozer shows up Venkman: Go get her, Ray!
  7. Aero

    WWE Raw (7/7/2008)

    I was waiting for Snitsky to start off with "That wasn't my fault", but it never came.
  8. Aero

    WWE Raw (7/7/2008)

    Jamie Noble's coming out next to demand a spot, right?
  9. Aero

    Alternate movie draft

    I think YNA had to drop out, so that would make it Blade's pick. Edit: I thought he dropped out, but maybe it was just for moving day?
  10. Aero

    News You Can (barely) Use

    Was it ever even confirmed that Michelle McCool was sleeping with Taker? I remember the initial "reports" being pretty vague, and then everyone just ran with it.
  11. Aero

    Alternate movie draft

    Looks like gWIL missed his pick, so I'll move forward. Back to the Future, Zemeckis, 1985 I won't take the chance of losing this in a later round. Awesome quotes throughout, just a great movie, easily ranking in my top 5. "There's that word again... Heavy. Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there something wrong with the Earth's gravitational pull?" "1.21 GIGAWATTS!" "Who's the President in 1985?" "Ronald Reagan..." "THE ACTOR!?"
  12. Aero

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/1/2008)

    Hopefully this new Superstar Initiative will lead to the reinstated Juniors division and more Boogeymen.
  13. Aero

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/1/2008)

    I love Tazz's commentary regarding the draft: "That's what I love, having a US Champion like Matt Hardy, a Finlay, a HORNSWAGGLE..."
  14. Aero

    Alternate movie draft

    So, I think Detox missed his pick a long time ago, and it's now YNA's pick.
  15. Aero

    WWE Draft 2008

  16. Aero

    WWE Draft 2008

    Man, ECW is just ruling the draft!
  17. Aero

    Alternate movie draft

    Die Hard This would be my all-time favorite movie. I was actually surprised it hadn't been taken in the other draft up to this point, but whatever. The first time I saw this forever ago, I was just blown away by how awesome it was. Once the action gets going, there's hardly any slow moments. The best action movie, ever. Plus, John McClane > you.
  18. Aero

    OAO Raw Thread 6/23/08

    I assume that's the end of the cash giveaways... reasoning being it's bad luck or something.
  19. Aero

    OAO Raw Thread 6/23/08

    Didn't Vince die at last year's draft as well?
  20. Aero

    OAO Raw Thread 6/23/08

    Does Smackdown drafting an ECW wrestler even matter?
  21. Aero

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    2007 was the 20th Summerslam.
  22. Aero

    Alternate movie draft

    Pulp Fiction This isn't my favorite movie, but it is in my top 3, and I'm not taking the chance of letting it slip away. Great actors, great characters, and great dialogue, and I could watch it over and over again without ever getting sick of it. My collection of movies wouldn't be complete without it.
  23. Aero

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    In DKC2, I still have never beaten that level in the secret world where you play as just the animals. That one part as the parrot when you have to fly through the thorned area with the gusts of wind is ridiculously annoying. Granted, I haven't played it in 5+ years, so maybe it's easier than I remember.
  24. Aero

    Alternate movie draft

    I'm in.
  25. Aero

    Royal Rumble 2006

    I wouldn't call it the worst ever since 1995 and 1999 are much worse, but it isn't one of the better Rumbles either. The biggest problem is that it's just boring as nothing particularly exciting happens throughout. And like you said, Rey just lays around the entire match (the total opposite of his 2005 performance), so his iron man role is wasted.