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Everything posted by Aero

  1. Aero

    Best victory celebrations

    First one that comes to mind is Eddie Guerrero's World Title win at No Way Out 04. I love seeing him run outside and just dive into the front row and then slowly make his way back over the rail with a huge smile on his face.
  2. Aero

    The Worst Wrestling Show of All-Time

    Hey, Souled Out is actually a pretty good PPV minus the "main event" between Luger and Savage. Benoit vs. Raven, the Luchadors 8-man tag, Booker vs. Martel, and Bret vs. Flair are all good-great. Everything else is about average, but there's not much actively bad other than maybe Hall vs. Zbyszko that I can recall. Even Nash vs. Giant is better than expected. Besides, Tony's reaction for Dusty's heel turn is awesome. He carries those hurt emotions into the next match and beyond!
  3. Aero

    The Worst Wrestling Show of All-Time

    Sure, Judgment Day 03 has a fun Brock-Show match and an average ladder match, but the rest is pretty bad. This is a show that features Hogan vs. Piper in 2003. The six-man tag could've been a decent little opener given 10 minutes or so, but it gets about 3, and Rhyno never even tags in. Test & Steiner vs. La Resistance (in their first match) and HHH vs. Nash... dear god. I usually like Battle royals, too, but that one was pretty boring. It's a bad show.
  4. Aero

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    WarGames 2000, from Dailymotion
  5. Aero

    Monday Night Wars

    Pelting garbage into the ring seems to be part of the live experience at a WCW show around this time. Granted, it was deserved as soon as the other nWo members started showing up during Hogan-Luger, but it's funny how it just continued well into Luger's celebration. Watching Schiavone, Tenay, and Heenan with the Nitro Girls surrounding their announce table at the top of hour 3 is hilarious.
  6. Aero


    It's working fine for me.
  7. Aero


    Here's something that I've been wondering about that I don't remembering us ever going over. In the second episode this season, we learned about the fake plane being found underwater along with each and every passenger. Everyone was confirmed dead. Now that the Oceanic six have returned, what does the public now think about the fact that "everyone" was found dead with the rest of the plane wreckage?
  8. Aero


    Locke being my favorite character, knowing that he dies is pretty disappointing in the long run, but we all know he'll still be a huge part of the show. Once he's reduced to ghost Locke, he has to be too important to only occasionally show up like Christian. I can see Jin still being alive if he has more work to do for the island. I almost want to question Michael's death, too, if only because in Walt and Hurley's conversation, they both seemed to agree that he's still on the island. Although, it was Walt who suggested Michael still being there, Hurley might have just humored him by agreeing. Mark out moments of last night: - The Others taking out the mercenaries via mystical whispering ninja method. - Sayid vs. Keamy - Ben turning sort of evil again ("So?") Having watched the first three seasons for the first time right before season 4 started, I've only had to endure week long breaks and that one 3-4 week break in the middle. Waiting until next year for more Lost will suck.
  9. Aero


    You have to figure that once he gets back on the island, he'll be alive. It is, after all, a MAGICAL island.
  10. Aero


    Jeremy Benthem is in the casket. How could we have forgotten about him? Seriously though... a Ben alias?
  11. Aero

    Judgement Day 2004

    I liked Eddie-JBL from this show fine enough, but I enjoyed the Bull Rope match from GAB much more. Both do have shitty endings, though.
  12. Finally got to see this today. I liked it a lot, but it easily ranks below the original three movies.
  13. Aero

    ECW on Sci-Fi 5.27.08

    Did anything ever happen with the Adamle storyline they were doing? After he walked out, the only thing I remember was him showing up on Raw one week, and now he still just makes bad jokes, but with more... confidence.
  14. Aero

    WWE Raw (5/26/2008)

    Randy Orton + Lance Cade = Ted DiBiase Jr.
  15. I watched Road Wild 98 and Fall Brawl 98 not too long ago. While both are pretty bad, Fall Brawl has the edge if only because of its atrocious main event that made no sense and featured the dumb Warrior antics. Not only that, but the finish to the match is one of the worst looking finishes I've ever seen to a big match in regards to how badly it's botched. And of course, holding off Rick vs. Scott for MONTHS was already bad enough, so for the second straight month, they deprive the audience of the match by faking Buff's injury and take 10 minutes to bring him to the back on a stretcher, only for... GASP, he was FAKING! No one in the crowd bought it, of course.
  16. I'd be interested if I'm home for the viewing period. Coincidently, I started watching GAB 99 earlier today (only got through match #2). I like the idea a lot, though.
  17. Aero

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    So, the WM24 came out today, and I got the Blu-ray version. I didn't watch any of the actual show yet since I went straight to the Hall of Fame speeches. Rock's entire segment is much better seeing it in full. But Flair's speech... damn. I think it clocked in around 90 minutes or so. Held my attention from start to finish. It's just tremendous. The Benoit mentions are not surprisingly edited out. I think he was supposed to be mentioned right when Flair started talking about coming back to WCW to form the Horsemen with Malenko, Arn, & Mongo. Even edited out, you can't tell that there's anything missing from the footage. It's very smooth.
  18. Aero

    WWE Raw (5/19/2008)

    I was hoping for JBL vs. Cena in a Texas Bull Rope Match, personally.
  19. Aero

    Slamboree 2000

    Courtesy of Web Archives, here's the feedback that this show got on WCW.com back in May 2000. Here Most WCW fans seemed to love the show, but I would assume that's because this show was actually better than most other WCW PPVs. My favorite piece of feedback: I love watching WCW 2000 because it's so bad that it's actually kind of entertaining to me. During most of 1998, I followed WCW close enough to know what was going on angle-wise and whatnot, but I always preferred WWF. Around late 1998, I had stopped following WCW outside of occasionally watching Nitro until 9:00 when Raw started. I'll never forget one night that me and some friends decided to watch the last bit of Thunder, and of course, this was the night where Arquette won the title. No one really wanted to watch any wrestling anymore after that. I don't blame them. Since this is WCW, the best match of the night (Awesome vs. Kanyon) ends in basically a No Contest, or maybe a DQ win for Kanyon. Either way, the finish sucked. Afterwards, it's funny watching Flair, Nash, and Kanyon celebrating. Since all the Millionaires' Club guys are hugging each other, Kanyon decides to get in on it and goes to hug Flair, but Flair doesn't seem very receptive. DDme might be the worst wrestling insult ever.
  20. Aero


    Are we sure that was the Orchid he was signalling to or someone somewhere else waiting or a signal from Ben? It would help if we ever had any idea whatsoever where things on the island were located in relation to everything else. Locke's early obsession with the hatch seems kinda silly now, seeing how it seems like you can't walk through the jungle for five minutes without tripping over another building. I found it sillier that once they got down into the hatch, it was like, "Oh, there's actually a door leading outside over there." As obsessed as Locke was with getting in there, you'd have thought he might have explored the surrounding area more and noticed the obstruction in the ground that has a door.
  21. Aero


    One thing I was wondering about... When Sun was talking to her father about how he never liked Jin, she mentioned two people were responsible for his death, one of them being her father. Earlier at the press conference, she mentioned that Jin never made it off the plane. Maybe she also blames herself, but if not, it would imply that she might have not been telling the truth about the entire crash and whatnot. Anyway, I'm sure there probably is more to it, and we'll find out exactly what she meant. Just thought it was interesting. I also just remembered that we're supposed to find out who is in the coffin from last season by the end of this season. Anyone care to wager guesses at this point? I still have no idea.
  22. Aero


    I only started watching Lost shortly after Christmas, so as I watched all three seasons, I basically read this entire thread to go along with each episode I watched. Good stuff.
  23. Aero

    Lets ask Google images questions

    Was Bobby Lashley the greatest ECW Champion ever?
  24. Aero


    Richard just not aging seemed to be the explanation, but with all the focus on time travel this season, I'm more inclined to think that's the reason. The only thing against it might be Richard's appearance with longer hair and different clothes when he first met Ben last season. I thought of that too. Didn't Locke also have black eyes? Really weird. Another similar thing left unanswered was the fact that Claire was having strange dreams about the Black Rock before anyone even knew what it was. That was from her diary, read after she was kidnapped.
  25. Aero

    Your Top Five Anything

    Top 5 Favorite PPVs 5. Survivor Series 1996 4. Summerslam 1997 3. Canadian Stampede 2. Wrestlemania X7 1. Summerslam 1998 Top 5 Matches seen live 5. Bret Hart vs. Undertaker (Summerslam 97) 4. Kurt Angle vs. John Cena (Raw, January 06-First blood): Awesome crowd involvement, the height of Anti-Cena/Pro-Angle 3. HHH vs. Mankind (Summerslam 97-cage match): Technically not as good as Bret/Taker, but much more exciting from a live stand-point. 2. Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart (Summerslam 97) 1. 2004 Rumble Match