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The Czech Republic

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Everything posted by The Czech Republic

  1. The Czech Republic

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    Dear Messrs. Jerk and izComing:
  2. The Czech Republic

    What are you listening to right now?

    Kraftwerk - "Ruckzuck" Apparently this song became "Trans-Europe Express." I rather like its early form with the flutes and square waves, though. Sounds like Neu!, and, well, it should, since the Neu! guys were in the band at the time
  3. The Czech Republic


    It's weird that Popick got such a high verbal score. His grammar and spelling on here are usually pretty terrible. UM EXCUSE ME BIGOLSHITTY I GUESS I MISSED THE PART WHERE HE SAID HE WAS TRYING TO oh wait wrong guy
  4. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round IV

    The American electorate, ladies and gentlemen!
  5. The Czech Republic

    MLB Spring Training Thread

    Vidro is the next to fall. Is it wrong to have a sense of schadenfreude about the Nationals? I mean, I really can't like this team.
  6. Are they gonna call it "Welcome Black Kotter"? And isn't Kotter a Jewish surname?
  7. It said "urban remake," so I figured that since "urban" has curiously and dubiously become a euphemism for "black," that it would adapted for an all-black cast.
  8. The Czech Republic

    David Bowie

    Side 1 of The Joshua Tree and side 2 of Abbey Road are probably better
  9. The Czech Republic

    Ozzfest '06

    Rick Rubin?!? bahahahaha. Metallica is fading fast.
  10. The Czech Republic

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    Who gives a shit? Are you people that dull that anything with a pretty picture instantly becomes worth watching? You could create technology that would virtually place me on the set of Will & Grace and I still wouldn't watch the fucking show.
  11. No, Ripper, you don't get it. It's already an urban show: it takes place in shitty 70s Brooklyn. Part of the premise was the racial mixture; if everyone's black, that's lost. You're gonna have to change all the characters, because there aren't going to be any black guys named Vinnie Barbarino. And if you don't have "Juan Epstein, the Puerto Rican Jew," then it's not even Welcome Back Kotter. It's just a film very similar to the 70s hit sitcom "Welcome Back Kotter" in which a teacher goes back to the ghetto school he graduated from. Just call it "I Done Come Back Up In This Bitch" or something I laughed really, really hard at this. "The Wiz," for the record. Oh by the way, Sanford and Son is a black remake of a white show: like a bunch of Norman Lear shows, it started in the UK. Sanford was played by Paul McCartney's very clean grandfather from A Hard Day's Night
  12. The Czech Republic


    Applebee's and Chili's are good, Friday's and Ruby Tuesday are not
  13. The Czech Republic

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    The picture quality won't change the product quality, so who gives a shit
  14. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round IV

    DA can't pick a winner either
  15. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round IV

    Just stuck his paw in there and took it out. We found Sylvia's head in the bathtub and he was puking fish bones later.
  16. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round IV

    Whoever this GWIL cock is has never voted for me, I don't think
  17. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round IV

    Slayer: Hoff is a hell of a guy, he really is. But I've gotta do what I can to help get the All-Zappa Final that we were robbed of at El Pit. Niskie: He's a decent deviant. Go get 'em Carnival: He's weird, likes my pet cat (Mr. Baby ate our goldfish, btw) and snorts coke. kkk is old, and acts even older. Czech: I don't have any reason.
  18. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round III

    CWM changed his vote, so his should go to me or be thrown out
  19. The Czech Republic

    Been a long time, had some drinks...

    Still better than most WWE folder threads.
  20. The Czech Republic

    Things we love about Canada.

    Not if I get there first. You know fuck all about music. You should respect my opinions on what makes great music. um, anyway, Arcade Fire and Broken Social Scene are actually really good.
  21. The Czech Republic

    Happy St. Patrick's Day

    Of all my various ethnicities, I don't have a drop of Irish blood, and today, I'm proud of this.
  22. The Czech Republic


    Yeah, e-fed member Big Poppa Popick was just too cool for the room.
  23. Hey, I'm a store-brand fan myself. Jewel sells good generics
  24. Shit, I don't know. I always get cartons of regular orange juice, no pulp. Can't stand that grovestand variety, it's like drinking vomit. Also, that calcium-fortified orange juice is gross too. There's a bitter aftertaste, kind of like when you drink it after you brush your teeth, but not NEARLY as bad. So......yeah. Orange juice.
  25. The Czech Republic

    Press Your Luck host Killed

    Well, that's pretty dumb, then. I mean, that was his best work. Anyway, good episode this morning. This guy had $0 and three Whammies, and he had like six passed spins, which you can't pass. So he starts racking up the $5000+Spin spots until he's down to like one passed spin, with like three spins waiting in the earned column, $22,000 or so, and of course, he hits a fourth and that knocks him out of the game. When the other lady won, they cut to him, and he was PISSED. He was just sitting there scowling and fuming. It was great.