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The Czech Republic

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Everything posted by The Czech Republic

  1. The Czech Republic

    The Ontario College Strike

    I've absorbed more knowledge from some of my professors than most of my teachers. Luck of the draw, I guess. Not everyone learns the same way. Some people can pick up everything they need from listening. Some people can pick it up from reading. Some people need to do something with the material. Like I said, most professors really don't seem to care if anyone learns in their class or not, thus shifting the entire responsibility for learning away from the professor (the person getting paid to teach) to the student (the customer). When high school teachers do this, they're considered bad teachers and politicians run on platforms to "hold them accountable" in order to maske sure the students are learning. College professors are almost expected to do it this way. It certainly is weird the way it shifts like that. I think I've always learned best by some combo of listening, discussion, and reading. So if I pay attention to my lectures, discuss the material after class with him, and do further reading on my own time, I excel. When they bogged me down with worksheets and mandatory study guides (which I never understood the reasoning for) and all that piddling bullshit, my grades dropped because I didn't give a shit and I had to coast on essays, exams, and participation. This basically breaks down to great grades in English and social sciences and shitty math grades.
  2. The Czech Republic

    Ben Stein on the Oscars

    You've gotta have balls to think you can get away with pulling shit like screwing with chronological order for a "documentary." "It's just entertainment," my ass.
  3. I was at the grocery store one day, picking up some orange juice, and some scruffy flannel-clad fellow comes up to me and goes "hey, whatever you do, make sure you don't buy the unsweetened orange juice, I drank some of it and I was sick for days!" "...excuse me, what?" "The unsweetened kind. It tastes awful. Make sure you get sweetened." "Okay?" (points) "Yeah, that's the unsweetened orange juice I got." He was talking about concentrate. Ostensibly, he drank it straight. I've never heard it referred to as "unsweetened."
  4. The Czech Republic

    If only this were most of you

    Rando, I want to kick you in the balls again.
  5. The Czech Republic

    Press Your Luck host Killed

    Yeah, I saw that on a rare high school sick day. I think I had figured out as a 5-year-old that there were three slides to each projector, but I never figured out the pattern that the outline travels on and which slides changed when. Pretty intricate and complicated stuff for analogue, wouldn't you say?
  6. Well, yeah, but he also did a lot for killing boys who weren't clever or connected enough to get deferments. If Johnson called it quits after serving out JFK's term, he'd be one of the greats. He served another four years and stunk up the joint with Vietnam stuff that he didn't even want to deal with in the first place, but had to. It was basically Kennedy and Johnson's war. Why do people repeatedly attribute it to Nixon?
  7. The Czech Republic

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I thought Liam was the pathetic one. Whatever, I have a soft spot for Oasis and never got into Blur, so I'm biased. But not bias.
  8. The Czech Republic

    Itching buttocks or bollocks in public

    This could absolutely shatter The Amazing Rando's reputation.
  9. 1. I'd argue that this is worse. The Soviets, being godless bastards, weren't ready to sacrifice their corporeal forms for a virgin-laden afterlife. They had some sense of self-preservation after all, because we're all still here. I mean, at least the Americans and Soviets, through it all, were actually on speaking terms. I think religious zealots are a lot more frightening than socialist bureaucrats. 2. Leave Nixon out of this. He was scaling back the war. LBJ was the one nobody liked.
  10. The Czech Republic

    Make me mod of Hardcore Discussion

    Yeah like a plea from Chave and a pic of Kotz was heading down the road to seriousness
  11. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round III

    Smitty, I enjoy your animated map. At least he'll always have Utah!
  12. Yeah, with exceptions here and there, nothing really changes. Dumb parents usually have dumb kids, smart parents generally have smart kids.
  13. The Czech Republic

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Blur's average. They'll probably just go down as an also-ran to Oasis.
  14. The Czech Republic

    Ben Stein on the Oscars

    Hey, if David Cross says you're a fucking idiot for misusing "literally," then you're a fucking idiot for misusing "literally." I'm not gonna doubt Grass Valley Greg. I use "couldn't care less" and "practically," so um, basically, yeah, I'm going to heaven and you're not.
  15. The Czech Republic

    Itching buttocks or bollocks in public

    This is bad by Testing Grounds standards.
  16. The Czech Republic

    Make me mod of Hardcore Discussion

    Make me a stupid mod
  17. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round III

    Wow, we've never heard THAT one before! LOL good one Malibu! Hey look, someone drank Czech's kool-aid! Yeah, drank it at my HD Party, that is. I brought the kool-aid. Leena brought the girls. Slayer is that guy that's standing in the corner, just watchin', you know, just hangin' out. He's Slayer. We're livin' it up!
  18. The Czech Republic

    Press Your Luck host Killed

    How do you know they won't show the Larson episodes? oh by the way I have a Press Your Luck game on my computer. It's fun!
  19. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round III

    Fell into the "I am not a dork, unlike the rest of the Internet" trap at times, though.
  20. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round III

  21. The Czech Republic

    Charles Mingus - Epitaph

    The man's magnum opus, which finally arrived in the mail today. Unfortunately, due to the logistics of presenting the whole piece, it never got performed during Mingus's lifetime. This posthumous release seems to have a nice lineup for '89: Randy Brecker and Wynton on trumpet, John Abercrombie on guitar, and like 27 other guys on everything from the usual big band instruments to contra clarinet and tuba. I've had this recommended to me by several people; hopefully I will be able to do the same. I'll drop thoughts in periodically, probably just talking to myself like that astroboy thread, but Charles Mingus is a lot cooler than Astroboy.
  22. The Czech Republic

    Charles Mingus - Epitaph

    Here's a link to Brian Eno's "St. Elmo's Fire" that I had up for my cousin if anyone else wants it. Nice Robert Fripp solo! http://d40.yousendit.com/F/3V8THPJEX56H73R...39;s%20Fire.mp3 Here's Don Ellis's "Strawberry Soup." awesome song. http://s46.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=316LI5P...AI17PZ036R53K2Y