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The Czech Republic

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Everything posted by The Czech Republic

  1. The Czech Republic

    Ben Stein on the Oscars

    See also: Democrats, hundreds of COULDN'T CARE LESS. I thought you were a teacher.
  2. The Czech Republic

    Anyone in the Twin Cities MN Area

    "Party" shouldn't be a verb.
  3. The Czech Republic

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    Yeah. It's fun to watch them once or twice just to get a feel for what the show was like in the very beginning, but you could tell they had to work a lot of the kinks out. Tom Servo isn't the pompous blowhard yet because Kevin Murphy isn't playing him, Crow has even more "traces" (HAH!) of a Minnesota accent than usual, Dr. Erhardt is just kinda there compared to TVs Frank, the rainbow-colored set looks weird, and the silhouettes seem to be a dark shade of green. It's all pretty rough around the edges.
  4. The Czech Republic

    College Hoops 2/27/2006 - 03/12/2006

    It might look something like that. God, I love this picture. I get to bring back the row of avatars now. Thanks a million, Ed
  5. The Czech Republic

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    Wide receivers make me want football to reconsider allowing the forward pass.
  6. The Czech Republic

    School Fights...

    Oh, we could NEVER get away with the backstop, man. This was just one of those little circular metal jungle gym-type things.
  7. The Czech Republic

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Nothing makes me feel better than catching references, especially when they're to The Man Machine!
  8. The Czech Republic

    Albums Listened to Today

    Hey, Loveless was pretty good after all. Not THE album of the 90s, but it has a cool dreamy quality to it that I liked.
  9. The Czech Republic

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round 1

    http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...ic=78071&st=30# I also retroactively explained my picks
  10. The Czech Republic

    Scroby's 1st TSM Work Related Rant/Problem

    it's just manager.
  11. The Czech Republic

    Happy Birthday, CronoT.

    Crono, please come back. Hardcore Discussion needs a new catalyst EDIT: hahahah 26 oh god
  12. The Czech Republic

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    That list is by no means exhaustive. I didn't even tack Burnt Weeny Sandwich on there, which, never mind the title, has one of his best "serious" works of all. PM me or bother me on AIM and we can discuss this more.
  13. The Czech Republic

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! Electronic: Jazz From Hell Frank Zappa Meets the Mothers of Prevention half of The Perfect Stranger Jazz: Hot Rats Waka/Jawaka The Grand Wazoo Sleep Dirt Broadway the Hard Way Make a Jazz Noise Here Classical: the other half of The Perfect Stranger The Yellow Shark and how could I forget Uncle Meat, whatever the fuck that is? as for WOITFTM: It's not really a joke to me. I think you need to understand late-1960s America, specifically the hippie counterculture. Basically what the album is saying is a simultaneous "fuck you" to both the establishment and the counterculture, both of which Zappa feels are equally shallow and full of shit.
  14. The Czech Republic

    Will Fox ever have shows at...

    Well, ours messed up the spelling of the word NEWS one night. I'm still not sure how they managed to do it but they did it. Someone HAD to lose their job for missing that. What? You're kidding. Which market are you in? Philadelphia?
  15. The Czech Republic

    Albums Listened to Today

    Since it's a damp, dark, gloomy day today, I'm in the mood to finally gonna give the rest of Loveless a shot. "Sometimes" is really good; "I Only Said" makes its point but never gets out of the way (see also: "How Soon Is Now?")
  16. The Czech Republic

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Whiter than white.
  17. The Czech Republic

    Ben Stein on the Oscars

    That didn't read like Ben Stein, but okay. Has its points, has its faults. Lot of jingoistic blather in there--"the oil companies try their best" was a real groaner--but a lot of the stuff on Hollywood is spot-on. No. When did he say that? He's certainly not a typical actor, though. He's a lawyer, economist, speechwriter, so on, who managed a few roles here and there. He's not really part of the crowd.
  18. The Czech Republic

    Root for Kentucky Basketball

    Lazy Sunday has already worn thin with me.
  19. The Czech Republic

    School Fights...

    In 5th grade, me and four or five other guys would have wrestling matches in some far obscured corner of the playground where monitors couldn't see us. Anyway, this went on for a good month or so and surprisingly, nobody got hurt. Being the "smart kid" in the group, I had to accept a secondary role to gain their acceptance, which in retrospect, doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of sense, but whatever, I wasn't even 10 yet. So one kid was on a nearby swingset doing commentary as I had to job to the "leader" of our group. So he starts trying to suck up by laughing at me for losing, so I got mad, and as he was coming up on the swing, I decided to, as the those in the business say, "shoot" on him, by throwing up my leg in an aesthetically sloppy yet effective Sweet Chin Music, which didn't knock out any teeth or break a jaw, but rather just pushed him backward off the swing a good several feet where he landed on his ass, got up, and started swinging at me, which turned out just as badly for him as the swing did, because at that point my fight-or-flight kicked in and I really defended myself. By then we all got caught, that was the end of that, but I did manage to break the glass ceiling and gain the respect of kids that would go on to not get through high school
  20. The Czech Republic

    World Baseball Classic

    Leena masturbated to this post.
  21. The Czech Republic

    Evolution Solved? Family walks on all fours

    Oh man, if they were Africans and not Turks, we'd never hear the end of it
  22. The Czech Republic

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Because he's different! He's not like those OTHER rappers! We can forget about the gangsta stuff, and just respect him for his music, like "I know the government administered AIDS" or "Ronald Reagan cooked up the answer"
  23. The Czech Republic

    Is baseball really a joke nationally?

    They must've realized that, liked it, and run with it, because I can't keep keep the NFL rosters straight from year to year. I doubt many casual observers of the league can either. Running backs are short-lived, offensive linemen are interchangable, basically if you can remember your quarterback and your Cocky Young Black Guys, you're in good shape, I suppose. Baseball fell after the strike, but if you can't see that it's really on the rise, you're just another Parity Drone worshipping at the Church Of The Salary Cap.
  24. The Czech Republic

    Bonds, steroids, you know the drill

    YOU DUMB DICK. IT'S CLEARLY BEEN SAID THEY WERE. Schedule III drug, illegal without a valid prescription, and it's BEEN that way since he's been on them. Baseball isn't a sovereign state. If something is illegal in the United States, it's going to be just as illegal in the Giants' ballpark.