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The Czech Republic

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Everything posted by The Czech Republic

  1. The Czech Republic

    Michael Vick fractures fibula

    .....D'oh! The Madden Curse strikes again?
  2. The Czech Republic

    X-Pac gives his side

    posted in GenWres
  3. The Czech Republic

    The One And Only I-Lost-My-Dentures Thread

    I believe it was Steve Lombardi who played the Mountie's cellmate, who said "don't you just love the feel of leather against your skin?"
  4. The Czech Republic

    Favourite male singers.

    Roger > Dave Roger doesn't sing. He melodically speaks. When he does attempt singing...The Fletcher Memorial Home. Good lord. Dave > Rick > Syd > Roger
  5. The Czech Republic

    Mike Sanders

    He's at home, riding his pony.
  6. The Czech Republic

    Waltman releases statement

    and She. You beat me to it! So he thinks he's either God or Choken One.
  7. The Czech Republic

    Bobby Heenan

    Easily. I don't care about Bradshaw's exploits out of the ring, or what Booker T's house looks like.
  8. The Czech Republic

    Orlando Jordan

    If Vince wants to be totally offensive, he'll give Orlando Jordan a character like Eddie Murphy's Buckwheat.
  9. The Czech Republic

    Scotty 2 Hotty Is Back

    I say Scott Taylor comes back as a strapp-ing young fisticuffsman with a handle-bar moustache.
  10. The Czech Republic

    Orlando Jordan

    The male Slam Dunk? That was the chick's name from WOW, right? No, more like the black Mark Jindrak, who debuted in 1999 in WCW with the gimmick of a college basketball player so violent, the NCAA declared him ineligible. Now four years later, we've got basketball players killing their teammates. Life imitates art, this time.
  11. The Czech Republic

    Orlando Jordan

    he was LITERALLY a backstage extra...
  12. The Czech Republic

    The TSM Troll Field Guide

    gimmickus bighairicus I think that all our subtitles should be Linnean-system species names. Sorry bout being pedantic but linnean names have the first word capitalized but the second one not. So JudasSault would be Gimmickus bighairicus. I'm really sad, aren't I? No, it is I who is sad, for making such a vast oversight.
  13. The Czech Republic

    The TSM Troll Field Guide

    gimmickus bighairicus I think that all our subtitles should be Linnean-system species names.
  14. The Czech Republic

    To honor the Eddy/Benoit hijinx,

    Better or worse than Czech Republiced? I'm working on a new TCR'D from TGS#3 so this is an interim because I'm too alzy to delve into Photoshop.
  15. The Czech Republic

    Orlando Jordan

    Could Disney, the drum corps of that name, the NBA team of that name, Earvin Johnson, or Norman Smiley sue for copyright infringement if he called himself "Magic" Orlando Jordan?
  16. The Czech Republic

    Orlando Jordan

    Isn't he that guy with the show on FX? I like those 7-Up commercials. (dodges tomatoes, "no that's Orlando JONES" remarks, spears, and basically everything)
  17. The Czech Republic

    The Atkins Diet

    My diet of choice has been lots of bike riding and less eating and I went from a 36 to a 34 waistline, and still getting thinner! Wow!
  18. The Czech Republic

    Unforgiven 2003 Promo Poster

    It's just big block letters that say "UNFORGIVEN" Impact font, maybe?
  19. The Czech Republic

    The TSM Troll Field Guide

    You're an asshole so fuck you. The PPV artwork NEVER lies! Anyhoo, I think all the members of insipidus normalis are: Cutthroat DJ Jeff Rico Constantino DARRYLXWF(debatable)
  20. The Czech Republic

    The TSM Troll Field Guide

    I just noticed something really weird. Whenever hardly anyone else is reading a thread besides me, the only other person is ALWAYS R2DFooster McSockman. INVARIABLY.
  21. The Czech Republic

    Favourite male singers.

    Dave Gilmour, people! Come on! I see one mention of him in this whole thread...
  22. The Czech Republic

    Most overrated band?

    Fool in the Rain Carouselambra Achilles Last Stand Tangerine The Song Remains The Same Kashmir Dazed and Confused Trampled Underfoot Baby Come On Home Babe I'm Gonna Leave You many more Come on. I have yet to hear a BAD Zeppelin song. (I pretend I've never heard Living Loving Maid.)
  23. The Czech Republic

    If they can make ghey = lame at WDI...

    Yeah, I do what I want, when I want. When I have an idea, I have no self-restraint. I just post it. The Greatest American Hero has a cool theme song. This has no significance to anything. Think I care? No. I thought, therefore I wrote.
  24. The Czech Republic

    A Forgotten Classic

    Testify, my fellow Cubs Fan. Rico is definitely part of the insipidus normalus species.
  25. The Czech Republic

    Unforgiven 2003 Promo Poster

    That's not true. Triple H for Vengeance Team Angle for Backlash Armageddon for Undertaker many more