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The Czech Republic

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Everything posted by The Czech Republic

  1. The Czech Republic

    the NWA's worst gimmicks of the 80's!

    The Tower of Doom was a cage on a cage on a cage with a ring in it, which appeared at Uncensored 1996 as well I believe. If that's the same structure, the structure in itself is not bad, though the '96 match it yielded was bad.
  2. The Czech Republic

    Who Got Over on Vince?

    I think Big Jay's got the right answer. Vince is Vince's worst enemy. Only Vince can fuck over Vince.
  3. The Czech Republic

    Who Got Over on Vince?

    Didn't Vader have a much better run in Japan than his 96-98 WWF run?
  4. The Czech Republic

    Cruiserweight title......

    Hakushi was awesome. Too bad most fans forgot about him or never saw him...they'd think he was a cross between Haku and Rikishi. ...gah! But as awesome as Hakushi was, I don't think his theme deserved a spot on Full Metal.
  5. The Czech Republic

    Happy Birthday

    For a while there were two Shockmasters.
  6. The Czech Republic

    Vince doesn't like Ultimo

    More like "The Bloody Spinebuster with a Cup of Regal's Soiled Tea". Hell, why doesn't WWE just go all out and make London speak in a fake British accent. London:"My wud, wrestling in WWE is awesome, jolly ol' chap!" Come on, can't you see Josh Matthews calling a match on Velocity (where else) and saying "But whatever will happen to Stephanie? I think it's a bunch of crap. And he calls that move the Blimey, that'll do it for Johnny Jeter here."
  7. The Czech Republic

    Bands ever back this up when they say

    I can't find the word "cromulant" anywhere!
  8. The Czech Republic

    Vince doesn't like Ultimo

    yeah his finisher will go from the London Calling to being a spinebuster called the "blimey."
  9. The Czech Republic


    Poetry is in Haikumania runs wild Thanks a lot Prince Paul
  10. The Czech Republic

    The One and Only TSM NFL preview thread!

    Woody Paige: "like the disemboweled voice was saying..." Bill Plaschke: "It's disembodied, Woody. Do you know what you just said??" I love that. Had to bring it up.
  11. The Czech Republic

    Bands ever back this up when they say

  12. The Czech Republic

    I need your help

    I was going to have a band called The Utah Incident...the name came to me in a dream as somebody's SN.
  13. The Czech Republic

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    It comes from the sarsaparilla root. This is not important information, but I'll be damned if it's not fun to say "sarsaparilla."
  14. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    I want to beat up the guy in charge of the Release The Twins Foundation.
  15. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    A Clangy Pipe Crisis!
  16. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Damn it Smackdown was batting 1.000 until Vince in a tank top was making out with Sable.
  17. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    I've never heard of the Hardy Boyz. THat's a book series, not a tag team.
  18. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    I've got a basketball jones.
  19. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    He should've hooked the non-existent leg.
  20. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Prince Paul reference: Fake Leg is going to help Nunzio win!
  21. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    I mark for the quarter pound. So is Nunzio sticking around after all?
  22. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Matt > Cole!
  23. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    How is the Elimination Chamber "where careers go to die" when Michaels' victory restarted his career?
  24. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    I'll race ChrisMWaters I'll race DamesI'll race Prince Paul. I'll race all y'all.
  25. The Czech Republic

    One and Only 8/7 Smackdown Thread

    Whoa! It's 1997!