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Everything posted by HollywoodSpikeJenkins

  1. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    XPW Is Back In Business?

    I always had a thing for Lizzy Borden.
  2. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi 8/28

    Slow motion entrance = ratings!
  3. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Indy wrestlers need to tone it down a notch

    Reports say that he suplex Shima and Shima fell on Danielson's face. I'm surprised Danielson made it out alive.
  4. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

  5. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    Oh, Dear God...what did Shelton do?
  6. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    Hey...Vince Loves Cock. That was almost funny 8 months ago.
  7. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    ...and the crowd is mild.
  8. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    This will probably not be funny.
  9. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    So we ignore Umaga getting over as a face and him teaming with Cena for the past month?
  10. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    Damn it. I liked Face Umaga.
  11. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Raw Thread for August 27th, 2007

    We ever find out what Hardy did to get suspended?
  12. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Thread For The Twentieth Annual SummerSlam Games

    I thought the plan was for HHH to take the title off of Orton and go into Mania as champ? These guys have no idea what they are doing, do they?
  13. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Thread For The Twentieth Annual SummerSlam Games

    So...because Orton was over the crowd wanted to see a title change (keep in mind, Orton is the heel)...they decide to job him to Cena to give Cena a big win that is being shit on? Did Cena really need another big win?
  14. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Help Chris Become A Better Person...

    Touche, Sly. Keep trying, Windy.
  15. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Help Chris Become A Better Person...

    Punk is dead.
  16. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Help Chris Become A Better Person...

    I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the fed that listens to hardcore (not punk-hardcore or whatever Toxx is talking about). And with that, you all listen to pussy music.
  17. HollywoodSpikeJenkins


    I guess I'm the only one representing Astoria. No, I'm not Greek.
  18. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Impact spoilers

    Of course Vince McMahon knows about TNA. They are the second biggest wrestling promotion in the US. He knows about ROH, too. Anything below that is doubtful. Now would he buy TNA out if given the opportunity? Possibly. But it would be the same thing as WCW except for the whole Invasion thing. Take the guys you like (which is basically Joe and AJ) and put them on TV, give the rest development contracts or release them to the indies and keep the tape collection.
  19. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Smackdown Spoilers 8/24/07 from Columbia, SC

    The D&D attack on Hardy/MVP was pretty bad ass. Besides the shitty 50's gimmick, they've been a fun team to watch.
  20. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    That Was Stupid!

    Universal rules of wrestling. Those spots the way you described them (countering back body drop/pause after shoulderblock leading to the leap frog) are intentional.
  21. HollywoodSpikeJenkins


    I'm interested. Where in Queens are you? I saw someone on the board from College Point, which is kind of interesting since I dated a girl from there.
  22. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Genesis Plans

    I have plans in the work. If they come through, big surprise for everyone.
  23. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Genesis Plans

    I wonder what he is referring to...
  24. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    If I were to put "Kristianna" on ignore

    Personally, I think we need more of her tits.
  25. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    The OAO Thread For The Twentieth Annual SummerSlam Games

    I may order simply because I've been paying attention to storylines the last month or so. Card isn't anything to go crazy over, but still.