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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Yeah, but this time it wasn't initiated by me. If they want to ask, I'll answer. No. I have no compulsions. Ephebophile, yes, but as I've said before, once they reach sexual maturity, I am biologically obligated to find them attractive. No harm in that. As far as outright pedo... nah. I mean, sure, I can entertain some pretty dark shit within the sicker corners of my mind, but what happens in the sicker corners of my mind, stays in the sicker corners of my mind. Because after all, in the realm of fantasy, there is no right and wrong.
  2. Not at all. I will admit, however, that I could see how some might think I were, under certain circumstances. Sometimes I'll say something that sounds racist because I'm pointing out how ridiculous it is. [i'll do this with lots of scenarios; say the absolute last thing anyone wants to hear. ie; "Say, So and So was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago. I hope nothing happened." "Probably got hit by a drunk driver and died. Happens every day, you know." It basically makes someone laugh and say "Of course not!" But sometimes I overlook that genuine racism still exists. It's just so far removed from my mindset, I can't even really understand it.
  3. Oh, definitely girl. While still identifying as a bisexual, I'm more attracted to women. And there's been more of them, so it's not really an even playing field. Lots of different types of girls. Guys? Sure, a couple of them have been good looking in a cute, boy next door sort of way, but I wouldn't call any of them "hot". I don't really think of guys as "hot", although I can do anything to/with them. The one guy I dated for any amount of time looked like a half Chinese version of Matt Young, if that gives you any indication.
  4. Sure. I've just finished moving (still in the Bay Area, just across town a bit). I got my deposit back, but man... was it a bitch to clean my bathroom. That's A) why it's better to rent from an individual than a company. Otherwise I never would have gotten that money back. And B) A lesson to the bachelors among you. Keep on top of your bathroom upkeep, or it will come back to haunt you. Fuck 'em. Tough to say. In the past, I probably would have said not applying myself in school/doing drugs and so forth, but I really think that worked out better for me in the end. I'm pretty happy with myself right now, and it's all been very tenuous, getting here. Even the slightest change could have skewed my entire future. Well... I'm going to continue to need a lot of dental work. I suppose I should have watched after that better when I was younger. I guess that's probably it. Not much else to regret.
  5. Nighthawk

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Nov 28-30

    4 Xmases... before that movie came out, I said "There's no way this movie works, timeframe wise. There's like 20 minutes of set up, maybe ten minutes of wrap up. That leaves 15 minutes per Xmas, assuming a 90 minute movie, there's no way there's enough time!" Then I find out it's less than 90 minutes! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
  6. Nighthawk

    My good friend died last night.

    Fuckface Assassin.
  7. Nighthawk


    Well, I'm going to PM. It's also not that hard.
  8. Nighthawk

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Moe Syzlak Not as fun coming right on the heels of the Simpsons draft, but he is, as I said, my favorite character on the show by far. He will be the elephant in the room for me if I don't take him.
  9. Nighthawk

    TV Characters that went from kind of dumb

    Oh yeah... and ditto Kimmy Gibbler.
  10. Nighthawk


    I liked the Joker myself. Also Tyler Durden. I knew they'd be first rounders when I chose Plainview though. Couldn't pick anybody but him.
  11. Nighthawk

    TV Characters that went from kind of dumb

    Well, it does have some structural framework. Family Guy sees the line and crosses it sometimes. You want a show that completely ignores the line: Robot Chicken.
  12. Nighthawk

    TV Characters that went from kind of dumb

    Call me crazy, but I much prefer Family Guy now. It's always been a show of extremes that makes no sense, might as well take it to the natural conclusion.
  13. Nighthawk

    Creat a folder for all the drafts

    I love drafts, and would prefer that we run drafts on different subjects forever. I'm a compulsive list-maker, you see. It's why I love cracked.com so much. I seriously used to just make up lists of my favorite film characters and shit for absolutely no reason. This trend has been wonderful for me.
  14. Nighthawk

    TV Characters that went from kind of dumb

    And another boy murdered his little brother.
  15. Nighthawk


    Daniel Plainview
  16. Nighthawk

    TV Characters that went from kind of dumb

    Hm? Perhaps socially and culturally stupid, but in fact something of the reverse happened as far as his intelligence. He began as a nerdy overachiever... ended up inventing time machines, teleporters, clones, etc.
  17. I like it too. The original is really pretty goofy in its own right, viewed with the right perspective.
  18. Nighthawk


    Fuck you.
  19. Nighthawk

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Toki Wartooth
  20. Nighthawk

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    I pre-emptively sign up for any drafts at all, including an episodes draft.
  21. Nighthawk

    The Simpsons Character Draft

    My first backup: Australian Bartender: "I'll just have a coffee." "Beer it is." "No, I said coffee." "Beer." "Cof...fee." "Be...er?" "C-O..." "B-E..." Bruno or Tobias Drundridge would also have been good. Nitpicky gripes: At this point I will say there is no legitimate reason I shouldn't have been able to draft Armin Tamzarian. He's as legitimate a character as anyone else, and since I don't live in Springfield, I'm not bound by the torture declaration. There were two inanimate carbon rods in the episode. Should have specified.
  22. Nighthawk

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Southern California maybe.
  23. Nighthawk

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    As you can see these guys discussing, there's different types, but you should probably get one of those Electric Wizard albums, or, I don't know, something by Sunn O))). You know what else? Eyehategod. Sludgy filth doom, that is.
  24. Nighthawk

    List Things That Bother You

    Not much. Yeah, I do actually feel sorry for some of you. I mean, hell, panties is one of my favorite words. Misusing "literally" I suppose is one of mine.