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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk


    I saw it. It sucked, but I loved it. Loved it to death.
  2. Nighthawk

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    The change in board climate has to do with continued exposure to the internet. It is legitimately killing you inside.
  3. Nighthawk

    Halloween Candy

    I fuckin' love candy corn. The real worst candy is the orange marshmallow shaped like a big peanut.
  4. Nighthawk

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    Gotta give it up to "Lashed to the Slave Stick" as my favorite Nile song.
  5. Nighthawk

    Actors/Actress Draft!

    Errol Flynn
  6. Nighthawk

    Actors/Actress Draft!

    Fairuza Balk
  7. Nighthawk

    First "CD" you ever bought

  8. Nighthawk

    Do you ever read your old posts and just DIEEE?

    Quite seriously no. I often read old posts of mine, and I love them. They genuinely entertain me.
  9. Nighthawk

    Actors/Actress Draft!

    I thought about taking her... clearly your taste is the most similar to mine in this draft.
  10. I thought it was about progeria at first...
  11. Nighthawk

    TSM Rumors

    Whoa yeah, chicken and watermelon!
  12. Nighthawk

    Is it just me or...

    4chan can be described as a lumbering dinosaur... *screams* Um, my director is asking me not to talk to you anymore.
  13. Nighthawk

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    Yeah, MA are entry level. In fact they are likely the first death metal band I ever heard... on Beavis and Butthead. Butthead (re: the vocals): "Is that a bear?"
  14. Nighthawk

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    But you can't divorce one from the other. That's what Mormons do. You're approaching spirituality from a secular standpoint. They're converting people to their religion because it's true. Maybe... I half suspect no Mormon really believes all that stuff the church says. But picking your religion is not like picking a bowling league. This is your eternal soul we're talking about!
  15. Nighthawk


    I'd agree.
  16. Nighthawk

    The Bacon Hamburger Fatty Melt

    No response was needed.
  17. Nighthawk

    Is it just me or...

    I belong to like three bestiality forums with that many members. There are at least like probably 4 or 5 open bestiality fans already here. They're everybody's future.
  18. Nighthawk

    Is it just me or...

    The absolute pinnacle of board invasions were MrRant and I invading various boards for our own amusement. Sadly, we didn't really share it with the board at large, but dear god, good times.
  19. Nighthawk

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Harry Nilsson - "Jump Into the Fire" It's official, I'm having this played at my cremation. (If it sounds familiar, they used it in Goodfellas)
  20. Nighthawk


    Why yes, it probably is my favorite food. I got hooked on the frozen Stoufers version, and then when I started like ordering it in restaurants, I was even more impressed. Make it, though? Not likely. I can only make a few things, and that isn't one of them.
  21. Nighthawk

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    While you actually seem like a pretty decent Mormon on a personal level, I myself would take the revelation of "I am a Mormon." to bash them even more harshly, and to their face. This happened to me at work once where I was bashing Mormons, and it turned out the Mormon girl had been standing around the corner, and heard all. When she revealed herself, I just bashed them more, to the enjoyment of all. This goes for any group I'd rant against though, not just Mormons.
  22. Nighthawk

    The Bacon Hamburger Fatty Melt

    We all know what it is, what with the way you all jabber on about it.
  23. Nighthawk

    Innate debates

    Personally, I've always used them the way you described there. Both are favorite words of mine, due to their infrequent use but frequent need, along with xenophobic and penultimate.
  24. Nighthawk

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Amish I can never hate, because of the movie Kingpin.