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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk

    Agent of Oblivion

    I live in Tampa sort of, like near it. Lutz is the name of the city. I don't know anything to do in this area... I'm sure we can find a strip club or something.
  2. Nighthawk

    Willow Creek Community Church

    Oh yeah, while looking for that picture, I also ran across this one:
  3. Nighthawk

    Willow Creek Community Church

    Lee Strobel used to be the preacher at Willow Creek. I'm pretty sure you know who he is, SP, seeing as you recommended his book, which I did read, by the way (both of them). I wasn't too impressed, but they were good for the casual fan.
  4. I've contemplated suicide because I didn't want to get out of bed. Not because I couldn't face the world, I was just really comfortable.
  5. Nighthawk

    Willow Creek Community Church

    This is the shirt:
  6. Nighthawk

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    A version of Anarchy in the UK that's worse than the Pistols' version is Crue's, largely because Vince Neil attempts a fake accent. For some god forsaken reason I like Vince Neil, but I can't support that.
  7. Harry fuckin Potter, I don't even care anymore.
  8. Nighthawk

    Willow Creek Community Church

    I'm familiar with it. I could go on for ages about the church growth movement, but I'd bore everyone except Spiderpoet to tears. In a nutshell: It's bad, whether from a religious or secular standpoint. Willow Creek is not the worst example, though they're pioneers. The ideals they've presented have inviltrated virtually all of mainstream Protestantism. For you areligious folks, try going to a few local churches sometime, or a Christian paraphenilia store. You will be wondrously entertained. I went into a shop once and found a shirt with a black metal looking picture of Jesus with the caption "Born to Die". I bought it on the spot.
  9. Nighthawk

    Nicknames for wrestlers that you came up with

    I call him Cyrus.
  10. Nighthawk

    Agent of Oblivion

    Hey, Agent of Oblivion, stop by my house when you're done real quick. If you're out on the porch I don't think it makes me a loser to step outside and hang out with you.
  11. Nighthawk

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I like Sporty Spice's version of "Anarchy in the UK" better.
  12. Nighthawk


    Actually that was Marilyn Manson.
  13. Nighthawk

    Napoleon Dynamite

    You were in choir? Queer.
  14. Nighthawk


    It is. It's fun to watch like bad porn.
  15. Nighthawk


    My favorite movie is Robocop.
  16. Nighthawk


    Actually that's not really true.
  17. Nighthawk


    Yes, but so is Plan 9.
  18. Nighthawk


    Ah ha ha ha! JAxl took Ritalin to get high and his brother needs it! You win the parts of the gay brothers in Gummo 2.
  19. Nighthawk

    Ugliest band in rock.

    Even in that case, Tenacious D is 50% ugly. So is Ween.
  20. Nighthawk

    Ugliest band in rock.

    And Cinderalla? Come on... that was the style at the time. There's nothing wrong with those guys in and of themselves.
  21. Nighthawk

    Ugliest band in rock.

    Tenacious D. Twisted Sister isn't all that ugly. Just Dee Snider, and again, makeup.
  22. Nighthawk


    To which I said he was, because he's actually DONE evil things. With the serial killers, they ALL did evil things, but some things could be seen as more evil then others. The hypothetical guy who WOULD kill millions, but can't, can't really be THAT evil because he hasn't actually killed anyone. Hypothetically. True. I had presumed that my hypothetical example had killed as well, though not as many. My fault. I don't want to make Hitler more evil because he was better at it than somebody else. I know a good example: Charlie Manson. He was into the genocide thing as well, in his own unique way, had people killed, and probably killed himself. Is he more evil than Hitler? Now it's a numbers game. Also, Hitler was a moderately good artist and Manson was a moderately good singer. Hm... I'm aware of that; I just found it was easier to word my response if I used criminal. It does change the meaning though. If we count every person dead in the Holocaust as a crime, Hitler shoots way up the ladder of the most criminal (again falling to Stalin, however). Criminal is a tricky issue as well. Chalres Keating embezzles a trillion dollars. He's undoubtedly more criminal than a guy who sets up a meeting with a 12 year old boy on the internet and chickens out at the last minute, but I know which one I'd rather have over for dinner. Yeah. This isn't concretely substantiated, but word is we got some pretty good use out of that data in Korea as well. See, now here's a guy who, by almost any standard, was more evil than Hitler. But he didn't have the name value, so he gets to cut a deal, while Hitler's grave gets pissed on half a century later. The Japanese government, by the way, see no problem with what Ishii did to this day (and it was bad stuff, if you haven't researched the specifics for yourself). Their official stance is that that's the nature of war. The public is coddled and fed propaganda. There's some truth in it. There aren't really good guys and bad guys like we're sometimes told. Also, there was plenty of racial motivation in the Native American genocide. They dressed it up a bit, but it was there. It's called Manifest Destiny. There was racial motivation in the Japanese biological experimentation too, if not in the ideal, in the way it was carried out. Racism in history is another thing it'd hard for us to view objectively, what with the modern slant on it.
  23. Nighthawk

    Inca's Birthday Party

    You are GAY.
  24. Nighthawk

    These New F'N "Tribute" CD's!!!!

    There are two Prince tributes that are good. It wasn't long ago that they were brought up here.
  25. Nighthawk

    Ugliest band in rock.

    Perhaps, but three quarters of his band at any given time is hawt. The ugliest Marilyn Manson member has to be Daisy Berkowitz, anyway. That may be the worst hair cut I've ever seen.