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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk

    List your aliases..

    Professor Murder Tigger Voltron Maybe some more.
  2. Nighthawk

    Spaceballs Sequel?

    First of all, Mog was not the name of John Candy's character, that was his species. His name was Barf. Fools. Second, I like Rick Moranis and want to see him again. A cameo if nothing else.
  3. Nighthawk

    Regarding Name Changes

    Shut up.
  4. Nighthawk

    Man, I've been here a long time.

    Hey, you guys all suck.
  5. Nighthawk

    The Bible is literally true.

    Very good.
  6. Nighthawk

    Wondering Where Real Music Went?

    They do jazz drumming, really. Also, I crashed my car while playing the Mastodon cd. Now that's rawk.
  7. Nighthawk

    The Bible is literally true.

    Yes, it is semantics. This has been explained more than once, yet you still fail to grasp it.
  8. Nighthawk

    Wondering Where Real Music Went?

    You know, I think that's part of what makes them a good band. You can tell they're from Atlanta. You don't see a band's roots show in this genre as often as you should.
  9. Nighthawk

    Eminem's New Song

    No, you don't weaken the genre to sell, you weaken the genre if you suck. What about Jay-Z? He'd admit to altering his style to sell more records, but he didn't weaken the genre at all.
  10. Nighthawk

    Klingons are voting for Kerry

    You know, nobody wants to vote for Kerry except crazy idiots.
  11. Nighthawk

    Eminem's New Song

    How do you even know what's on TRL? Are you watching it? I'm ashamed of you.
  12. Nighthawk

    Eminem's New Song

    Pure pop is a genre, and there's nothing weak about it.
  13. Nighthawk

    Eminem's New Song

    That's not what pure pop is. Keep in mind, this is not me defending his image, because I don't consider it a bad thing to be considered pure pop.
  14. Nighthawk

    Terminator 4

    I hope they keep going until they do Terminator X.
  15. Nighthawk

    Eminem's New Song

    Em wanted to rhyme like Common Sense, but he did five mil and ain't been rhyming like Common since.
  16. Nighthawk

    Wondering Where Real Music Went?

    Pretty sick album. I didn't expect it to be that funky, but that's a pleasant surprise.
  17. Nighthawk

    Eminem's New Song

    Exactly. He just got lazy. By the way, I can't tell if he's using a Pee Wee Herman sample in that song, or if he's making that sound himself and just really sounds like him. Either way, that makes it the best song ever
  18. Nighthawk

    Eminem's New Song

    He's not pure pop.
  19. Nighthawk

    Help me name my new kitten

    Heh... actually I named her after the Hitchcock movie. But yeah, that pussy's mine.
  20. Nighthawk

    What movie has the most swearing?

    John's Not Mad. It's a documentary. I hope I'll eventually run into someone else who's seen it. John was the Eminem of the 80s... in Europe.
  21. Nighthawk

    The Bible is literally true.

    It's funny, because cereal is my favorite food in the world and I love all kinds... except Froot Loops. I hate them. I explained this and all you did was ask the question again. Knowledge is not the same as dictation. Let me squeeze this one in there: It was chosen by us. God is outside of time. Yeah, show me the word omnipotence in the Bible. The Greek word translated impossible could be rendered "too difficult", the implication being that there is nothing God tries to do and can't. Why is that? For the sake of argument. I don't really believe in that interpretation of Hell, and if you'd like to challenge my literal interpretation based on that, we can flip the script and you quote the verses while I counter. So if God really was all-powerful like the bible says and DID have a control over hell, he would still be ultimately more concerned with what we think of him than with human suffering. "You don't love me? BURN IN HELL FOREVER!!!" Yeah, what a nice guy. We have to get around to this Hell thing. Was that a concession? Oh and you missed the one about the universe not being made in 6 days. No, it's just been done to death. Me: "God said let there be light first thing, the light existed of it's own accord." You: "Duuhr, light without sun? That's unpossible!" Me: "Luke 1:37." You: "No true." Me: "He did it that way on purpose to make you look dumb." I didn't miss it, I skipped it because it wasn't an argument. You: It took 50 zillion years. Me: No it didn't. And? I'm sorry, but this is just straight up stupid. Look up light in the dictionary. So ø÷éò (raqiya) doesn't mean expanse, sky or heaven? You've cracked the Genesis code! I'd better alert The Jews. I'm just honestly bored talking about it. Ok, so those species didn't exist before, and are the result of a rapid evolution immediately following. And God protected at least two of every kind of fish miraculously. There were miracles involved, God's been known to do that, you know. God sent all the animals, they weren't gathered. Note that because you've implied twice that Noah would have had to go and trap two velociraptors, which by the way were only about the size of dogs when full grown. Is the idea of a flood covering the entire earth not miraculous enough that it becomes implausible based on this? Actually, it does. The timeline of the bible starting with Adam and Eve covers a 6000 year period of time. That's why we have young Earth creationists trying to prove that Earth is only about that old. They are of course insane, but well... that's what it takes to believe in a literally true bible. Actually, it doesn't. For one, there are gaps in the genaeologies which that number is based on. Before you whine, quote me a verse which says "These familial records are complete and unabridged." Skipping to the important people was common at the time and much later as well. For another, the 6000 years was not even supposed to be the date of creation. It was determined by Archbishop Ussher by tracing recorded history, the very thing you attempt to discredit it with. Surprising as it may be, there are young Earth creationists just as ignorant as you. Perhps no mention of the Earth rotating or going around sun is made because they didn't know. No mention is made of the sun rotating around the Earth either. Wonder why that is. Yes, the roman catholic chruch was very much too stupid to tell the difference. Thought you knew. I've already explained that I use the word literal because it quickly familiarizes people with the predominant slant of the viewpoint. If I say "I interpret the Bible correctly." what reaction will I get? Interpret the Bible literally when it speaks literally. Do not even attempt to broach the subject of Genesis not being intended as literal, it's cross referenced so many times it's literal intention is one of the most verifiable things in the Bible. Yes, I do have more evidence because they're stupid and I'm not. The Bible also says that sin is crouching at your door. "That means sin is a person with a body! How else could it crouch?!" That's not what literal is. I responded to them. Not all of them, because I don't want to sit here all day. There are none I can't respond to. Pick some that are important to you. One is for personal conduct, one is directed at a government. You're making this easy. Remember what I said about literal? If I come on here and say "I reject a humanistic view of abiogenesis.", the response will be "Prince used a school word!" You know very well that I'm familiar with the word because I referenced it in the last post directed at you. But Genesis is proved false by Lord of the Rings. Uh-oh. Ask a stupid question... I said if I presuppose the existance of Hell as we know it, we would be robots if God didn't send anybody there. You've completely missed the point. Three times now I've said that I was working within the framework of Heaven and Hell already existing as we know them. Because you don't understand why it makes sense, therefore you conclude it didn't happen. This implies that he actually gave us free will. He didn't. He did. Yeah, unless you're stupid. If there's no God, do you have free will? Think carefully before answering. He is very stupid and likes pain? No. To boost his ego. That's pretty obvious. A deity that requires worship and praise has a HUGE ego problem. No. For another thing, a deity who is worthy of worship and praise has no ego problem for requiring it. That's like saying that you're selfish and greedy for expecting to get paid when you go to work. Site verse, please. Romans 1:18 through 2:16. Again, verse. 2 Samuel 12:23. See also 2 Samuel 13:14, Hebrews 11:32. No. It's more like your mother telling you to hold her hand while you cross the street, you refusing, and getting run down. I changed my mind. I'll only do it if it matters, and then only if I feel like it. Please don't play dumb.
  22. Nighthawk

    Help me name my new kitten

    I like the idea of giving cats foreign names. Like... Karl Von Klausvitz. Or just Kaiser... that would be cool. My own cats are named Titus and Marnie.
  23. Nighthawk

    Dr. Phil

    I don't even remember where it came from, but all I think about Dr. Phil is him saying "You get down on your knees on a urine soaked bathroom floor and put their penis in your mouth!" followed by an audience cheering. I need to find a clip of that and I'll sample it into a rap.
  24. Nighthawk

    The Bible is literally true.

    I don't know. I heard Alan Moore say it in an interview, he probably wrote it somewhere.