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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Yeah, but it's the most likely thing that will happen. What will actually happen is none of it.
  2. Nighthawk


    Chutes and Ladders, luke-o, Jesus! I've got a few. I really, really love the Predator one. Good lines: (commenting on how unbelievably sweaty Mac is): "He doesn't need a razor, he needs a squeegee!" "Predator was rated R for language, violence and gratuitous hoisting." "CHOPPA'S AN ENGLISH SLANG TERM FOR HELLICOPTA, I FORGOT YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW THAAAAT!" Big fan of the Saw track, as well, which is just Kevin and Bill.
  3. Nighthawk

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    Oh yeah, you gotta have a sense of humor about metal. Much of why I hold Dethklok in such high esteem. For example, Attila Csihar of Mayhem and Tormentor: Blacklight neon corpse paint. Or King Diamond: Just look at that dude.
  4. I saw Burn After Reading a second time, and I reiterate how enjoyable it really is. I could see George Clooney, Brad Pitt and John Malkovich deserving Academy Award nominations. Unfortunately the most likely winner is Pitt stealing it from Heath Ledger.
  5. Nighthawk

    David Foster Wallace

    Yeah, you probably killed a spider with it.
  6. Nighthawk

    Kill Yr Idols, hip-hop edition

    Speaking of gripping and sipping, another legend cut down before his time:
  7. Nighthawk

    Taco Bell big box meal

    I believe there's at least one of all those combination restaurants somewhere around here. KFC/Long John Silvers still seems weird to me. Especially considering that KFC sells fish and LJS sells chicken anyway.
  8. Nighthawk

    Kill Yr Idols, hip-hop edition

    There's also the inversion of this phenomenon...
  9. Nighthawk

    the most offensive two word combination

    Possibly when giving head.
  10. Nighthawk

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Well, I don't find it angering, more mildly annoying, but I have one... Riding a bus, if someone is talking loudly on a cell phone, bad enough, but when it's some thuggish guy talking about making power plays and essentially ghetto politics, I think it's pretty dumb. Fine, he's a king somewhere, who gives a shit?
  11. Ok, I see. My favorite 80s movie by those standards is The Lost Boys.
  12. Nighthawk

    Pictures I Like

    Provided there's not like a Sunkist logo on the back of it or something.
  13. Nighthawk

    Castro bedded 35,000 women

    I'm now picturing Castro ordering women from a menu, and talking to them ala Patrick Bateman. "Not quite blonde, are you? More dirty blonde. I'm gonna call you Sabrina. Don't you want to know what I do?" "Not really, no." "Well, I'm the president of a communist island nation. I don't want to get you drunk, but, ah, that's a very fine Chardonnay you're not drinking."
  14. Nighthawk

    Kill Yr Idols, hip-hop edition

    Tupac and Biggie Smalls weren't assassinated. Them niggas got shot. That was beef on the streets. It's all politics. I do see your point, and there's plenty of other reasons to kill someone famous besides making a name for yourself. Just being crazy, for one. Like Nathan Gale, or even Richard Ramirez, who both believed (or so it's speculated) in psychic/Satanic connections with bands. Would you be more crazy if you believed you were telepathically connected with Soulja Boy, or just stupider? Killing popular artists would be more of an old west thing, rather than a crazy thing. Euronymous, at least, was killed at least partially for reputation and notoriety.
  15. Nighthawk

    Kill Yr Idols, hip-hop edition

    If you're just like some sort of musical version of the Punisher (or perhaps the Sin Eater... )... Then yes. But I think if you want to make a name for yourself, you're better off killing somebody with talent.
  16. Nighthawk

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Yeah, but you smoke.
  17. Nighthawk

    Kill Yr Idols, hip-hop edition

    Most of those people were murdered, which has something to do with it. Why murder somebody that sucks?
  18. You know, Commando and Total Recall have always been my favorite Schwarzenegger movies, but with the Rifftrax of it, Predator moves higher up the list.
  19. Nighthawk

    Actors/Actress Draft!

    Crispin Glover
  20. Nighthawk

    Actors/Actress Draft!

    My final director... John Waters
  21. I've heard that recommended. Which also reminds me, I did end up watching Across 110th Street based on your recommendation a while back, I just never commented on it, but it was really good. Netflix no longer had it available to stream when I checked, which was why it took me a while to get to it.
  22. How do you mean "80s movies"? Best John Hughes movie? Best 80s movie about high school? I could see either of those being the case, but out and out best 80s movie, that's a harder sell.
  23. Nighthawk

    Castro bedded 35,000 women

    Meh. He didn't really earn it when he was able to "order one for breakfast". I could have sex with 35000 women if I could do that.
  24. I actually see a lot of people who don't like Oz or want to watch it. Hell, I can understand why. If gratuitous male nudity and watching guys get raped and stabbed isn't your thing... For me, there's no better way to kill an hour. I've never seen... The Aristocats. I believe it's the only Disney animated feature pre-Hercules that I've never seen.
  25. Nighthawk

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Just punch them in the face with your words. Reminds me of that Simpsons where Homer kept trying to knock Barney out so he couldn't drive drunk, and kept slamming his head in the car door.