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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk

    About the WWE folder

    You do realize that a mod like that would have banned you long ago?
  2. Nighthawk

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    That ass was totally not hers.
  3. Nighthawk

    Frigid Evaluations

    You should.
  4. Nighthawk

    About the WWE folder

    No we don't.
  5. Nighthawk

    Happy Birthday JSYK

    Happy birthday, cunt.
  6. Nighthawk

    How Old Are You???

    Frigid has nothing to worry about. He's with me, and Dames is scared of me.
  7. Nighthawk

    Albums Listened to Today

    That's "Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By" by Lovage, who is better known as Dan the Automator. Yeah, you want that. It's real good.
  8. Nighthawk

    Frigid Evaluations

  9. Nighthawk

    What does chave look like?

    Put on one of those beanies and you'd be so much of an AIDS patient you could wear it for Halloween.
  10. Nighthawk

    Least Funny Mainstream Comedians

    As experienced as Carlin is, I'm sure he knows how to work prospective material. I don't doubt he'll drop what doesn't work.
  11. Nighthawk

    How Old Are You???

    No, but I've eaten there.
  12. He used it on Orlando Jordan after that, though I don't know when.
  13. Nighthawk

    Albums Listened to Today

  14. Nighthawk

    How Old Are You???

    21, generic sinister location.
  15. Nighthawk

    Frigid Evaluations

    Editted for Accuracy Funniest 'edited for' post I can remember, apologies to CWM. Oh, and even though we all know I'm king of the gods, a synopsis would still be nice.
  16. Nighthawk

    What does chave look like?

    Well, you're also pretty slim. The beard is more AIDS though. I never hear it myself, I'm probably too husky for it. I did go to Disney World once with a bald head and in a wheel chair. Everybody was letting me go ahead of them in line, and when they had the parade, everyone stopped and had their picture taken with me. It was great.
  17. Nighthawk

    Best Simpsons Episode

    The same way you can walk off a drawbridge closing on your head.
  18. Nighthawk

    Frigid Evaluations

    Sure, go for it.
  19. Nighthawk

    About the WWE folder

    Look how many people filled out the survey who don't care or actively dislike the concept of the survey or it's nature. The answer is more surveys. People love filling those out.
  20. Nighthawk

    Random questions

    I now have a random dissatisfaction as well. Calling things "gift sets" as if they are only to be given as gifts, "collectors editions" as if you can only have it if you are a "collector", or (this one really only applies to dvds) "special editions" when it's the only edition there is.
  21. Nighthawk

    Frigid Evaluations

    You can asign the posters a corresponding god. Of course, mine has already been established.
  22. Nighthawk

    What does chave look like?

    I never really noticed before, but it makes you look like a cancer patient.
  23. Nighthawk

    WWE Folder Survey Comments Thread

    Saying that it'se being taken too seriously is taking it too seriously. Do what you feel compelled to do and no more.
  24. Nighthawk

    Frigid Evaluations

    Those days are over. I run this show now. I am Zeus, or Odin if you prefer.