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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk

    Okay, Explain THIS to Me.

    Oh, you bastards... you cut him off before his last post! How could you do that, you... bastards!
  2. Nighthawk

    The Old School questions thread

    I think it was the Betty Boop theme song. It used the "boop boop be doo" thing, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. I think it was an original style parody. The lyrics seemed a bit too contrived for it to be anything else.
  3. Nighthawk

    Wanna hear something sick?

    I've pulled it out. There was a knot in it and I had to use pliers. About an inch and a half worth of stitch once I got it out.
  4. Nighthawk

    Survivor Series 2000

    Where were you sitting RatsMilk? Like the 50th row. I don't think I would have gotten on camera unless it was one of the sweeping crowd shots or a close up for some reason. If you see somebody with a crudely scribbled Steve Blackman sign, that's my brother and I'm sitting next to him.
  5. Nighthawk

    Survivor Series 2000

    Hey, I was at that show. It was pretty bad, in fact I don't think I even bothered watching it later to see myself on camera.
  6. Nighthawk

    OK, this Taker crap...

    Ya, but I didn't even consider him losing. I thought it would be Taker putting Kane over and quitting. If they do something else, they suck.
  7. Nighthawk

    Kill NHB?

    I didn't think disallowing flaming was about keeping feelings from being hurt. I wouldn't have thought we'd have a folder for it if it was, seeing as how it wouldn't hurt someone any less depending on what folder it was in.
  8. Nighthawk

    OK, this Taker crap...

    I think it can be neither. This angle is more like a conscious ignorance of disbelief, more of a movie than a wrestling angle. Everyone knows it's unbelievable, but we play along anyway, because we understand what it is. Wrestling usually tries to stay grounded in reality, but this is one situation where I think an exception is appropriate.
  9. ^ This is officially, the lamest thing ever. You know, I think I might have to agree. But the "That's not fair." at the end was worse. I mean, really... We're talking about a tv show here. A) Nothing is ever fair. That's just life. B) They owe you nothing. This happened to me before, where my interest went way down. I quit watching. It's not as hard as you might think. You can come back later. Taking a break doesn't mean you aren't a wrestling fan.
  10. Nighthawk

    Kill NHB?

    That's a good thing, except I wouldn't have used the words instantly or exactly. A lot of fun, time killing stuff happened in nhb. I'm of the opinion that getting rid of the folder might create that kind of thing again. Naturally, because motherfuckers be trying too hard right now. Need to let that shit cultivate on it's own.
  11. That's what you want, it may not be what he wants, and it's not what I want. Not that I don't want good new people, but honestly I don't give a shit who it is. Why I like Orton: -Originally, charisma, which I think he has. I'm not sure what the general concensus on that is around here, but I think so. -After that, I'm already on his side. So when he fucks up, I find it humorous, but in a "That's our Randy!" kinda way, it doesn't make me resent him, and when he's good, that's icing on the cake. -Much as it's been said, he is improving, plus he's getting the push whether we like it or not. So that tells me that I will not be a fan of his in vain. He'll go places eventually. -After seeing how much he's hated on here, it made me somewhat defensive of my Orton fan status.
  12. Nighthawk

    Are you annoying?

    Just so you guys know, I got 110. Nobody has beat me in the other thread and nobody will here.
  13. Nighthawk

    Favorite anti-smark phrase

    Wrestlers would call us all marks. If you don't try to be smarkish, you won't be, there's none of this "never go back" stuff.
  14. Nighthawk

    are you annoying?

    I got 110 on the first test; very annoying.
  15. Nighthawk

    The Smark Double Standard

    He has a good body and cool theme song.
  16. Nighthawk

    Kill NHB?

    Even with the recently frozen post count, I still have more posts in there than anywhere else, yet even I think it's about time to axe it.
  17. Nighthawk

    Pics from 'Son of the Mask'

    The first one was horrid. Sure, it'll probably suck, but there's nowhere to go but up. Not that I'm going to see it or anything.
  18. Nighthawk

    My final post

    I couldn't find where I talked about it before, so I'll just copy this brief essay I wrote about it. Let me preface this by saying that "I couldn't care less" is easier and probably better, this is just for the sake of argument. There are many applications that could be used in saying “I could care less.” It could be sarcasm. “I could care less” would mean that you actually couldn’t. This isn’t unlikely. Consider this: when presented with some information that we aren’t concerned about, a response of “I care.” is not uncommon. Of course, this is used sarcastically, and sends the message strongly that we don’t care. “I could care less.” could be the same type of sarcastic phrase. So much of this relies on enunciation though, and the pronunciation most commonly used doesn’t lend itself to this explanation. Why? Perhaps people read the phrase, and misinterpreted how it was meant to be spoken. Perhaps they heard it used correctly and, again, failed to understand the inherent sarcasm, thereby speaking it as if it were meant to be taken literally. Of course, the intelligence of the average person is not very high; it’s only natural the incorrect pronunciation would, over time, dominate the correct one. Aside from using “I could care less” with sarcasm, what else could it mean? Maybe it’s a form of belittling short hand. Try this example on for size: Person A: “I won the spelling bee.” Person B: “So what?” Person A: “Well that’s rude. It doesn’t seem like you care at all. Could you care less?” Person B: “I suppose I could care less, but I really don’t care much at all.” In this instance, “I could care less” obviously means that you don’t care very much. Saying “I could care less” draws attention to the fact that it would be difficult for you to do so. So this exchange is shortened to the form that our attention is presently focused on. Or consider this: saying “I could care less.” could be a form of “Don’t press your luck.” As though you were saying “I’m being polite now, but be aware that I will become annoyed with you if you don’t stop.” Like so: Person A: “Family Circus was really funny today.” Person B: “Let’s talk about something else.” Person A: “How dare you! Family Circus is important to me!” Person B: “Look, I don’t care about Family Circus, but unless you want me to care even less, shut up about it.” Conversely, it could be a respectful way of informing someone that you aren’t very interested in what they have to say. Yes, you could care less, but you aren’t going to be rude and will hear the person out. Person A: “The Jeffersons was a better show than All in the Family, and here’s why…” Person B: “I find you to be an interesting speaker. I never watch television, so I could care less about this subject, if it was anyone else talking, but let’s hear what you’ve got to say.” This one isn’t too likely, as the emphasis and context would be almost completely in opposition to the way it’s usually used, and “I would care less” seems more natural, but one never knows.
  19. Nighthawk

    Chris Benoit sucks.

    Yeah, that's it. But Sabu is still walking, so technically he wasn't crippled.
  20. Nighthawk

    My final post

    I've explained before how "I could care less" is a perfectly acceptable thing to say. I'll be damned if I repeat myself, so take my word for it.
  21. Nighthawk

    Chris Benoit sucks.

    He did cripple somebody, didn't he?
  22. Nighthawk


    You guys kinda suck now.
  23. Nighthawk


    That board still exists? Damn, I should have been there.
  24. Nighthawk


    You should now call yourself Spork. And that should have been a picture of a spork.
  25. You can get Cemetary Man on vhs, if you're ok with that. Satanico said pretty much what I would have, so I'll just recommend a couple of things: A Cat In The Brain - Kind of a Fulci twist on 8 1/2, some people don't like it, but I think it's great, so check it out. And it's German, not Italian, but if you like these kinds of movies, I strongly recommend Premutos: Lord of the Living Dead. If you like Zombie, you'll love it.