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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk


    I'd say that honor goes to The Last Boyscout. And while I'm here, the most unitentionally funny would be Cobra.
  2. Nighthawk

    Butterfly Effect....

    He doesn't end up back in the same place. I thought this movie was pretty cool, and I would probably see it again, though I won't because I almost never do that. I'll get the dvd though. One thing, though... spoiler I got the strong impression that he was going to be gay at the end. Like, after he throws the journals in the fire, Lenny kisses him and they pan out on him screaming.
  3. Nighthawk

    A question for anyone who writes

    Cute, but I'm afraid that's terrible. Non sexual? What, are you afraid to create a sex murderer? Well, I got news for you, jack. Serial murder is a sexual crime by definition. I thought you said you knew enough about serial killers to get what you wanted, and apparently you don't know the first thing. Do yourself a favor, quit prancing around with your childish foolishness and stereotype of an idea, shut your mouth , and get back to me when you've written something worthy of wiping my ass with. Now, take what I've just said, what that made you feel, and use it for motivation. That's my advice. It doesnt make me feel anything. Im not affraid to create a sex murder, its just been done to death. And yes more serial murder is sexual based, but not mine. Its my story I can do with it what I wish. My whole point to the story is to make you HATE the character, any remote sympathy you could give him will be completely stripped away by the ending of him killing his gf.(im going to give him one point of connection to anyone normal, he gets a gf, and them in going to strip it away in a completely cold fashion) Im not writing this moive to make people enjoy their experience. I want them to leave feeling like that guy needs to be killed and praying then never meet a person like him. Make them feel like they just walked in the shoes of a person they could never be. I wanted to piss you off. Anger is good motivation. Mission failed, apparently. Good luck though, what you're trying to do is pretty tricky to pull off.
  4. Nighthawk

    Rap: Why does it get such a bad "rap " around here

    I'm pretty sure Body Count's drummer is dead too.
  5. Nighthawk

    A question for anyone who writes

    Cute, but I'm afraid that's terrible. Non sexual? What, are you afraid to create a sex murderer? Well, I got news for you, jack. Serial murder is a sexual crime by definition. I thought you said you knew enough about serial killers to get what you wanted, and apparently you don't know the first thing. Do yourself a favor, quit prancing around with your childish foolishness and stereotype of an idea, shut your mouth , and get back to me when you've written something worthy of wiping my ass with. Now, take what I've just said, what that made you feel, and use it for motivation. That's my advice.
  6. Nighthawk

    Easter Eggs

    The infinifilm mode.
  7. Nighthawk

    Easter Eggs

    They have hid at least one big thing in an easter egg, Little Nicky was the first of the infinifilm series, but you had to press a bunch of buttons, watch a Lord of the Rings trailer, then do it again to get to it.
  8. Nighthawk

    Easter Eggs

    I don't really care, because I don't search for them either manually or on the net, so the only time I see them is when I hear about them by chance, so it does feel like a bonus.
  9. Nighthawk

    Time to confront the bullshit

    I like this one the best.
  10. Nighthawk

    Time to confront the bullshit

    Fuck My Dirty Chavehole: The Movie
  11. Nighthawk

    Time to confront the bullshit

    I, for one, am fabulously enthralled. This is everything I could have ever wished for in an occurence.
  12. Nighthawk

    What do you look like...

    And your ink sucks. Well, not really, but I'd go further up my arm if I were you.
  13. Nighthawk

    Attempting to Clear your throat

    If I'm alone, I'll scream and sing death metal style. Usually gets it up.
  14. Nighthawk

    Rap: Why does it get such a bad "rap " around here

    Actually, someone generally does say shit when that happens. I usually will if I see it and no one else has said anything. There's just a smaller number of fans, so it may take longer. Look in the rap vs hip hop thread, that's pretty much all of them. And Banky, but he isn't in here as much. The anti rap sentiments you usually see around here are ridiculous and more than a decade out of date, so it isn't worth nearly as much effort to counter a statement which no one who isn't socially and culturally retarded would believe. And I mean retarded in the most clinical sense, so don't take offense.
  15. Nighthawk

    How do you explain to someone

    Good attitude, you know, I've found that people are a lot less derogatory about wrestling if you don't act like it's something to be ashamed of.
  16. Nighthawk

    What do you look like...

    Don't worry about it, I've been on a recent stint of calling people The New something, and my comparisons are often tenuous at best.
  17. Nighthawk

    the biggest question...

    Yeah, you should go, it's fun. Better than raves anyway. The south is my favorite rap "area" as well.
  18. Nighthawk

    What do you look like...

    Squirtle with hair grown out = the new Gilbert Gottfried.
  19. Nighthawk

    new candy bar and soda

    The smore bars are the greatest thing since coffee oreos. Which is not sarcasm, I love them both. I don't particularly like real smores, cause I'm not a marshmallow fan, but the candy bars are awesome.
  20. Nighthawk

    the biggest question...

    The term is often used to talk about the music, but sort of incorrectly. It's right in a way, because hip hop music is rap.
  21. Nighthawk

    the biggest question...

    Hip hop is the entire culture, encompasing rap, breakdancing, graffiti (although that's more of a Latino thing) ... clothes, hair, whatever, the whole thing. Rap is the music of the hip hop culture.
  22. Nighthawk

    So, I take it we just got upgraded?

    You can't just try it once on aol. It will be fine for a while and then fuck up a bunch of times.
  23. Nighthawk

    Dustin Hoffman Is A Fockerâ„¢

    Hm... shoulda been Jerry Stiller.
  24. Nighthawk

    Advice Needed

    Alright, I'm seriously not joking, you should kick his ass. Not emergency room kick his ass, but you know. You're allowed to do that as his brother, and if you've had a good relationship it will probably get through to him.
  25. Nighthawk

    Who made the best non-Van Halen work

    I don't think DLR should get much credit on account of Steve Vai. That's like saying Steve Guttenberg is the best actor because he was in a movie with Lawrence Olivier.