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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk

    Mankind...or Manking?

    I did that as well, and Bret "Shitman" Fart was always a favorite.
  2. Nighthawk

    Students Expelled for Making Sex Video

    A vibrator is worse than porn.
  3. Nighthawk

    Anyone play poker?

    That's pretty much what I do as well. The other machine I play is where you have to throw the quarter into one of several dinosaur heads and I always go for the lower payback ones. Generally I try to look for what the machine is trying to make you do, and then try something else.
  4. Nighthawk

    DVD Releases

    Wow, Upright Citizens Brigade, that's one of my favorite shows ever. I just downloaded a bunch of episodes with my new cable modem... luckily not from season 1 though.
  5. Nighthawk

    I know this is old news but...

    The people that make them overrated consider them metal.
  6. Nighthawk

    Horror Movie Tourney

    Psycho The Shining Friday the 13th Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  7. Nighthawk

    Mankind...or Manking?

    No it isn't.
  8. Nighthawk

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Here's a surefire way to ease the pressure and get her to ask YOU out. I guarantee it will work. Get a tattoo on your forehead like Gorbachev. The next time you see her, do a Cossack dance. And say "In America, you ask girl out on date. In Russia, girl ask out YOU!"
  9. Nighthawk

    Write your own McDonald's commercials

    Hey now, I do what I can adapting an existing rap in a minute or two to include chicken nuggets.
  10. Nighthawk

    Write your own McDonald's commercials

    Alright, with apologies to MC Ren Now one night I was at McDonalds drive thru And a car fulla niggas straight drove thru I thought they was comin to start trouble, but fuck it Five niggas in a bucket with a box fulla nuggets Now what do you expect? they're gonna gobble like a doggy 30 minutes later and the windows all were foggy And I'm up in my car havin a fit Cause the bitch that I'm with said she's on some diet shit And I'm like Damn. I wish I was in the bucket To be the 6th nigga with the nugget and I could munch it So I told the bitch I was with that I'm going to the health bar And got the fuck out the car Went to the bucket and I looked through the window It was some niggas that I knew, they let me in, yo And my turn was like next I was dripping sweet and sour sauce down my chest I wanted to eat some more cause I was famished Reach into the box... Oh shit! They had vanished There was only 14, we ordered 20 Went to the counter and and I gave them all my money They gave me honey mustard sauce, I was surprised But wasn't passin up the chance of my nuggets gettin baptized I was dunkin in the sauce quick I ate so many that I made myself sick
  11. Nighthawk

    I know this is old news but...

    Nah, Zeppelin is.
  12. Nighthawk

    How many pairs of shoes do you own?

    Since everybody else is doing it, here's what mine are: Blue and black Airwalks (had them since 9th grade, but I still wear them) Blue and black Pumas White Lugz Black and red GBX, like Hush Puppies, but not Caterpillar work boots Really really beat up work boots
  13. Nighthawk

    Need some advice regarding new authors to try

    Stewart Home bears some similarity to Chuck Palahniuk. He's quite a strange guy, a member of the Lettrists, a death-art/coprophilia cult which was spawned by the proto-punk French band The Situationists. A lot of his work dealing with the punk scene isn't very good, he's in it too deep, but I have read and will heartily recommend his books Cunt and Slow Death. Luke Rhinehart (which is a pen name, but I can't remember whose) is another Palahniukesque author you might try. Read The Dice Man. Tony Vigorito is somewhat like Vonnegut, I recommend his Just A Couple of Days. Actually, I consider Ray Bradbury to share some of the style of Vonnegut, but you're probably familiar with him already.
  14. Nighthawk

    Use Your Illusion

    I had a thread about me here once, and it was positive too. I was gone and Banky, bless him, wanted to know where I was. Unfortunately I had to share the thread with Kinetic, but oh well.
  15. Nighthawk

    Anyone play poker?

    I'm addicted to those machines too, those things are wild.
  16. Nighthawk

    To the Mods

    What a nice fellow. I for one, appreciate the effort.
  17. Nighthawk

    Straight Edge

    LDS is just a swish away from LSD, as is mormon to moron. They shoulda picked better names.
  18. Nighthawk

    Straight Edge

    Group mentality is for people with no friends.
  19. Nighthawk


    Superstar is Zack's brother?
  20. Nighthawk

    Halloween + Friday Night

    I've just returned from trick or treating, I got so many peanut butter cups and guess what else? Abba Zaba. Ain't seen one in years. I'm gonna go out again in a bit and have some sex I think.
  21. Nighthawk


    Don't let CWM see that sig... It's a very fine sig. You know who else's sig is great? The New Me's. alright, back to back up... word (the three of us are now a rap group. I'm Professor Murder, chave is Killer B. Killed and TNM is the Dalai Lama)
  22. Nighthawk


  23. Nighthawk


  24. Nighthawk


  25. Nighthawk


    Move bitch.