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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk

    Movie budgets:

    What if the actor is one of those assholes who want you to fly to China to get them some tea. Since that's part of making the movie, that has to be accounted for in the budget. So the budget would not only have to include the actor's salary, but take into account how much of a Hollywood egotist they are.
  2. Nighthawk

    Buffy Thread Enters Classics?

    sci fi? there's really not that much science in it is there? and no, I really have no basis for thinking that (well, I did see the movie)
  3. Nighthawk


    But I really hate tomatos. The smell would make me sick. Maybe if I jerked off with ketchup...
  4. Nighthawk

    Buffy Thread Enters Classics?

    ThEy aRe BondBoy, MrRant. And who the hell are you? Rant conceived the jerk list solo, it's not they. I used to be IDrinkRatsMilk
  5. Nighthawk

    Buffy Thread Enters Classics?

    WHO the HElL is THEY? You'RE psychotic?!
  6. Nighthawk

    Buffy Thread Enters Classics?

    He's not jealous, quit calling him jealous.
  7. Nighthawk


    I didn't watch it, but in lieu of that I was flipping through a Teen People and saw the guy that plays Tarzan. He looks like the kind of guy that chicks dig, if they get him in the public eye the show could do well.
  8. Nighthawk


    He stole the credit card.
  9. Nighthawk

    Buffy Thread Enters Classics?

    I agree with the spirit of this assessment, and have absolutely no interest in Buffy, or the thread. However, I don't care at all if it's in classic threads. So there's your outsider's perspective.
  10. Nighthawk

    Anybody know what these songs are?

    I just now downloaded some Bauhaus and I would say that song is "Stigmata Martyr" Yep, that's the one. Solid. Let's Go isn't it... but that's a pretty good song too.
  11. Nighthawk

    Anybody know what these songs are?

    There's a few songs I don't know the name of and I figure I might as well get them all out there at once. None of them are all that recent. This one song, which has kind of a classic rock sound, although I'm pretty sure it's more recent, and it has a line (might have been the chorus) that goes something like "If you see my dad, tell him my brothers have been fighting, but not me." From sometime in the 80's, this song had fast, sort of reggae style drums, and I think some of the lyrics went "Naked body on the floor, all you really need to know, whatever you do just don't say no, come on baby, let's go go." I know it was by Bauhaus, and the singer says some stuff in Latin in a semi hysterical voice over scratchy music and kind of a heartbeat pulse. A rap song, and I know very little about it, but the beat is real heavy and goes "dun dun dun DUH". At the Soure awards where the riot broke out a couple years ago, they played it while they announced the nominations in each category.
  12. Nighthawk

    I'm Considering A Change

    If you do keep it the same, at least change it to Lightnin' Flik.
  13. Nighthawk


    Never! But I almost made a joke about it.
  14. Nighthawk


    I agree with DA, fuck a tomato.
  15. Nighthawk

    The One And Only Band Name Idea Thread

    Squirm Steven Tyler Worm Mr. Beardsley ^ all from the same mst3k episode
  16. Nighthawk

    Quick questions about Batman:

    I'm not really the right one to answer, but the storyline was pretty much Batman: Year Two, with a few superficial changes.
  17. Nighthawk

    The One And Only Band Name Idea Thread

    Blorgleblak and the Blee Blop Blip Bloops It sounds like I just made up random syllables, but I do think it's a good name.
  18. Nighthawk

    I'm Considering A Change

    Too bad, I was close to changing my name to D.J. Tanner instead of Prof. Murder.
  19. Nighthawk

    Name change, please

    No inside joke, just irony. Since your new name inplies you're into the metal scene, naming yourself after Mr. Mister is funny in it's absurdity. I don't think anyone expected you to actually do it.
  20. Nighthawk


    I tried to drink out of a hose once and got a spider in the mouth.
  21. Say what you will, Virtuosity was awesome.
  22. Nighthawk

    Name change, please

    Mr. Mister is still better.