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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round IV

    Damn, I could have won this.
  2. It may be the right thing to do to say the color of their skin doesn't matter, but sometimes you just want them to look how they've always looked. You wouldn't want Superman to have red hair, I don't think.
  3. Nighthawk

    What's so bad about Saliva??

    By the logic of that implication, I'm a better artist than Van Gogh. He made nothing, at least I got tootsie rolls for my fingerpaintings in kindergarten. And on that note, did you know that the opera singer who called himself "The Great Caruso" was nowhere near as great as Sammy Hagar, the Red Rocker? So shut up, Caruso!
  4. Nighthawk

    People who's avatars

    Anime would be better if it didn't have so many jackasses into it (not refering to anyone here, in general). If anime were a band, it would be Korn.
  5. Nighthawk


    But drinking yourself into a stupor at home is... well, sad.
  6. Nighthawk

    Greatest literary villains?

    Moriarty is good. Dracula maybe. My personal favorite is Dr. Griffin, the Invisible Man.
  7. Nighthawk

    The Simpsons, gay sex, Futurama...

  8. Nighthawk

    Smoking Lounge

    Smoking spiders is supposed to increase your virility... or take it away, I can't remember which. My dad told me about smoking bananna peels in the 60s. Said it didn't do anything. That knowledge finally allowed me to get some of the jokes from my 60s Mad magazines.
  9. Nighthawk

    The Simpsons, gay sex, Futurama...

    Gay sex on tv is so 90s. Troy McClure fucked fish, they can't top that.
  10. Nighthawk

    Best ending?

    Arlington Road would have had a better ending if Tim Robbins hadn't said "Boom." Corny as fuck. Still alright though.
  11. Nighthawk

    Songs to beat people to

    No, but I'll check that out for sure. Can't go wrong with fast and noisy. Skimming through my collection, Ultraviolence is another gabber group you might like. "Electric Chair" is probably their hardest song.
  12. Nighthawk

    Songs to beat people to

    What is this? It sounds like something I might like. It's gabber, which is a kind of extremely fast (200 bpm or so), heavy techno from the Netherlands. The Berzerker is gabber mixed with grind. You might like Rotterdam Terror Corps, but I think most other gabber would be too dancey, from what I know of your musical taste.
  13. Nighthawk

    Best ending?

    Cube. To me, there's no better ending than that from a stylistic point of view. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The chainsaw dance is probably my single favorite image in film. Cemetary Man. Made me say "Damn." out loud. And on the fun side, Jason Goes to Hell. edit: and Day of the Dead. Not so much the very ending, but you can't beat the orgy of violence directly preceding it.
  14. Nighthawk

    Songs to beat people to

    Exodus - A Lesson In Violence (chorus - "I'll teach you a lesson in violence you won't soon forget. The pleasure of watching you die is what I will get.") Rotterdam Terror Corps - I Fuck You Now, Bitch Atari Teenage Riot - Raverbashing Mortal Kombat theme, the KMFDM version especially ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man, content wise, no, but I've done it before and it has a good fighting rhythm... maybe if you were fighting at the prom or something
  15. Nighthawk

    What's so bad about Saliva??

    If a band is truly the worst in the world, we'd most likely never have heard of them. I'd agree though, that it's probably a death metal group, when death metal is bad, it's really really bad. And I do like it when it's good.
  16. Nighthawk

    What's your 5 favorite

    1. Family Guy 2. Simpsons (was number 1 for a long ass time, but the recent dive has bumped it) 3. Classic Looney Tunes 4, Futurama, bumped up recently due to the dvds 5. Spawn, the HBO series, puts everything else about Spawn to shame... except the toys
  17. Nighthawk

    What's so bad about Saliva??

    I think all their songs sound the same, at least I think people have said that, I might be confusing it with another band, I tend to get them mixed up, which in itself might be part of the problem.
  18. Nighthawk

    Is this movie worth checking out at all?

    eXistenZ is good, I recommend it. Aside from the story, it's worth seeing for the atmospere and the retro-future world it take place in, sort of a mesh of steampunk and cyberpunk. But, the story is good also, and it has a good ending which you will probably think you see coming, but then don't.
  19. Nighthawk

    Pumpkin, with Christina Ricci

    I don't really think it was trying to be that. My considered opinion is that the humor (which mostly fell flat to me) is there for stage dressing, somebody just wanted to make a movie about cuckoldry. It had two directors and one of them wrote it, so it's probably that guy.
  20. Nighthawk

    Criterion Christmas Sale

    That's cool, I had Straw Dogs in my hand the other day, but put it back. Thanks for the tip.
  21. Nighthawk


    Shrimp is good, I probably eat shrimp once a week or so. When I lived in california and could get shark, I would eat that fairlly frequently (in a burrito).
  22. Nighthawk

    Pumpkin, with Christina Ricci

    Aside from the things I mentioned in my previous two posts, I don't think it was very good. I tried looking at it as parody, or satire... it just came back to where I started. I know there's a fair contingent of Ricci fans here, I would have thought a few more people had seen it.
  23. Nighthawk

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round III

    If I don't vote in every round, I don't vote at all. It's because of my obsessive compulsive disorder, but because you asked... The New Me all other matches, no vote now excuse me while I go wash my hands 50 times
  24. Nighthawk

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round III

    I'm leaving again soon. But I'll come back then too. I would never abandon my post as king shit of fuck mountain on an internet message board.
  25. Nighthawk

    TSM Poster Tournament II

    If I had been here, I would have voted for myself and tied.