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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk

    What's the worst thing you've ever done?

    Cool! That was my first and probably last smiley ever. There was a "what drugs have you done" thread... it was a while ago.
  2. Nighthawk

    Graphic Novels

    Well, I've just starting getting into these as well, so here's some of my recommendations: V For Vendetta From Hell ^ both good Alan Moore stuff All the Sin City collections are worth reading. For something more serious, Maus, which is a true story about World War II, with animals. The Jews are mice, Germans cats, Americans dogs, etc. Gripping stuff.
  3. My dick is just another body part to me, if somebody wants to see it, I won't stop them. And apparently there were a few people here who wanted to see it. I think that's the most surprising thing about this. There really was somewhat of a buzz to start this thread. It takes a lot to be called the worst thread ever without hyperbole. By Dames himself, no less, and he's seen them all. The threads, that is, not the cocks.
  4. Nighthawk

    I had a dream with you guys

    It's my new custom title.
  5. Nighthawk

    Most overrated band?

    Went with Nirvana, even though I like them the best out of those listed, after Floyd.
  6. Here's the four I did for this week's bonus: history book club - detailed above, don't do that one homework plus - cheap, they're closed now, I have to call and cancel tomorrow psychic realm - cheap, cancelled easily winanylotto - cheap, cancelled easy
  7. For sure. Three quarters of the people whose circumcision status I know are uncut. $400 is too much... you could probably do it to your kids yourself with a time life book or something. I wonder how much rabbis charge?
  8. I've been suckered by the history book club. I signed up and they won't allow me to cancel until I fulfill the commitment and buy more of their shit. I suppose it could be worse. Maybe I'll learn something.
  9. Nighthawk

    Answering a Black Metal Band Ad. Fun for EVERYONE.

    Right, right, I remember that on a Mushroomhead album.
  10. Nighthawk

    Futurama ends

    To demonstrate how fucked over this show was, I thought it was cancelled years ago. And just as I realize it's still on, it gets taken off for real. Ah well. I'm finding I enjoy the dvds more as well.
  11. Nighthawk

    Vanilla Pepsi

    Well, I can't really tell the difference between the vanilla coke and pepsi.
  12. Nighthawk

    first pic of garfield

    Odie and Nermal are going to be regular animals with CGI mouths attached to them to make it appear like they are talking. Garfield meanwhile will be pure CGI... Odie didn't talk anyway, did he?
  13. the second picture... it's not proof anyway, I was being ludicrous
  14. You can tell mine is mine cause you can see my dvds in the background of the saw one. Only I would have those dvds.
  15. Nighthawk

    Most overrated films of all time

    No. The Exorcist never scared me either. It's not really scary unless you're way out of the loop on fright.
  16. Nighthawk

    The Bitch is Back

    You know who was sexy? Data on star trek.
  17. Nighthawk


    I have it, and yes it is great. I'd consider it equal with Memento, with Memento maybe getting the edge in style. An odd thing about the dvd is that it says the commentary is "aimed at the low budget film maker", and is mainly tips on shooting movies and what not, and it's really not. He makes a few comments about shooting scenes on the street without permits and 90% of it is standard "what I was trying to say with this scene" style director commentary.
  18. Nighthawk

    Most overrated films of all time

    I was going to recommend Funny Games when I started reading your post, but I guess you've already been there. Everybody else though... watch that. I haven't seen Benny's Video, I'll have to check it out.
  19. Nighthawk

    Most overrated films of all time

    Misunderstood is probably a better description of Fight Club.
  20. Nighthawk

    Most overrated films of all time

    I would have said TCM. That's my favorite anyway. Maybe The Shining. If you didn't like those, maybe go a more disturbing than outright scary route. Dead Ringers... Eraserhead... stuff like that. Try watching Man Bites Dog and then Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer right afterwards. That gets to some people.
  21. Nighthawk

    Staying in on a Friday night

    Especially if it was done by a she male.
  22. Nighthawk

    first pic of garfield

    Heathcliff doesn't look so bad cause it's still pretty cartoonish and you can't ask for more than that. With the Garfield shot, it's not so much that it looks terrible (for cgi, I wouldn't have expected anything better than that), but it conveys a certain attitude. It's those ridiculous sunglasses.
  23. Nighthawk

    Most overrated films of all time

    People who don't watch scary movies will watch The Exorcist and I guess to them it's terrifying. I suppose it gets mistakenly labeled as a great horror movie, or the scariest ever because that's as far down the fright road as most people go. The same thing happened to Silence of the Lambs. It's even less of a horror movie than Exorcist, and yet there it is getting called that.
  24. Nighthawk

    Bankywood Industries v. 69

    I'll take Greg if Zack doesn't want him.
  25. Yes, it's a mighty fine penis. But if you guys are going to start with the bull queer stuff, there won't be any more dicks posted. Everyone will be afraid that this will happen to them.