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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk


    Oh, and I also hope Marvin dies in his sleep tonight.
  2. Nighthawk


    Yeah, it was good. The message wasn't about consumerism so much as it was about initiative and responsibility.
  3. Nighthawk

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Yeah, he's in the later ones. They really made him super, super badass too. Because of the movie, he was retconned into an Australian.
  4. Nighthawk

    Alternate movie draft

    Ok, we're doing this then. I trust you.
  5. She'd be more of a Janis Joplin meets Sid Vicious character. I think they're both overrated. But man, I just find her so hot it drives me crazy. The thing is, besides her hair she is basically a crackwhore with jailhouse tats. Maybe I'll just buy a crackwhore and put a wig on her.
  6. Nighthawk

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Well, I do agree that SFII is better, but if the violence were what he liked the best, I suppose it would work for him. Come to think of it, the violence was essentially the only reason I liked MK. Maybe true of a lot of kids.
  7. Nighthawk

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I don't particularly think so either, but it wasn't exactly a conscious decision.
  8. Nighthawk

    Alternate movie draft

    Ok, that's the end of round two. Detox is one pick behind and can make it any time. Now Coffin Surfer goes again, and it continues in reverse order until I go last, make two picks, and then it continues back down to Coffin Surfer, he makes two picks and so on. That should clear up the order.
  9. I could defend Shaft a little, but I'm kinda tired. Maybe later. I went to an indie theater showing of The Warriors tonight. Fuck, that movie gets awesomer every time I see it. There was audible audience anticipation (kinda like the THX deep note) towards the "Warriors, come out to playeeya..." part, and the line was quoted and met with thunderous applause. Had a great time. Baseball Furies 4 life.
  10. Nighthawk

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    It's all about Mac Dre up here... or actually down here, from your vantage point.
  11. Nighthawk

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    No, give him TSIB and Dopesmoker. He's called it his favorite song (the whole album is one song).
  12. Nighthawk

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    ^ I followed this up with a dream about being a harem sex slave for Cameron Diaz and a girl I work with. This was pleasurable for a while, but I end up escaping by befriending one of the attendants, an anthropomorphic bucket of slime known as Filth the Worthless. Unsure of Filth's gender, I have sex with it anyway, then betray its trust and fashion a crude bomb out of it using jailhouse Kool Aid. All in all, I'd call it a good night.
  13. Sweetback is the best one, but even though it gets called blaxploitation, it's really kind of the opposite.
  14. Nighthawk

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    It's slightly before two. I was in bed and literally woke up screaming. Hysterically screaming, like in the movies. Nothing seems to have happened... no horse head in the bed. No dream that I can recall. No pain. I think I was actually awakened by the sound of my own screams, which I might have thought were a dream themselves, except my throat is slightly sore. “The depth of darkness to which you can descend and still live is an exact measure of the height to which you can aspire to reach.”
  15. Nighthawk

    Who here is racist?

    Clearly you know nothing about John Mellencamp.
  16. Nighthawk


    Disappointed, but I'll still see it.
  17. Nighthawk


    What kind of statement is that anyway? Fish swim in shit? There ain't no shit fish...
  18. Nighthawk

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    My uncle and I used to hunt Skwerl in the backyard, too. He's very rezilyent, apparently.
  19. Nighthawk

    Book recommendations

    Anyone want to recommend me Cthulhu Mythos fiction by people other than Lovecraft?
  20. Nighthawk

    Who here is racist?

    ^ looks like an old dyke.
  21. Well there's your problem right there. Quit going to Blockbuster. Also, the movies in the first group are absolutely better than the movies in the second group. There's not just great horror films, they're great films. I love obscure movies too, but I can understand why a genre movie isn't as well known. It's like a Tarantino things. Say, sure, Coffey is better than Black Mama, White Mama, and Sweetback is better than those, and Shaft is better than all of those. (Although I personally enjoy Sweetback the most, personally). And hey, at least everybody knows Blacula.
  22. Nighthawk

    Pictures I Like

    I want one. I was thinking some kind of non-nazi swastika involved with a fairy. Speaking of, I saw this: and remembered how someone did the exact same thing to my dad's Bush/Cheney bumper sticker back in 04. I think the subtext of that is interesting.
  23. Nighthawk

    Alternate movie draft

    That would equal out to a fair exchange. I'm really not concerned with losing too many of my picks, but I hesitate to make decisions for everyone. If this makes anyone want to drop out, we can swap in some alternates. I'm going to update the first post now.
  24. Nighthawk

    What did you eat today?

    You never know. I lose and gain weight purely based on alcohol consumption. Today I had some glazed honey walnut prawns. I was very hungry, but man were they rich and just really heavy. I finished them, because they were good, and a little expensive, but I doubt I'll go for them again.