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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. Hot Rod fans take note: The Foot Fist Way is out now, featuring Danny McBride essentially playing the same character from Hot Rod as a Tae Kwon Do instructor. I haven't seen it yet, but looks good.
  2. Hot Rod may have been the hardest I laughed at a movie ever on an initial viewing. Doesn't hold up quite as well, still worth owning.
  3. Nighthawk

    A list of foods I hate

    If it doesn't poison you, it was meant to be eaten.
  4. Nighthawk


    Hey, I don't put a pound of it on an entire loaf of French bread like he did.
  5. Nighthawk

    Desert Island Draft

    Yeah, man. Like I'm going to post when it's my turn and not pick? Come on now. Be glad this isn't the music draft, where weeks pass with nobody picking.
  6. Nighthawk


    Instead of chewing gum, chew bacon! But I have long been a proponent of putting bacon on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Learned that from The King.
  7. Nighthawk


    Sausage is one of my favorite foods. Bacon is not. Nothing wrong with it... but it doesn't have that edge.
  8. Nighthawk

    A list of foods I hate

    You know what I hate now? Cheetos. I used to eat them (not like, an inordinate amount, but sure, I'd have some Cheetos then and now), particularly Flamin' Hots. Now I can't eat the fuckers. It's the texture. I get this paste built up on my teeth, shit gets all over my fingers... the whole thing is just not cool. Texture is very important to me in what foods I like and dislike. It why I can't eat a tomato, but enjoy most all tomato based products. I love the hell out of Butterfingers, but the texture just kills it for me. (I guess that's why they made Butterfinger Crisp).
  9. Come on now... Cyrus the Virus gets his leg impaled, gets smashed through a pedestrian flyover, electrocuted on cables and then gets his head crushed by a piledriver. That may even surpass the triple kill from Marked For Death. Flying Dave Chappelle! Con Air is pure, uncut awesome.
  10. Nighthawk

    ICP fans give their baby a Jullago funeral.

    I don't think it's a joke to them... I mean, that's sort of what I admire about it. These people are clearly just the absolute dregs of society. They are the bottom. I saw some old woman wearing football cleats lying in an alley drinking beer out of a milk bottle the other day, and she was better than these people. But... they're still people. I won't discount the grief of a mother losing her child, no matter who the mother is. So, when you would quite honestly be better off dead, where can you find meaning in life? Religion, oftentimes, and that's what these people have done... turned circus themed swear-rap into a religion. And that's really funny. But also beautiful in a way. Harmony Korine beautiful.
  11. Nighthawk

    Ever felt like you just can't get the right job?

    A cop once told me that maybe two thirds of cops are total pieces of shit. You know, I looked into becoming a mortician, but you have to do some college and only make an average of 40K a year and probably relocate. Excellent job security, though. I still might become a butcher, that's an ok job. Mortician, butcher... these are excellent day jobs for me while I work on being a comedian and musician (and I also write screenplays now).
  12. Nighthawk

    Desert Island Draft

    I always PM the next person. I don't always get pmed, but sometimes I do.
  13. We do need that... except maybe not the Jason Statham part. Speaking of which... Wanted. That's one of the dumbest trailers I've seen in a while. I don't think it will be good bad like my favorite stupid action movies (Commando, Con Air, Shoot Em Up, etc), but it should be funny bad, like... Transporter.
  14. Nighthawk

    The Happening

    Bruce Willis' best role was in Last Boyscout. Anyway, I'm sold on seeing this piece of shit. The last time I got this excited about a bad movie was I Know Who Killed Me, and that lived up to it...
  15. That's actually accurate. She's been known to pull coke out of her hair... on stage.
  16. Nighthawk

    Desert Island Draft

    Beavis and Butthead Hail to the kings, baby. When King of the Hill and Daria went, the writing was on the wall. Sure, it was crude, sophmoric and eratic, but Christ was it funny. I could watch these all day. Plus you get the music videos to boot, which are worth watching on their own.
  17. Nighthawk

    "And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also int

    It means Prettiest Girl Of All Time.
  18. Nighthawk

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    R. Kelly is, against all odds, one of my favorite artists.
  19. Nighthawk

    Desert Island Draft: Movie Edition

    Why would he have said that if he didn't?
  20. Nighthawk

    What the fuck is up with the folder subtitle.

    I got these today. That's my first pair of Air Force Ones, furthering the tradition of owning every shoe that there's been a song written about.
  21. Nighthawk

    "And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also int

    That's clearly a polo.
  22. Nighthawk

    The Happening

    Signs was total shit. The Village is actually pretty good if you view it as if you're supposed to know the twist from the beginning (which I did).
  23. Nighthawk

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    When I heard the R Kelly news, I responded with [Murderface:] "It's pee pee time!"
  24. Nighthawk

    The Concert Thread

    Yeah, but you're a grown ass man. My dad has good taste in music, or at least he used to, but he doesn't listen to music anymore, because of his religious beliefs. (not that they forbid him from music, just the kind of music he likes, ie. Sabbath et all)
  25. Nighthawk

    Desert Island Draft

    There's a topic for it right here on this very board. Although the actual title should be Venture Bros.. Let me go correct that...