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Posts posted by Nighthawk

  1. Oh and a quick follow-up, do "lucky" items of clothing factor into the overall color-scheme of what a person's wearing, or does it's cosmic nature give it a free pass? I have a green hat that's been doing good things for me but it's a hard color to incoporate with my current wardrobe. Thoughts?


    The intangible nature of luck renders this moot. The luck, if it's there at all, is a placebo effect of your perception of the hat as lucky. If it feels lucky, it is. If you second guess yourself based on color scheme, it will throw you off.


    If you only have one outfit or two that goes with it, wear them in scenarios where you feel like you could use an extra boost. Don't wear it out.






  2. That was in response to this:


    See when a person who's obviously the product of a mother who sniffed glue, or fell down stairs, or sniffed glue while falling down stairs, an intelligent person can only be complimented by said retards negative conclusion on that person's intelligence. You are a fucking moron. Any negative opinions you hold on my intelligence, will have the opposite effect on my self-esteem.


    So because you essentially pulled the old "opposite day" routine, I responded by saying the opposite of my opinion.


    I don't know why you think it's clear that you're fairly intelligent, anymore than it would be clear that I am.


    This is pretty childish man... coming back and restarting an argument from months ago. I don't know what you expect here.


    Everything I had to say about that situation was already there in the old thread. I'm not just going to say it again.


  3. I can see where a bunch of words could be hard for you. I'd ask for examples but I have a feeling I'm already half-way around one of those funny little english circles you see in movies. This is a discussion forum, all we have is words, if someone's just throwing them around without making a point, it should be easy to use words yourself to explain how. But instead....




    After that my account got changed. You didn't seem intent on continuing at all. But that's ok, with all my word-throwing it probably wouldn't of been that fun anyway.


    This is what prevents real growth, if this relationship is ever gonna go anywhere you need to address your short-comings. I'm not giving up on us, especially not before I get a blow jay.


    Precisely. Everything you said in that thread was wrong, and I explained it to you clearly, but instead of understanding that, you thought that repeating yourself at length would make your statements more valid, or that I would get tired of talking to you and give up.

    Your account was changed because the moderators didn't like you, there's nothing I can do about that. I don't know what gives you the idea I wasn't going to continue.


    This is good, now, if you want to talk further. We have a thread that's nothing but me responding to things people want to know, so this is the perfect place for it.

  4. How can I manipulate girls into having sex with me?


    People ask this of me, but it's really dependent on your own personality. Different things work for different people.


    Some general advice:


    Extreme confidence is an underrated tactic. If she has a boyfriend, say "Break up with that guy. I'm better than him."


    Sign up for okcupid.


    Get drunk with girls (although bear in mind my earlier advice to not drunk as much if you're worried about being a loser).


    A lot of girls in my experience are curious about some of the weird shit I'm into... if you can offer them a unique experience, they'll often be drawn to this.


    The best advice here, though, is this: age. I looked at your profile and saw that you're 23. That's pretty good, but as you get older, this is going to get easier and easier. Just go after younger girls. And the wider the age gap between you gets, the easier it will be. It comes naturally. Easiest thing in the world.


    What is your general mindset throughout the day dealing with people?


    So many people are stupid assholes, I try to be as pleasant and friendly as possible. Just the smallest pleasantness seems major within the context of this cesspool society.


    I'm more introverted, except in the context of performance. People are supporting characters, and I'm the lead. I do sexually fantasize about a lot of people I meet/see.

  5. Matt Young


    I have no problem with Matt Young, I think he's a good guy. He's maybe the kind of guy who'd be more fun to be around outside the internet, but either way, he's cool with me.




    As much as people bitch about him, it all seems to be coming from areas of the board that I don't frequent. Other people reacting to him/painting on pictures of him can be amusing.


    gary floyd


    He and I have a lot of similar tastes and interests. I think on that level, he's a fine chap.




    Hasn't raped any children that I know of.


    King Kamala


    Always liked you too, you're fairly enjoyable to interact with. You're from Maine, and although I have never been there, I enjoy several things about it.


    I'm not sure if I've ever asked you this before but favorite blaxploitation movie?


    Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song, definitely, although a case could be made that it isn't blaxploitation at all. It usually gets classified as such, though, so that's my answer.






  6. I'd definitely have to say Eddie Izzard Dress to Kill... Glorious or Definite Article might be better, but Dress to Kill was the first one I saw, and as such, will always be great to me. I can pretty much recite the whole thing (and have done so on a long road trip). And probably Dave Chappelle For What It's Worth...


    That's what's difficult about ranking stand up films, there are many really funny ones, but those have a certain "event" feel to them that sets them apart, I think.

  7. It's offensive to you? Seriously?


    Offensive in the same manner that a 50 cent movie, or American Idol or anything else that celebrates people as heroic or raise them up to idol status when they don't deserve it at all.


    Depends on who you ask. I think Biggie is more heroic than any firefighter who died in 9/11, because at least he made a difference in peoples' lives.


    You can say nigger all you want, btw.

  8. I just finished Eddie Murphy's "Raw" last night (started watching it the other night drunk- which is probably one of the best ways to enjoy it- and finished it last night also with a buzz goin on). Where does that rank for you in terms of stand up comedy specials? Are you a fan of 80's Eddie Murphy?


    Huge fan.


    Raw is very much near the top of stand up films. It's not as good as Delirious, I don't think, but still amazing. I don't think I could actually rank such things, but I'd probably have Delirious in the top 3 or so, and Raw would be top 10.

  9. Is it safe to say I should be slightly offended by you putting so much effort into what's nothing more than public ejaculation when you refused to continue a previous debate with me that you initiated, and even more so, resulted in my account being changed?


    What public ejaculation do you mean, when I literally posted a picture of my dick with cum on it? But no, don't be offended. I would have been glad to continue to debate with you, in fact, they were talking about banning you and I asked them not to because I wanted to continue. You just kind of took off.

    I any case, I don't think effort is the deciding factor in any of it.


    How come you can't find it in you to love me when I make such an effort to love you?


    I love you in the cosmic sense. I mean, I'm glad you're back here posting again. I love a lot of people who I argue with. Like Marney.


    In what ways am I comparable to Marney, and more to the point, who is Marney?


    Marney is an infamous poster here, although she hasn't posted here in years save a couple brief returns. She's still around at another board, I believe. Anyways, she and I had a colorful history of debate, and had a mutual fondness for each other. Mine was in large part sexual, which was interesting as she was a lesbian. Also a steadfast conservative, of the mentally ill variety.

    You're like her because you both argue by drowning out your opponent with words, which being surprisingly oblivious to what's being said. Sort of a filibuster. I say you're dumber than her because she's clearly well spoken and probably educated, but this really never made her any wiser. I think she's dying now.


    Has EHME ever offered you ten dollars to list him as one of your black friends if the question was ever asked?




    Are you gonna top the picture of your john bloodcock with an even better christmas card, and if so, can I get on that mailing list?


    We'll have to wait and see, but if there's a mailing list, you'll be on it.


  10. Ever own any pets?


    Lots. I've had a lot of cats, around 25 or 30 (depending on if you count strays I fed who lived on the porch) but as I move around a lot, they don't always come with me. I've also had several rats, hairless and otherwise.




    This is Oliver, who is my girlfriend's cat, and now by proxy my cat. She's had him for eight years and moved through three states with him, so I imagine he's going to be around for a while.


    Do you not think your new avatar is a tad hypocritical?


    In what way?
