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Posts posted by Nighthawk

  1. I like part 6 too, but I'm not really seeing it as a good one. I don't know... it was the first one I saw, and I think perhaps people roughly around my age like it for that reason.


    But it's pretty silly. Dig up Jason and beat the shit out of him for no reason, then he gets struck by lightning, making him an invincible zombie... shades of Evil Dead 2, there, but not in the good way. And that sheriff? Dude cracks me up. He refers to turning on the siren in his police cruiser as "hit the noise and the cherries".

  2. Transplanting from the F13th thread:


    They got some explaining to do if they are going ahead with this Halloween sequal (which wont even have Zombie attached to it at all, apparently...not yet at least).


    He just confirmed that he is doing it. Here's the teaser with his name attached:



    I don't think it's such a hot idea, but being the huge fan of he and the first one, I'll watch.
