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Boner Kawanger

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Everything posted by Boner Kawanger

  1. Boner Kawanger

    Crisis Meeting Scheduled for RAW

    His wife is legit pregnant...think of all the angles! Ric Flair is really the daddy Vince McMahon is really the daddy Jazz is really the daddy why it could go on forever! Typical sexist TSM poster. They wouldn't just restrict it to the guys, expect Linda, Stephanie and Rico to join in on the festivities. UYI They'll have the Rock be the real father and then in a revenge match Rock will put over David Arquette before going off to film his next role in the movie(thanks to the crying out for children's story books to be made into films) adaptation of Curious George. Dwayne Johnson will play Curious George George Muruson will play the Tall Man in the Yellow Hat Jeremy Irons will play the evil scientist/zoologist trying to capture George. Rock will of course have many fight scenes where he fends off the evil Zoo Caretakers trying to capture him. They acutally ARE making that movie, with Will Ferrell attached to play the Man in the Yellow Hat. And..."fearmosaicphilosophy"...your stupid signature is streching the page big time.
  2. ...how come did Randy Orton get boo?
  3. Silly lady...how can you think that Matt Hardy or Rob Van Dam will hold a belt in the next month or two? Maybe they can have a ladder match for a copy of WWE Originals. According to Confidential, its one of the most anticipated CDs of the year. And the best.
  4. Boner Kawanger

    Substitute Teaching...

    Well, one time my class didn't HAVE a teacher, so I kinda took over long enough to cover our asses in case anything happened.
  5. Boner Kawanger

    Need Help with old movie

    Dirt bikes? It can only be one thing... Cool as Ice!
  6. Boner Kawanger


    I, ah...have no idea how to set up my voice mail account. That's not a hesitation to answer, its me being embarassed. Just in case someone thought it was guilt. The more I type, the more incriminating this post becomes.
  7. Boner Kawanger

    WWE Originals

    Well, WWE isn't really marketed to wrestling fans anymore, either.
  8. Boner Kawanger

    The OAO Smackdown! (1-8-04) Thread!

    "And waiting four minutes in silence for a commercial." It felt to me like they take LONGER.
  9. Boner Kawanger

    The OAO Smackdown! (1-8-04) Thread!

    Alright, you all hate this. Imagine being there live. And waiting four minutes in silence for a commercial. This heat is so canned.
  10. Boner Kawanger

    Kevin Nash confirms he is done with WWE

    According to Micahel Buffer, Kevin Nash is a "citizen of the world", so I guess we all should give him props. I will, I was a Nash fan years ago.
  11. Boner Kawanger

    Half-Assed SD Spoilers

    Alright, I was rearended by my old computer teacher this morning, so my memory might be hazy. If I feel like it, I'll go more detailed tomorrow. Velocity: Bradshaw vs. The Man The Myth The Legend FERTIQ~! Bradshaw wins with the Clothesline. Kidman beats Sakoda with the SSP Rhyno beats Funaki with the Gore. TWGTT beat Spanky and Paul London with TWGTTWGTTM (The World's Greatest Tag Team's World's Greatest Tag Team Move) And what could top that? Matt Morgan beats Shannon Moore with the Powerbomb Smackdown: Kurt Angle gets a reluctant Eddy/Chavo reunion Benoit wins a mini-Rumble against the FBI Main event announced: Holly vs Big Show Big Show interview. He holds the US Title! ...I should've kept notes... Rey beats Akio after a 2x619 to Akio/Sakoda and West Coast Pop. Rikishi and Scotty come out to face the Bashams, but Kurt has is changed to Eddy/Chavo against the Bashams. They retain, and Chavo takes a seat outside as they beat down Eddy. Chave then attacks Eddy and makes him bleed. A-Train comes out and we're getting sick of the show. Luckily, John Cena comes out and cuts a nice rap and beats Train with the FU. There are no backstage segments save for Kurt appologizing to Eddy. Its late by now and I'm tired and my head hurts, so we left. I'm assuimg Brock returned and beat up Holly in the "main event". Guys, I hate these suck, but I've had the longest day and worst headache ever. They'll get posted eventually. If I remember something...hell, you'll have it by then.
  12. Boner Kawanger

    Half-Assed SD Spoilers

    The team that he hates like hell and fought tooth and nail? ...Yes.
  13. Boner Kawanger

    LatinA heat coming soon

    Will she be Gail Kim v2.0?
  14. Boner Kawanger

    Half-Assed SD Spoilers

    AngleSault, Kurt tells his reason on SmackDown. He couldn't sit by and watch one of the greatest tag teams in the history of this sport break up.
  15. Boner Kawanger

    So will is Lawler going over on tonight?

    So Will is Lawler is one of my best friends. I've known him since preschool.
  16. Boner Kawanger

    I think I'm going to vomit....

    They already made the Dawn remake. I saw a trailer for it before the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which obviously inspired that legitimate news report I posted.
  17. Boner Kawanger

    Britney Spears marries Jason Alexander

    Brit: Damn! I drank too much Red Bull again!
  18. Boner Kawanger

    French fries, your nose, laughing, up in there...

    I'm sure I've done it to someone. I made milk come out of someone's nose back in the 8th grade. God, I was so proud.
  19. Boner Kawanger

    Anyone read any....

    Of course, the FIRST one I read was OATLD.
  20. Boner Kawanger

    Why the names of wrestling games suck

    I got a call at my store (Gamestop) and a lady once asked us... "Do you guys sell video games?" People like that should be clubbed in the kneecaps with a tackhammer. (I worked at Sam Goody for a month) Guy Looking At A Price Tag: Is this $29.99? Me: ....Yes. Guy: Oh, okay. And then... Woman: Do ya'll sell hairspray and color? Me: No...we sell DVDs and CDs and games... Woman: Oh. I came in the wrong store.
  21. Boner Kawanger

    Off Year at Box Office

    Last I read Duff wasn't going to be in 2 because they're going to make the Cody Banks movies like Bond with a new leading lady each film. Amanda Bynes or Lindsay Lohan?
  22. Boner Kawanger

    Lil Naitch!

  23. Boner Kawanger

    Best 007 Pre-Titles Sequence

    One film that they didn't show on SPIKE, that I think you'd really enjoy kkk is License to Kill (1989). It's really low-tech, deadly serious, and it has a lot of fantastic action sequences and strong performances from Timothy Dalton and Robert Davi. Is that the one where the bad guy feeds one of Bond's friends to a shark toward the start of the film? I remember seeing that one in the theaters when I was a kid... Bingo.
  24. Boner Kawanger

    Kevin Nahs officially gone from the WWE!

    Hey, look. Its like the best post in a long time or something.
  25. Boner Kawanger

    Cover Triple H in bees

    BEST. QUOTE. EVER. Yes, yes it is. ALTHOUGH. I. THINK. THAT. THIS. IS. PLAYED. Thank. You. Both. Very. Much. I. Appreciate. The. Support. Read my sig to find out how to relive the excitement of laughing at my post!