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Boner Kawanger

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Everything posted by Boner Kawanger

  1. Boner Kawanger

    Confidential Preview

    If they ever did a '97 one, it would revolve around a certain November event... Bret Hart beginning the destruction of WCW? Oh, wait. They already did that one. I guess it'll be Rick Rude showing up on RAW and Nitro the same night!
  2. Boner Kawanger

    15 G's on Benoit!

    Eep. Gang Warz. No. Bad.
  3. Boner Kawanger

    Has anyone else done this?

    The first time Brock showed up and killed everyone, I was freaking out.
  4. Boner Kawanger

    Butt ugly cars

    Winner. I have a friend who wants one of these to live in (don't ask...), but even he'll admit they're ugly as hell.
  5. Boner Kawanger

    movies that need to be put on DVD

    Schindler's List is coming early next year, the original Star Wars trilogy is rumored to be released next November, and I'd be the first one to buy A Face in the Crowd, but I haven't heard anything about it.
  6. Boner Kawanger

    100 years ago today

    I'll admit, I mark for the Great Train Robbery. I don't know if its my general love of film or my obssession with things like this and War of the World's ability to spook people or both, but I do.
  7. Boner Kawanger

    Weekend Box Office Report 11/28 - 11/30

    I hope Honey bombs and bombs and bombs. The past six times I've been to the movies, I've been subjected to its shitty trailer probably eight times. Good lord, that whole premise is annoying. Jessica Alba, however, can keep posing for Maxim. Growl.
  8. Boner Kawanger

    Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

    So what combo/kart does everyone use? For me, it's Para-Trooper and Baby Mario (for size and special items) in the Para-Kart (for its acceleration).
  9. Boner Kawanger

    James Bond DVD Boxsets

    In 2005, yes. From what I've read, the first 6 or 7 films will be getting their soundtracks remastered. BTW, Mr. Zsasz, since you own the set, what DVDs are in Vol. 2? From Russia with Love (commentary by director Terrence Young and members of the cast and crew; "Inside From Russian with Love" and "Harry Saltzman: Showman" documentaries) You Only Live Twice (commentary by director Lewis Gilbert and members of the cast and crew; "Inside You Only Live Twice" and "Silhouettes: The James Bond Titles" documentaries) Diamonds Are Forever (commentary by director Guy Hamilton and members of the cast and crew; "Inside Diamonds Are Forever" and "Cubby Broccoli: The Man Behind Bond" documentaries; deleted scenes) Moonraker ("Inside Moonraker" and "The Men Behind the Mayhem" documentaries; still gallery) For Your Eyes Only (commentary by director John Glen; commentary by producer Michael Wilson and crew members; "Inside For Your Eyes Only" documentary; "For Your Eyes Only" music video by Sheena Easton; behind-the-scenes photo gallery with over 150 pictures) The Living Daylights (commentary by director John Glen and the members of the cast and crew; "Inside The Living Daylights" and "Ian Fleming: 007's Creator" documentaries; never-before-seen deleted scene; music video) The World Is Not Enough (commentary by director Michael Apted; commentary by production designer Peter Lamont, second unit director Vic Armstrong, and composer David Arnold; "The Making of The World Is Not Enough" documentary; The Secrets of 007: Featuring Alternate Video Options; "The World Is Not Enough" music video by Garbage) Theatrical trailer(s), radio spots Animated storyboard sequences Collectible booklets Widescreen anamorphic format Number of discs: 7
  10. Boner Kawanger

    The OAO Velocidental Thread

    What do you want Nunzio as Tv Champ? no but a pretty good addition to the cruiserweight roster. The belt's going to start looping like the womens title. Does anyone know who the Cruiser champ even is? It, honest to God, took me a minute to remember who it was. And I used to be able to recite title reigns...back in the days when I'd read the PWI Almanac like a bible.
  11. Boner Kawanger

    Banky's new name screws up the board

  12. Boner Kawanger

    CKY4 dvd cover

    They're not complete. These sets are edited versions of the movies with anything that got Bam threatened with legal action taken out. Your only hope to see the uncut versions is to find the orginal boxset or Kazaa. Same thing goes with CKY 4. The He-Man people were none too pleasesd with Bam and Brandon's "Skeletor and Beastman" song, so all future CKY 4 copies are edited as well. I have all the original, uncut CKY DVDs. All I'm interested in is the documentary, and I don't want to have to go through the boxset to get it.
  13. Boner Kawanger

    Raw: House Show

    Good to see Storm and Venis defending America!
  14. Boner Kawanger

    The One and Only...

    Will this be the next APO Thread or get shot down in a retarded hailfire? Only time will tell...
  15. Boner Kawanger

    James Bond DVD Boxsets

    Well, doesn't that suck for other people. I have to COMPLETE THE SET~!, so the boxes are mine. And "Hispanic assassins with porn star 'staches" almost rhymes, I'm going to write a song with it.
  16. Boner Kawanger

    CKY4 dvd cover

    Speaking of CKY DVDs, has anyone seen the two 'new' ones out? They look to be compilations (Volume One has CKY1 and the CKY Documentary on the back; Volume Two has CKY2K and CKY # on the back), but I wanted to make sure they had the entire movies before I bought the one with the documentary to complete the set.
  17. Boner Kawanger

    James Bond DVD Boxsets

    I do. Moonraker rocks. It has lasers AND Jaws. And I think you CAN buy them seperately...you could last year and back when they were originally released...
  18. Boner Kawanger

    The Taking of HHH

  19. Boner Kawanger

    Pitchfork's revised 100 Best Albums of the 90's.

    I'm glad Grace was on there.
  20. Boner Kawanger

    Time to make Malibu cream his pants

    So? He got someone else in the ear! Could you please speak up?
  21. Boner Kawanger

    The Dames Appreciation Thread

    Lonesome Rhodes never said that *Marks out for A Fuckin' Face in the Fuckin' Crowd, Damnit*
  22. Boner Kawanger

    I'm a freak

    It's okay. I looked in the general direction of two black girls and I was labeled a racist.
  23. Boner Kawanger

    Have More Money Now!

    I don't trust men who turn towards The Riddler for fashion advice. EDIT: Wait, shit. I'm thinking of that guy on TV...Matthew Lesko, maybe? This is Bradshaw's book...damn. My bad. Go ahead. I do trust cowboy rapists.
  24. Boner Kawanger

    Bale To Be The New Batman; Caine To Be Alfred

    Bale-man is no new news item, but I'm happy with Caine. I'd prefer him over Anthony Hopkins, less distracting.
  25. Boner Kawanger

    The Dames Appreciation Thread

    The Dames looks maniacal in that picture. I was honestly going to start a thread about it, but I was struggling with it. Damn maniac.